
debian-proxmox ansible role

This ansible role can be used to convert a (running and reachable) debian to a proxmox instance.

It automates the instructions from


This role will attempt to ensure that the /etc/hosts are configured correctly for PVE. The public IP of the server should be given in debian_proxmox_public_ip and defaults to ansible_facts['eno1'].ipv4.address.

The hostname and fqdn should be correctly set in debian_proxmox_hostname and debian_proxmox_fqdn, and default to ansible_hostname and ansible_fqdn respectively.


It is recommended to remove the packages for the os-prober (which would attempt to add VMs as bootable entries in the bootloader) and the default linux kernel linux-image-amd64 / linux-image-5.10* (and use the proxmox-provided kernel instead). This role will remove those packages without asking, so be aware.