--- - name: Configure postgresql block: - name: Ensure postgresql superuser is set community.postgresql.postgresql_user: name: "{{ postgresql_admin_role }}" password: "{{ postgresql_superuser_password }}" login_host: "{{ postgresql_login_host }}" register: postgresql_superuser_password_result until: "postgresql_superuser_password_result is succeeded" retries: 10 delay: 2 - name: Ensure postgresql configuration is set community.postgresql.postgresql_set: name: "{{ option.key }}" value: "{{ pg_option_value }}" login_host: "{{ postgresql_login_host }}" login_port: "{{ postgresql_config_port }}" login_password: "{{ postgresql_superuser_password }}" loop: "{{ postgresql_merged_config | dict2items }}" loop_control: loop_var: option vars: pg_option_value: >-2 {{ (option.value | join(' ')) if (option.value is iterable and option.value is not string and option.value is not mapping) else option.value }} register: postgresql_config_results - name: Ensure postgresql configuration is reloaded community.postgresql.postgresql_query: db: "postgres" query: "SELECT pg_reload_conf();" login_host: "{{ postgresql_login_host }}" login_port: "{{ postgresql_config_port }}" login_password: "{{ postgresql_superuser_password }}" - name: Ensure restart handler is fired if required debug: msg: "{{ result.option.key }} changed! Restart required: {{ result.restart_required }}" when: result.changed changed_when: "{{ result.restart_required }}" notify: postgresql_restart loop: "{{ postgresql_config_results.results }}" loop_control: loop_var: result label: "{{ result.option.key }}" vars: postgresql_login_host: >-2 {{ (postgresql_config_unix_socket_directories | first) if postgresql_config_connect_socket else (postgresql_container_info.container.NetworkSettings.IPAddress) }}