Angular Treeview
Pure [AngularJS]( based tree menu directive.
## Installation
Copy the script and css into your project and add a script and link tag to your page.
Add a dependency to your application module.
angular.module('myApp', ['angularTreeview']);
Add a tree to your application. See [Usage](#usage).
## Usage
Attributes of angular treeview are below.
- angular-treeview: the treeview directive.
- tree-id : each tree's unique id.
- tree-model : the tree model on $scope.
- node-id : each node's id.
- node-label : each node's label.
- node-children: each node's children.
Here is a simple example.
Example model:
$scope.treedata =
{ "label" : "User", "id" : "role1", "children" : [
{ "label" : "subUser1", "id" : "role11", "children" : [] },
{ "label" : "subUser2", "id" : "role12", "children" : [
{ "label" : "subUser2-1", "id" : "role121", "children" : [
{ "label" : "subUser2-1-1", "id" : "role1211", "children" : [] },
{ "label" : "subUser2-1-2", "id" : "role1212", "children" : [] }
{ "label" : "Admin", "id" : "role2", "children" : [] },
{ "label" : "Guest", "id" : "role3", "children" : [] }
## Selection
If tree node is selected, then that selected tree node is saved to $scope."TREE ID".currentNode. By using $watch, the controller can recognize the tree selection.
$scope.$watch( 'abc.currentNode', function( newObj, oldObj ) {
if( $ && angular.isObject($ ) {
console.log( 'Node Selected!!' );
console.log( $ );
}, false);
## Examples
#### Basic example
[jsFiddle -](
#### Multiple treeview example
[jsFiddle -](
## Browser Compatibility
Same with AngularJS. Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE8, IE9 and mobile browsers (Android, Chrome Mobile, iOS Safari).
## Changelogs
#### version 0.1.6
- Fixed the bug that 'null' string appears before each 'div' generated. (Thanks to Iaac)
#### version 0.1.5
- support multiple treeview. (Thanks to Axel Pesme)
#### version 0.1.4
- prevented memory leaks.
#### version 0.1.3
- removed unnecessary codes.
#### version 0.1.2
- removed some jQuery dependency. (Issue #2)
## License
The MIT License.
Copyright ⓒ 2013 AHN JAE-HA.