
Initial attempt. Seems to work fine.

Only tested on debian amd64 so far
This commit is contained in:
Peetz0r 2021-01-29 05:29:25 +01:00
parent 96e6111aa6
commit 13ef9e85cf
9 changed files with 269 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -1368,6 +1368,27 @@ matrix_synapse_admin_container_self_build: "{{ matrix_architecture != 'amd64' }}
# matrix-prometheus
matrix_prometheus_enabled: false
# Normally, matrix-nginx-proxy is enabled and nginx can reach Prometheus over the container network.
# If matrix-nginx-proxy is not enabled, or you otherwise have a need for it, you can expose
# Prometheus' HTTP port to the local host.
matrix_prometheus_container_http_host_bind_port: "{{ '' if matrix_nginx_proxy_enabled else '' }}"
# /matrix-prometheus
###################################################################### ######################################################################
# #
# matrix-registration # matrix-registration

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# matrix-prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit
# See:
matrix_prometheus_enabled: false
matrix_prometheus_docker_image: ""
matrix_prometheus_docker_image_force_pull: "{{ matrix_prometheus_docker_image.endswith(':latest') }}"
matrix_synapse_prometheus_rules_download_url: "{{ matrix_synapse_docker_image_tag }}/contrib/prometheus/synapse-v2.rules"
matrix_prometheus_base_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/prometheus"
matrix_prometheus_config_path: "{{ matrix_prometheus_base_path }}/config"
matrix_prometheus_data_path: "{{ matrix_prometheus_base_path }}/data"
# A list of extra arguments to pass to the container
matrix_prometheus_container_extra_arguments: []
# List of systemd services that matrix-prometheus.service depends on
matrix_prometheus_systemd_required_services_list: ['docker.service']
# List of systemd services that matrix-prometheus.service wants
matrix_prometheus_systemd_wanted_services_list: []
# Controls whether the matrix-prometheus container exposes its HTTP port (tcp/9090 in the container).
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
matrix_prometheus_container_http_host_bind_port: ''
# Default prometheus configuration template which covers the generic use case.
# You can customize it by controlling the various variables inside it.
# For a more advanced customization, you can extend the default (see `matrix_prometheus_configuration_extension_yaml`)
# or completely replace this variable with your own template.
matrix_prometheus_configuration_yaml: "{{ lookup('template', 'templates/prometheus.yml.j2') }}"
matrix_prometheus_configuration_extension_yaml: |
# Your custom YAML configuration goes here.
# This configuration extends the default starting configuration (`matrix_prometheus_configuration_yaml`).
# You can override individual variables from the default configuration, or introduce new ones.
# If you need something more special, you can take full control by
# completely redefining `matrix_prometheus_configuration_yaml`.
matrix_prometheus_configuration_extension: "{{ matrix_prometheus_configuration_extension_yaml|from_yaml if matrix_prometheus_configuration_extension_yaml|from_yaml is mapping else {} }}"
# Holds the final configuration (a combination of the default and its extension).
# You most likely don't need to touch this variable. Instead, see `matrix_prometheus_configuration_yaml`.
matrix_prometheus_configuration: "{{ matrix_prometheus_configuration_yaml|from_yaml|combine(matrix_prometheus_configuration_extension, recursive=True) }}"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
- set_fact:
matrix_systemd_services_list: "{{ matrix_systemd_services_list + ['matrix-prometheus.service'] }}"
when: matrix_prometheus_enabled|bool

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
- import_tasks: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/init.yml"
- always
- import_tasks: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/validate_config.yml"
when: run_setup|bool
- setup-all
- setup-prometheus
- import_tasks: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/setup.yml"
- setup-all
- setup-prometheus

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
# Tasks related to setting up matrix-prometheus
- name: Ensure matrix-prometheus image is pulled
name: "{{ matrix_prometheus_docker_image }}"
source: "{{ 'pull' if ansible_version.major > 2 or ansible_version.minor > 7 else omit }}"
force_source: "{{ matrix_prometheus_docker_image_force_pull if ansible_version.major > 2 or ansible_version.minor >= 8 else omit }}"
force: "{{ omit if ansible_version.major > 2 or ansible_version.minor >= 8 else matrix_prometheus_docker_image_force_pull }}"
when: "matrix_prometheus_enabled|bool"
- name: Ensure Prometheus paths exists
path: "{{ item }}"
state: directory
mode: 0750
owner: "{{ matrix_user_username }}"
group: "{{ matrix_user_groupname }}"
- "{{ matrix_prometheus_base_path }}"
- "{{ matrix_prometheus_config_path }}"
- "{{ matrix_prometheus_data_path }}"
when: matrix_prometheus_enabled|bool
- name: Ensure prometheus.yml installed
content: "{{ matrix_prometheus_configuration|to_nice_yaml }}"
dest: "{{ matrix_prometheus_config_path }}/prometheus.yml"
mode: 0644
owner: "{{ matrix_user_username }}"
group: "{{ matrix_user_groupname }}"
when: matrix_prometheus_enabled|bool
- name: Download synapse-v2.rules
url: "{{ matrix_synapse_prometheus_rules_download_url }}"
dest: "{{ matrix_prometheus_config_path }}/synapse-v2.rules"
force: true
mode: 0440
owner: "{{ matrix_user_username }}"
group: "{{ matrix_user_groupname }}"
when: matrix_prometheus_enabled|bool
- name: Ensure matrix-prometheus.service installed
src: "{{ role_path }}/templates/systemd/matrix-prometheus.service.j2"
dest: "{{ matrix_systemd_path }}/matrix-prometheus.service"
mode: 0644
register: matrix_prometheus_systemd_service_result
when: matrix_prometheus_enabled|bool
- name: Ensure systemd reloaded after matrix-prometheus.service installation
daemon_reload: yes
when: "matrix_prometheus_enabled|bool and matrix_prometheus_systemd_service_result.changed"
# Tasks related to getting rid of matrix-prometheus (if it was previously enabled)
- name: Check existence of matrix-prometheus service
path: "{{ matrix_systemd_path }}/matrix-prometheus.service"
register: matrix_prometheus_service_stat
- name: Ensure matrix-prometheus is stopped
name: matrix-prometheus
state: stopped
daemon_reload: yes
register: stopping_result
when: "not matrix_prometheus_enabled|bool and matrix_prometheus_service_stat.stat.exists"
- name: Ensure matrix-prometheus.service doesn't exist
path: "{{ matrix_systemd_path }}/matrix-prometheus.service"
state: absent
when: "not matrix_prometheus_enabled|bool and matrix_prometheus_service_stat.stat.exists"
- name: Ensure systemd reloaded after matrix-prometheus.service removal
daemon_reload: yes
when: "not matrix_prometheus_enabled|bool and matrix_prometheus_service_stat.stat.exists"
- name: Ensure matrix-prometheus Docker image doesn't exist
name: "{{ matrix_prometheus_docker_image }}"
state: absent
when: "not matrix_prometheus_enabled|bool"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
- name: Fail if Synapse metrics not enabled
msg: >
You need to enable `matrix_synapse_metrics_enabled` for Prometheus grab metrics.
when: "not matrix_synapse_metrics_enabled"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#jinja2: lstrip_blocks: "True"
scrape_interval: 15s # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Default is every 1 minute.
evaluation_interval: 15s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default is every 1 minute.
# scrape_timeout is set to the global default (10s).
# Load rules once and periodically evaluate them according to the global 'evaluation_interval'.
{% if matrix_synapse_metrics_enabled %}
- 'synapse-v2.rules'
{% endif %}
# A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape:
# Here it's Prometheus itself.
# The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
- job_name: 'prometheus'
# Override the global default and scrape targets from this job every 5 seconds.
scrape_interval: 5s
scrape_timeout: 5s
# metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
# scheme defaults to 'http'.
- targets: ['localhost:9090']
{% if matrix_synapse_metrics_enabled %}
- job_name: 'synapse'
metrics_path: '/_synapse/metrics'
- targets: ['matrix-synapse:{{ matrix_synapse_metrics_port }}']
{% endif %}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#jinja2: lstrip_blocks: "True"
{% for service in matrix_prometheus_systemd_required_services_list %}
Requires={{ service }}
After={{ service }}
{% endfor %}
{% for service in matrix_prometheus_systemd_wanted_services_list %}
Wants={{ service }}
{% endfor %}
Environment="HOME={{ matrix_systemd_unit_home_path }}"
ExecStartPre=-{{ matrix_host_command_sh }} -c '{{ matrix_host_command_docker }} kill matrix-prometheus 2>/dev/null'
ExecStartPre=-{{ matrix_host_command_sh }} -c '{{ matrix_host_command_docker }} rm matrix-prometheus 2>/dev/null'
ExecStart={{ matrix_host_command_docker }} run --rm --name matrix-prometheus \
--log-driver=none \
--user={{ matrix_user_uid }}:{{ matrix_user_gid }} \
--cap-drop=ALL \
--network={{ matrix_docker_network }} \
{% if matrix_prometheus_container_http_host_bind_port %}
-p {{ matrix_prometheus_container_http_host_bind_port }}:9090 \
{% endif %}
-v {{ matrix_prometheus_config_path }}:/etc/prometheus:z \
-v {{ matrix_prometheus_data_path }}:/prometheus:z \
{% for arg in matrix_prometheus_container_extra_arguments %}
{{ arg }} \
{% endfor %}
{{ matrix_prometheus_docker_image }}
ExecStop=-{{ matrix_host_command_sh }} -c '{{ matrix_host_command_docker }} kill matrix-prometheus 2>/dev/null'
ExecStop=-{{ matrix_host_command_sh }} -c '{{ matrix_host_command_docker }} rm matrix-prometheus 2>/dev/null'

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
- matrix-bot-matrix-reminder-bot - matrix-bot-matrix-reminder-bot
- matrix-synapse - matrix-synapse
- matrix-synapse-admin - matrix-synapse-admin
- matrix-prometheus
- matrix-registration - matrix-registration
- matrix-client-element - matrix-client-element
- matrix-jitsi - matrix-jitsi