# Enabling metrics and graphs for NginX logs (optional) It can be useful to have some (visual) insight into [nginx](https://nginx.org/) logs. This adds [prometheus-nginxlog-exporter](https://github.com/martin-helmich/prometheus-nginxlog-exporter/) to your Matrix deployment. It will collect access logs from various nginx reverse-proxies used internally (e.g. `matrix-homeserver-proxy` and `matrix-synapse-reverse-proxy-companion`) and will make them available at a Prometheus-compatible `/metrics` endpoint. **NOTE**: nginx is only used internally by this Ansible playbook. With Traefik being our default reverse-proxy, collecting nginx metrics is less relevant. To make use of this, you need to install [Prometheus](./configuring-playbook-prometheus-grafana.md) either via the playbook or externally. When using an external Prometheus, configuration adjustments are necessary - see [Save metrics on an external Prometheus server](#save-metrics-on-an-external-prometheus-server). If your setup includes [Grafana](./configuring-playbook-prometheus-grafana.md), a dedicated `NGINX PROXY` Grafana dashboard will be created. ## Configuration You can enable this role by adding the following settings in your configuration file (`inventory/host_vars/matrix./vars.yml`): ```yaml matrix_prometheus_nginxlog_exporter_enabled: true ``` Then, re-run the playbook. See [installation](./installing.md). ## Docker Image Compatibility At the moment of writing only images for `amd64` and `arm64` architectures are available The playbook currently does not support [self-building](./self-building.md) a container image on other architectures. You can however use a custom-build image by setting: ```yaml matrix_prometheus_nginxlog_exporter_docker_image_arch_check_enabled: false matrix_prometheus_nginxlog_exporter_docker_image: path/to/docker/image:tag ``` ## Security and privacy Metrics and resulting graphs can contain a lot of information. NginX logs contain information like IP address, URLs, UserAgents and more. This information can reveal usage patterns and could be considered Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Think about this before enabling (anonymous) access. Please make sure you change the default Grafana password. ## Save metrics on an external Prometheus server The playbook will automatically integrate the metrics into the [Prometheus](./configuring-playbook-prometheus-grafana.md) server provided with this playbook (if enabled). In such cases, the metrics endpoint is not exposed publicly - it's only available on the container network. When using an external Prometheus server, you'll need to expose metrics publicly. See [Collecting metrics to an external Prometheus server](./configuring-playbook-prometheus-grafana.md#collecting-metrics-to-an-external-prometheus-server). You can either use `matrix_prometheus_nginxlog_exporter_metrics_proxying_enabled: true` to expose just this one service, or `matrix_metrics_exposure_enabled: true` to expose all services. Whichever way you go with, this service will expose its metrics endpoint **without password-protection** at `https://matrix.DOMAIN/metrics/nginxlog` by default. For password-protection, use (`matrix_metrics_exposure_http_basic_auth_enabled` and `matrix_metrics_exposure_http_basic_auth_users`) or (`matrix_prometheus_nginxlog_exporter_container_labels_metrics_middleware_basic_auth_enabled` and `matrix_prometheus_nginxlog_exporter_container_labels_metrics_middleware_basic_auth_users`).