
- set_fact:
    well_known_url_matrix: "https://{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}{{ well_known_file_check.path }}"
    well_known_url_identity: "https://{{ matrix_domain }}{{ well_known_file_check.path }}"

# These well-known files may be served without a `Content-Type: application/json` header,
# so we can't rely on the uri module's automatic parsing of JSON.
- name: Check .well-known on the matrix hostname
    url: "{{ well_known_url_matrix }}"
    follow_redirects: none
    return_content: true
    validate_certs: "{{ well_known_file_check.validate_certs }}"
      Origin: example.com
  check_mode: false
  register: result_well_known_matrix
  ignore_errors: true

- name: Fail if .well-known not working on the matrix hostname
    msg: "Failed checking that the well-known file for {{ well_known_file_check.purpose }} is configured at `{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}` (checked endpoint: `{{ well_known_url_matrix }}`). Is port 443 open in your firewall? Full error: {{ result_well_known_matrix }}"
  when: "result_well_known_matrix.failed"

- name: Parse JSON for well-known payload at the matrix hostname
    well_known_matrix_payload: "{{ result_well_known_matrix.content|from_json }}"

- name: Fail if .well-known not CORS-aware on the matrix hostname
    msg: "The well-known file for {{ well_known_file_check.purpose }} on `{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}` (checked endpoint: `{{ well_known_url_matrix }}`) is not CORS-aware. The file needs to be served with an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header set."
  when: "well_known_file_check.cors and 'access_control_allow_origin' not in result_well_known_matrix"

- name: Report working .well-known on the matrix hostname
    msg: "well-known for {{ well_known_file_check.purpose }} is configured correctly for `{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}` (checked endpoint: `{{ well_known_url_matrix }}`)"

- name: Check .well-known on the identity hostname
    url: "{{ well_known_url_identity }}"
    follow_redirects: "{{ well_known_file_check.follow_redirects }}"
    return_content: true
    validate_certs: "{{ well_known_file_check.validate_certs }}"
      Origin: example.com
  check_mode: false
  register: result_well_known_identity
  ignore_errors: true

- name: Fail if .well-known not working on the identity hostname
    msg: "Failed checking that the well-known file for {{ well_known_file_check.purpose }} is configured at `{{ matrix_domain }}` (checked endpoint: `{{ well_known_url_identity }}`). Is port 443 open in your firewall? Full error: {{ result_well_known_identity }}"
  when: "result_well_known_identity.failed"

- name: Parse JSON for well-known payload at the identity hostname
    well_known_identity_payload: "{{ result_well_known_identity.content|from_json }}"

- name: Fail if .well-known not CORS-aware on the identity hostname
    msg: "The well-known file for {{ well_known_file_check.purpose }} on `{{ matrix_domain }}` (checked endpoint: `{{ well_known_url_identity }}`) is not CORS-aware. The file needs to be served with an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header set. See docs/configuring-well-known.md"
  when: "well_known_file_check.cors and 'access_control_allow_origin' not in result_well_known_identity"

# For people who manually copy the well-known file, try to detect if it's outdated
- name: Fail if well-known is different on matrix hostname and identity hostname
    msg: "The well-known files for {{ well_known_file_check.purpose }} at `{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}` and `{{ matrix_domain }}` are different. Perhaps you copied the file ({{ well_known_file_check.path }}) manually before and now it's outdated?"
  when: "well_known_matrix_payload != well_known_identity_payload"

- name: Report working .well-known on the identity hostname
    msg: "well-known for {{ well_known_file_check.purpose }} ({{ well_known_file_check.path }}) is configured correctly for `{{ matrix_domain }}` (checked endpoint: `{{ well_known_url_identity }}`)"