
# This is a cleanup/migration task, because of to the new way we manage cronjobs (`cron` module) and the new script name.
# This migration task can be removed some time in the future.
- name: (Migration) Remove deprecated Let's Encrypt SSL certificate management files
    path: "{{ item }}"
    state: absent
    - /usr/local/bin/matrix-ssl-certificates-renew
    - /etc/cron.d/matrix-ssl-certificate-renewal
    - /etc/cron.d/matrix-nginx-proxy-periodic-restarter

# Tasks related to setting up Let's Encrypt's management of certificates

- name: (Deprecation) Catch and report renamed settings
    msg: >-
      Your configuration contains a variable, which now has a different name.
      Please change your configuration to rename the variable (`{{ item.old }}` -> `{{ item.new }}`).
    - {'old': 'host_specific_matrix_ssl_support_email', 'new': 'matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_support_email'}
    - {'old': 'host_specific_matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_support_email', 'new': 'matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_support_email'}
  when: "matrix_ssl_retrieval_method == 'lets-encrypt' and item.old in vars"

- name: Fail if required variables are undefined
    msg: "Detected an undefined required variable"
    - "matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_support_email"
  when: "matrix_ssl_retrieval_method == 'lets-encrypt' and vars[item] is none"

- name: Ensure certbot Docker image is pulled
    name: "{{ matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_certbot_docker_image }}"
    source: "{{ 'pull' if ansible_version.major > 2 or ansible_version.minor > 7 else omit }}"
    force_source: "{{ matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_certbot_docker_image_force_pull if ansible_version.major > 2 or ansible_version.minor >= 8 else omit }}"
    force: "{{ omit if ansible_version.major > 2 or ansible_version.minor >= 8 else matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_certbot_docker_image_force_pull }}"
  when: "matrix_ssl_retrieval_method == 'lets-encrypt'"

- name: Obtain Let's Encrypt certificates
  include_tasks: "{{ role_path }}/tasks/ssl/setup_ssl_lets_encrypt_obtain_for_domain.yml"
  with_items: "{{ matrix_ssl_domains_to_obtain_certificates_for }}"
    loop_var: domain_name
  when: "matrix_ssl_retrieval_method == 'lets-encrypt'"

- name: Ensure Let's Encrypt SSL renewal script installed
    src: "{{ role_path }}/templates/usr-local-bin/matrix-ssl-lets-encrypt-certificates-renew.j2"
    dest: /usr/local/bin/matrix-ssl-lets-encrypt-certificates-renew
    mode: 0750
  when: "matrix_ssl_retrieval_method == 'lets-encrypt'"

- block:
  - name: Ensure periodic SSL renewal cronjob configured (MAILTO)
      user: root
      cron_file: matrix-ssl-lets-encrypt
      env: yes
      name: MAILTO
      value: "{{ matrix_ssl_lets_encrypt_support_email }}"

  - name: Ensure periodic SSL renewal cronjob configured (matrix-ssl-lets-encrypt-certificates-renew)
      user: root
      cron_file: matrix-ssl-lets-encrypt
      name: matrix-ssl-lets-encrypt-certificates-renew
      state: present
      hour: "4"
      minute: "15"
      day: "*"
      job: /usr/local/bin/matrix-ssl-lets-encrypt-certificates-renew

  - name: Ensure periodic reloading of matrix-nginx-proxy is configured for SSL renewal (matrix-nginx-proxy-reload)
      user: root
      cron_file: matrix-ssl-lets-encrypt
      name: matrix-nginx-proxy-reload
      state: present
      hour: "5"
      minute: "20"
      day: "*"
      job: /bin/systemctl reload matrix-nginx-proxy.service
    when: matrix_nginx_proxy_enabled|bool
  when: "matrix_ssl_retrieval_method == 'lets-encrypt'"

# Tasks related to getting rid of Let's Encrypt's management of certificates

# When nginx-proxy is disabled, make sure its reloading cronjob is gone.
# Other cronjobs can potentially remain there (see below).
- name: Ensure matrix-nginx-proxy-reload cronjob removed
    user: root
    cron_file: matrix-ssl-lets-encrypt
    name: matrix-nginx-proxy-reload
    state: absent
  when: "not matrix_nginx_proxy_enabled|bool"

- name: Ensure matrix-ssl-lets-encrypt-renew cronjob removed
    user: root
    cron_file: matrix-ssl-lets-encrypt
    name: matrix-ssl-lets-encrypt-certificates-renew
    state: absent
  when: "matrix_ssl_retrieval_method != 'lets-encrypt'"

- name: Ensure Let's Encrypt SSL renewal script removed
    path: /usr/local/bin/matrix-ssl-lets-encrypt-certificates-renew
    state: absent
  when: "matrix_ssl_retrieval_method != 'lets-encrypt'"