
- name: Ensure matrix-static-files paths exist
    path: "{{ item }}"
    state: directory
    mode: 0750
    owner: "{{ matrix_user_username }}"
    group: "{{ matrix_user_groupname }}"
    - "{{ matrix_static_files_base_path }}"
    - "{{ matrix_static_files_config_path }}"
    - "{{ matrix_static_files_public_path }}"
    - "{{ matrix_static_files_public_well_known_path }}"
    - "{{ matrix_static_files_public_well_known_matrix_path }}"

- name: Ensure matrix-static-files is configured
    src: "{{ item.src }}"
    dest: "{{ item.dest }}"
    owner: "{{ matrix_user_username }}"
    group: "{{ matrix_user_groupname }}"
    mode: 0644
    - src: "{{ role_path }}/templates/config.toml.j2"
      dest: "{{ matrix_static_files_config_path }}/config.toml"

    - src: "{{ role_path }}/templates/env.j2"
      dest: "{{ matrix_static_files_base_path }}/env"

    - src: "{{ role_path }}/templates/labels.j2"
      dest: "{{ matrix_static_files_base_path }}/labels"

- name: Ensure matrix-static-files files are installed
    content: "{{ item.content }}"
    dest: "{{ item.dest }}"
    mode: 0644
    owner: "{{ matrix_user_username }}"
    group: "{{ matrix_user_groupname }}"
  when: item.when | bool
    - content: "{{ matrix_static_files_file_matrix_client_configuration | to_nice_json }}"
      dest: "{{ matrix_static_files_public_well_known_matrix_path }}/client"
      when: true

    - content: "{{ matrix_static_files_file_matrix_server_configuration | to_nice_json }}"
      dest: "{{ matrix_static_files_public_well_known_matrix_path }}/server"
      when: "{{ matrix_static_files_file_matrix_server_enabled }}"

    - content: "{{ matrix_static_files_file_matrix_support_configuration | to_nice_json }}"
      dest: "{{ matrix_static_files_public_well_known_matrix_path }}/support"
      when: "{{ matrix_static_files_file_matrix_support_enabled }}"

    # This one will not be deleted if `matrix_static_files_file_index_html_enabled` flips to `false`.
    # See the comment for `matrix_static_files_file_index_html_enabled` to learn why.
    - content: "{{ matrix_static_files_file_index_html_template }}"
      dest: "{{ matrix_static_files_public_path }}/index.html"
      when: "{{ matrix_static_files_file_index_html_enabled }}"

- name: Ensure /.well-known/matrix/server file deleted if not enabled
    path: "{{ matrix_static_files_public_well_known_matrix_path }}/server"
    state: absent
  when: "not matrix_static_files_file_matrix_server_enabled | bool"

- name: Ensure /.well-known/matrix/support file deleted if not enabled
    path: "{{ matrix_static_files_public_well_known_matrix_path }}/support"
    state: absent
  when: "not matrix_static_files_file_matrix_support_enabled | bool"

- name: Ensure matrix-static-files container image is pulled
    name: "{{ matrix_static_files_container_image }}"
    source: "{{ 'pull' if ansible_version.major > 2 or ansible_version.minor > 7 else omit }}"
    force_source: "{{ matrix_static_files_container_image_force_pull if ansible_version.major > 2 or ansible_version.minor >= 8 else omit }}"
    force: "{{ omit if ansible_version.major > 2 or ansible_version.minor >= 8 else matrix_static_files_container_image_force_pull }}"
  register: result
  retries: "{{ devture_playbook_help_container_retries_count }}"
  delay: "{{ devture_playbook_help_container_retries_delay }}"
  until: result is not failed

- name: Ensure matrix-static-files container network is created
    name: "{{ matrix_static_files_container_network }}"
    driver: bridge

- name: Ensure matrix-static-files systemd service is installed
    src: "{{ role_path }}/templates/systemd/matrix-static-files.service.j2"
    dest: "{{ devture_systemd_docker_base_systemd_path }}/{{ matrix_static_files_ident }}.service"
    mode: 0644