
- name: Fail if matrix-nginx-proxy role already executed
    msg: >-
      Trying to append Etherpad's reverse-proxying configuration to matrix-nginx-proxy,
      but it's pointless since the matrix-nginx-proxy role had already executed.
      To fix this, please change the order of roles in your playbook,
      so that the matrix-nginx-proxy role would run after the matrix-etherpad role.
  when: matrix_nginx_proxy_role_executed | default(False) | bool

- name: Generate Etherpad proxying configuration for matrix-nginx-proxy
    matrix_etherpad_matrix_nginx_proxy_configuration: |
      rewrite ^{{ matrix_etherpad_public_endpoint }}$ {{ matrix_nginx_proxy_x_forwarded_proto_value }}://$server_name{{ matrix_etherpad_public_endpoint }}/ permanent;

      location {{ matrix_etherpad_public_endpoint }}/ {
      {% if matrix_nginx_proxy_enabled | default(False) %}
        {# Use the embedded DNS resolver in Docker containers to discover the service #}
        resolver valid=5s;
        proxy_pass http://matrix-etherpad:9001/;
        {# These are proxy directives needed specifically by Etherpad #}
        proxy_buffering off;
        proxy_http_version 1.1;  # recommended with keepalive connections
        proxy_pass_header Server;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto {{ matrix_nginx_proxy_x_forwarded_proto_value }}; # for EP to set secure cookie flag when https is used
        # WebSocket proxying - from http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/websocket.html
        proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
        proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;
      {% else %}
        {# Generic configuration for use outside of our container setup #}
        # A good guide for setting up your Etherpad behind nginx:
        # https://docs.gandi.net/en/cloud/tutorials/etherpad_lite.html
      {% endif %}

- name: Register Etherpad proxying configuration with matrix-nginx-proxy
    matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_dimension_additional_server_configuration_blocks: |
        matrix_nginx_proxy_proxy_dimension_additional_server_configuration_blocks | default([])