- name: Enable index.html creation if user doesn't wish to customise base domain delegate_to: lineinfile: path: '{{ awx_cached_matrix_vars }}' regexp: "^#? *{{ item.key | regex_escape() }}:" line: "{{ item.key }}: {{ item.value }}" insertafter: '# Base Domain Settings Start' with_dict: 'matrix_nginx_proxy_base_domain_homepage_enabled': 'true' when: (awx_customise_base_domain_website is defined) and not awx_customise_base_domain_website|bool - name: Disable index.html creation to allow multi-file site if user does wish to customise base domain delegate_to: lineinfile: path: '{{ awx_cached_matrix_vars }}' regexp: "^#? *{{ item.key | regex_escape() }}:" line: "{{ item.key }}: {{ item.value }}" insertafter: '# Base Domain Settings Start' with_dict: 'matrix_nginx_proxy_base_domain_homepage_enabled': 'false' when: (awx_customise_base_domain_website is defined) and awx_customise_base_domain_website|bool - name: Record custom 'Customise Website + Access Export' variables locally on AWX delegate_to: lineinfile: path: '{{ awx_cached_matrix_vars }}' regexp: "^#? *{{ item.key | regex_escape() }}:" line: "{{ item.key }}: {{ item.value }}" insertafter: '# Custom Settings Start' with_dict: 'awx_sftp_auth_method': '"{{ awx_sftp_auth_method }}"' 'awx_sftp_password': '"{{ awx_sftp_password }}"' 'awx_sftp_public_key': '"{{ awx_sftp_public_key }}"' - name: Record custom 'Customise Website + Access Export' variables locally on AWX delegate_to: lineinfile: path: '{{ awx_cached_matrix_vars }}' regexp: "^#? *{{ item.key | regex_escape() }}:" line: "{{ item.key }}: {{ item.value }}" insertafter: '# Custom Settings Start' with_dict: 'awx_customise_base_domain_website': '{{ awx_customise_base_domain_website }}' when: awx_customise_base_domain_website is defined - name: Reload vars in matrix_vars.yml include_vars: file: '{{ awx_cached_matrix_vars }}' no_log: True - name: Save new 'Customise Website + Access Export' survey.json to the AWX tower, template delegate_to: template: src: './roles/matrix-awx/surveys/configure_website_access_export.json.j2' dest: '/var/lib/awx/projects/clients/{{ member_id }}/{{ subscription_id }}/configure_website_access_export.json' when: awx_customise_base_domain_website is defined - name: Copy new 'Customise Website + Access Export' survey.json to target machine copy: src: '/var/lib/awx/projects/clients/{{ member_id }}/{{ subscription_id }}/configure_website_access_export.json' dest: '/matrix/awx/configure_website_access_export.json' mode: '0660' when: awx_customise_base_domain_website is defined - name: Save new 'Customise Website + Access Export' survey.json to the AWX tower, template delegate_to: template: src: './roles/matrix-awx/surveys/access_export.json.j2' dest: '/var/lib/awx/projects/clients/{{ member_id }}/{{ subscription_id }}/access_export.json' when: awx_customise_base_domain_website is undefined - name: Copy new 'Customise Website + Access Export' survey.json to target machine copy: src: '/var/lib/awx/projects/clients/{{ member_id }}/{{ subscription_id }}/access_export.json' dest: '/matrix/awx/access_export.json' mode: '0660' when: awx_customise_base_domain_website is undefined - name: Recreate 'Configure Website + Access Export' job template delegate_to: awx.awx.tower_job_template: name: "{{ matrix_domain }} - 1 - Configure Website + Access Export" description: "Configure base domain website settings and access the servers export." extra_vars: "{{ lookup('file', '/var/lib/awx/projects/clients/{{ member_id }}/{{ subscription_id }}/extra_vars.json') }}" job_type: run job_tags: "start,setup-nginx-proxy" inventory: "{{ member_id }}" project: "{{ member_id }} - Matrix Docker Ansible Deploy" playbook: setup.yml credential: "{{ member_id }} - AWX SSH Key" survey_enabled: true survey_spec: "{{ lookup('file', '/var/lib/awx/projects/clients/{{ member_id }}/{{ subscription_id }}/configure_website_access_export.json') }}" become_enabled: yes state: present verbosity: 1 tower_host: "https://{{ awx_host }}" tower_oauthtoken: "{{ awx_session_token.ansible_facts.tower_token.token }}" validate_certs: yes when: awx_customise_base_domain_website is defined - name: Recreate 'Access Export' job template delegate_to: awx.awx.tower_job_template: name: "{{ matrix_domain }} - 1 - Access Export" description: "Access the services export." extra_vars: "{{ lookup('file', '/var/lib/awx/projects/clients/{{ member_id }}/{{ subscription_id }}/extra_vars.json') }}" job_type: run job_tags: "start,setup-nginx-proxy" inventory: "{{ member_id }}" project: "{{ member_id }} - Matrix Docker Ansible Deploy" playbook: setup.yml credential: "{{ member_id }} - AWX SSH Key" survey_enabled: true survey_spec: "{{ lookup('file', '/var/lib/awx/projects/clients/{{ member_id }}/{{ subscription_id }}/access_export.json') }}" become_enabled: yes state: present verbosity: 1 tower_host: "https://{{ awx_host }}" tower_oauthtoken: "{{ awx_session_token.ansible_facts.tower_token.token }}" validate_certs: yes when: awx_customise_base_domain_website is undefined - name: If user doesn't define a awx_sftp_password, create a disabled 'sftp' account user: name: sftp comment: SFTP user to set custom web files and access servers export shell: /bin/false home: /home/sftp group: matrix password: '*' update_password: always when: awx_sftp_password|length == 0 - name: If user defines awx_sftp_password, enable account and set password on 'stfp' account user: name: sftp comment: SFTP user to set custom web files and access servers export shell: /bin/false home: /home/sftp group: matrix password: "{{ awx_sftp_password | password_hash('sha512') }}" update_password: always when: awx_sftp_password|length > 0 - name: Ensure group "sftp" exists group: name: sftp state: present - name: adding existing user 'sftp' to group matrix user: name: sftp groups: sftp append: yes when: awx_customise_base_domain_website is defined - name: Create the ro /chroot directory with sticky bit if it doesn't exist. (/chroot/website has matrix:matrix permissions and is mounted to nginx container) file: path: /chroot state: directory owner: root group: root mode: '1755' - name: Ensure /chroot/website location exists. file: path: /chroot/website state: directory owner: matrix group: matrix mode: '0770' when: awx_customise_base_domain_website is defined - name: Ensure /chroot/export location exists file: path: /chroot/export state: directory owner: sftp group: sftp mode: '0700' - name: Ensure /home/sftp/.ssh location exists file: path: /home/sftp/.ssh state: directory owner: sftp group: sftp mode: '0700' - name: Ensure /home/sftp/authorized_keys exists file: path: /home/sftp/.ssh/authorized_keys state: touch owner: sftp group: sftp mode: '0644' - name: Clear authorized_keys file shell: echo "" > /home/sftp/.ssh/authorized_keys - name: Insert public SSH key into authorized_keys file lineinfile: path: /home/sftp/.ssh/authorized_keys line: "{{ awx_sftp_public_key }}" owner: sftp group: sftp mode: '0644' when: (awx_sftp_public_key | length > 0) and (awx_sftp_auth_method == "SSH Key") - name: Remove any existing Subsystem lines lineinfile: path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config state: absent regexp: '^Subsystem' - name: Set SSH Subsystem State lineinfile: path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config insertafter: "^# override default of no subsystems" line: "Subsystem sftp internal-sftp" - name: Add SSH Match User section for disabled auth blockinfile: path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config state: absent block: | Match User sftp ChrootDirectory /chroot PermitTunnel no X11Forwarding no AllowTcpForwarding no PasswordAuthentication yes AuthorizedKeysFile /home/sftp/.ssh/authorized_keys when: awx_sftp_auth_method == "Disabled" - name: Add SSH Match User section for password auth blockinfile: path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config state: present block: | Match User sftp ChrootDirectory /chroot PermitTunnel no X11Forwarding no AllowTcpForwarding no PasswordAuthentication yes when: awx_sftp_auth_method == "Password" - name: Add SSH Match User section for publickey auth blockinfile: path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config state: present block: | Match User sftp ChrootDirectory /chroot PermitTunnel no X11Forwarding no AllowTcpForwarding no AuthorizedKeysFile /home/sftp/.ssh/authorized_keys when: awx_sftp_auth_method == "SSH Key" - name: Restart service ssh.service service: name: ssh.service state: restarted