
- name: Fail if reverse-proxy is not nginx
  when: matrix_playbook_reverse_proxy_type not in ['playbook-managed-nginx', 'other-nginx-non-container']
    msg: >
      Etherpad's integration into matrix-nginx-proxy's Dimension server only makes sense if you're using matrix-nginx-proxy.
      `matrix_playbook_reverse_proxy_type` ({{ matrix_playbook_reverse_proxy_type }}) indicates that you're using another reverse-proxy.
      If you're using Traefik, you should configure `etherpad_hostname` and `etherpad_path_prefix` instead.

- name: Fail if Dimension not enabled
  when: not matrix_dimension_enabled
    msg: >
      Etherpad's integration into matrix-nginx-proxy's Dimension server only makes sense if you're using Dimension.
      Looks like Dimension is not enabled in your configuration (judging by `matrix_dimension_enabled`).
      Consider configuring `etherpad_hostname` and `etherpad_path_prefix` instead.

- name: Fail if Etherpad hostname does not match Dimension hostname
  when: etherpad_hostname != matrix_server_fqn_dimension
    msg: >
      Etherpad's integration into matrix-nginx-proxy's Dimension server requires that you set `etherpad_hostname` to `matrix_server_fqn_dimension`.
      Consider adding this to your configuration: `{% raw %}etherpad_hostname: "{{ matrix_server_fqn_dimension }}"{% endraw %}`

- name: Fail if / path prefix used for Etherpad
  when: etherpad_nginx_proxy_dimension_integration_path_prefix == '/'
    msg: >
      Etherpad's integration into matrix-nginx-proxy's Dimension server only makes sense if you're using a non-`/` path for Etherpad.
      You've chosen a path prefix of `/` in `etherpad_nginx_proxy_dimension_integration_path_prefix`.
      The `/` path must go to Dimension itself, so you need to pick a different prefix (e.g. `/etherpad`).