
- name: (Deprecation) Warn about matrix_postgres_use_external usage
    msg: >
      The `matrix_postgres_use_external` variable defined in your configuration is not used by this playbook anymore!
      You'll need to adapt to the new way of using an external Postgres server.
      It's a combination of `matrix_postgres_enabled: false` and specifying Postgres connection
      details in a few `matrix_synapse_database_` variables.
      See the "Using an external PostgreSQL server (optional)" documentation page.
  when: "'matrix_postgres_use_external' in vars"

- name: Fail if required Postgres settings not defined
    msg: >
      You need to define a required configuration setting (`{{ item }}`).
  when: "vars[item] == ''"
    - "matrix_postgres_connection_hostname"
    - "matrix_postgres_connection_username"
    - "matrix_postgres_connection_password"
    - "matrix_postgres_db_name"

- name: Fail if Postgres password length exceeded
    msg: "The maximum `matrix_postgres_connection_password` length is 99 characters"
  when: "matrix_postgres_connection_hostname|length > 99"