#!/usr/bin/awk # Hackish approach to get a machine-readable list of current matrix # synapse REST API endpoints from the official documentation at # https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/raw/master/docs/workers.md # # invoke in shell with: # URL=https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/raw/master/docs/workers.md # curl -L ${URL} | awk -f workers-doc-to-yaml.awk - function worker_stanza_append(string) { worker_stanza = worker_stanza string } function line_is_endpoint_url(line) { # probably API endpoint if it starts with white-space and ^ or / return (line ~ /^ +[\^/].*\//) } # Put YAML marker at beginning of file. BEGIN { print "---" endpoint_conditional_comment = " # FIXME: ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS REQUIRED: to be enabled manually\n" } # Enable further processing after the introductory text. # Read each synapse worker section as record and its lines as fields. /Available worker applications/ { enable_parsing = 1 # set record separator to markdown section header RS = "\n### " # set field separator to newline FS = "\n" } # Once parsing is active, this will process each section as record. enable_parsing { # Each worker section starts with a synapse.app.X headline if ($1 ~ /synapse\.app\./) { # get rid of the backticks and extract worker type from headline gsub("`", "", $1) gsub("synapse.app.", "", $1) worker_type = $1 # initialize empty worker stanza worker_stanza = "" # track if any endpoints are mentioned in a specific section worker_has_urls = 0 # some endpoint descriptions contain flag terms endpoints_seem_conditional = 0 # also, collect a list of available workers workers = (workers ? workers "\n" : "") " - " worker_type # loop through the lines (2 - number of fields in record) for (i = 1; i < NF + 1; i++) { # copy line for gsub replacements line = $i # end all lines but the last with a linefeed linefeed = (i < NF - 1) ? "\n" : "" # line starts with white-space and a hash: endpoint block headline if (line ~ /^ +#/) { # copy to output verbatim, normalizing white-space gsub(/^ +/, "", line) worker_stanza_append(" " line linefeed) } else if (line_is_endpoint_url(line)) { # mark section for special output formatting worker_has_urls = 1 # remove leading white-space gsub(/^ +/, "", line) api_endpoint_regex = line # FIXME: https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse/issues/new # munge inconsistent media_repository endpoint notation if (api_endpoint_regex == "/_matrix/media/") { api_endpoint_regex = "^" line } # disable endpoints which specify complications if (endpoints_seem_conditional) { # only add notice if previous line didn't match if (!line_is_endpoint_url($(i - 1))) { worker_stanza_append(endpoint_conditional_comment) } worker_stanza_append(" # " api_endpoint_regex linefeed) } else { # output endpoint regex worker_stanza_append(" - " api_endpoint_regex linefeed) } # white-space only line? } else if (line ~ /^\w*$/) { if (i > 3 && i < NF) { # print white-space lines unless 1st or last line in section worker_stanza_append(line linefeed) } # nothing of the above: the line is regular documentation text } else { # include this text line as comment worker_stanza_append(" # " line linefeed) # and take note of words hinting at additional conditions to be met if (line ~ /\<[Ii]f\>|\<[Ff]or\>/) { endpoints_seem_conditional = 1 } } } if (worker_has_urls) { print "\nmatrix_synapse_workers_" worker_type "_endpoints:" print worker_stanza } else { # include workers without endpoints as well for reference print "\n# " worker_type " worker (no API endpoints) [" print worker_stanza print "# ]" } } } END { print "\nmatrix_synapse_workers_avail_list:" print workers | "sort" } # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab autoindent