# Configure Traefik (optional, advanced) By default, this playbook installs and manages a [Traefik](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/) reverse-proxy server, powered by the [com.devture.ansible.role.traefik](https://github.com/devture/com.devture.ansible.role.traefik) Ansible role. This Ansible role support various configuration options. Feel free to consult its `default/main.yml` variables file. ## Adjusting SSL certificate retrieval See the dedicated [Adjusting SSL certificate retrieval](configuring-playbook-ssl-certificates.md) documentation page. ## Increase logging verbosity ```yaml devture_traefik_config_log_level: DEBUG ``` ## Disable access logs This will disable access logging. ```yaml devture_traefik_config_accessLog_enabled: false ``` ## Enable Traefik Dashboard This will enable a Traefik [Dashboard](https://doc.traefik.io/traefik/operations/dashboard/) UI at `https://matrix.DOMAIN/dashboard/` (note the trailing `/`). ```yaml devture_traefik_dashboard_enabled: true devture_traefik_dashboard_hostname: "{{ matrix_server_fqn_matrix }}" devture_traefik_dashboard_basicauth_enabled: true devture_traefik_dashboard_basicauth_user: YOUR_USERNAME_HERE devture_traefik_dashboard_basicauth_password: YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE ``` ## Additional configuration Use the `devture_traefik_configuration_extension_yaml` variable provided by the Traefik Ansible role to override or inject additional settings, even when no dedicated variable exists. ```yaml # This is a contrived example. # You can enable and secure the Dashboard using dedicated variables. See above. devture_traefik_configuration_extension_yaml: | api: dashboard: true ```