This is done for a few reasons: - less globals and more indepdendence for each role is better. We rely on various externally-hosted roles and they don't rely on this global either. - `matrix_container_global_registry_prefix` could make people think they could just override this variable and have all their images pull from elsewhere. This is rarely the case, unless you've taken special care to mirror all the various components (from their respective registries) to your own. In such a case, you probably know what you're mirroring and can adjust individual variables. - nowadays, various components live on different registries. With Docker Inc tightening rate limits for Docker Hub, it's even more likely that we'll see increased diversity in where images are hosted
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# Project source code URL:
matrix_coturn_enabled: true
matrix_coturn_container_image_self_build: false
matrix_coturn_container_image_self_build_repo: ""
matrix_coturn_container_image_self_build_repo_version: "docker/{{ matrix_coturn_version }}"
matrix_coturn_container_image_self_build_repo_dockerfile_path: "docker/coturn/alpine/Dockerfile"
# renovate: datasource=docker depName=coturn/coturn
matrix_coturn_version: 4.6.2-r11
matrix_coturn_docker_image: "{{ matrix_coturn_docker_image_name_prefix }}coturn/coturn:{{ matrix_coturn_version }}-alpine"
matrix_coturn_docker_image_name_prefix: "{{ 'localhost/' if matrix_coturn_container_image_self_build else '' }}"
matrix_coturn_docker_image_force_pull: "{{ matrix_coturn_docker_image.endswith(':latest') }}"
# The Docker network that coturn would be put into.
# Because coturn relays traffic to unvalidated IP addresses,
# using a dedicated network, isolated from other Docker (and local) services is preferrable.
# Setting up deny/allow rules with `matrix_coturn_allowed_peer_ips`/`matrix_coturn_denied_peer_ips` is also
# possible for achieving such isolation, but is more complicated due to the dynamic nature of Docker networking.
# Setting `matrix_coturn_container_network` to 'host' will run the container with host networking,
# which will drastically improve performance when thousands of ports are opened due to Docker not having to set up forwarding rules for each port.
# Running with host networking can be dangerous, as it potentially exposes your local network and its services to coturn peers.
# Regardless of the networking mode, we apply a deny list which via `matrix_coturn_denied_peer_ips`,
# which hopefully prevents access to such private network ranges.
# When running in host-networking mode, you need to adjust the firewall yourself, so that ports are opened.
matrix_coturn_container_network: "matrix-coturn"
matrix_coturn_container_additional_networks: "{{ matrix_coturn_container_additional_networks_auto + matrix_coturn_container_additional_networks_custom }}"
matrix_coturn_container_additional_networks_auto: []
matrix_coturn_container_additional_networks_custom: []
matrix_coturn_base_path: "{{ matrix_base_data_path }}/coturn"
matrix_coturn_docker_src_files_path: "{{ matrix_coturn_base_path }}/docker-src"
matrix_coturn_config_path: "{{ matrix_coturn_base_path }}/turnserver.conf"
# List of systemd services that matrix-coturn.service depends on
matrix_coturn_systemd_required_services_list: "{{ [devture_systemd_docker_base_docker_service_name] if devture_systemd_docker_base_docker_service_name else [] }}"
# A list of additional "volumes" to mount in the container.
# This list gets populated dynamically at runtime. You can provide a different default value,
# if you wish to mount your own files into the container.
# Contains definition objects like this: `{"type": "bind", "src": "/outside", "dst": "/inside", "options": "readonly"}.
# See the `--mount` documentation for the `docker run` command.
matrix_coturn_container_additional_volumes: []
# A list of extra arguments to pass to the container
matrix_coturn_container_extra_arguments: []
# Controls whether the coturn container exposes its plain STUN port (tcp/3478 in the container) over TCP.
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
matrix_coturn_container_stun_plain_host_bind_port_tcp: "{{ '3478' if matrix_coturn_container_network != 'host' else '' }}"
# Controls whether the coturn container exposes its plain STUN port (udp/3478 in the container) over UDP.
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
# This is not done by default to decrease the risk of DDoS amplification attacks.
# See:
matrix_coturn_container_stun_plain_host_bind_port_udp: ""
# Controls whether the coturn container exposes its TLS STUN port (tcp/5349 in the container) over TCP.
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
matrix_coturn_container_stun_tls_host_bind_port_tcp: "{{ '5349' if matrix_coturn_container_network != 'host' else '' }}"
# Controls whether the coturn container exposes its TLS STUN port (udp/5349 in the container) over UDP.
# Takes an "<ip>:<port>" or "<port>" value (e.g. ""), or empty string to not expose.
# This is enabled by default, unlike `matrix_coturn_container_stun_plain_host_bind_port_udp`,
# because the risk of DDoS amplification attacks is lower for TLS
# due to the handshake requiring two-way authentication and being generally more expensive.
matrix_coturn_container_stun_tls_host_bind_port_udp: "{{ '5349' if matrix_coturn_container_network != 'host' else '' }}"
# Controls whether the coturn container exposes its TURN UDP port range and which interface to do it on.
# Takes an interface "<ip address>" (e.g. ""), or empty string to listen on all interfaces.
# Takes a null/none value (`~`) or 'none' (as a string) to prevent listening.
# The UDP port-range itself is specified using `matrix_coturn_turn_udp_min_port` and `matrix_coturn_turn_udp_max_port`.
matrix_coturn_container_turn_range_listen_interface: "{{ '' if matrix_coturn_container_network != 'host' else 'none' }}"
# UDP port-range to use for TURN
matrix_coturn_turn_udp_min_port: 49152
matrix_coturn_turn_udp_max_port: 49172
# Controls which authentication method to enable.
# lt-cred-mech likely provides better compatibility,
# as described here:
# but those claims are unverified.
# For now, we still default to `auth-secret` like we've always done.
# Known values: auth-secret, lt-cred-mech
matrix_coturn_authentication_method: auth-secret
# A shared secret used for authentication when `matrix_coturn_authentication_method` is `auth-secret`.
# You can put any string here, but generating a strong one is preferred. You can create one with a command like `pwgen -s 64 1`.
matrix_coturn_turn_static_auth_secret: ""
# A username used authentication when `matrix_coturn_authentication_method` is `lt-cred-mech`.
matrix_coturn_lt_cred_mech_username: ""
# A password used authentication when `matrix_coturn_authentication_method` is `lt-cred-mech`.
matrix_coturn_lt_cred_mech_password: ""
# The external IP address of the machine where coturn is.
# If do not define an IP address here or in `matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_addresses`, auto-detection via an EchoIP service will be done.
# See `matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address_auto_detection_enabled`
matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address: ''
matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_addresses: "{{ [matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address] if matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address != '' else [] }}"
# Controls whether external IP address auto-detection should be attempted.
# We try to do this if there is no external IP address explicitly configured and if an EchoIP service URL is specified.
# See matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address_auto_detection_echoip_service_url
matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address_auto_detection_enabled: "{{ matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_addresses | length == 0 and matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address_auto_detection_echoip_service_url != '' }}"
# Specifies the address of the EchoIP service ( to use for detecting the external IP address.
# By default, we use the official public instance.
# Controls whether SSL certificates will be validated when contacting the EchoIP service (matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address_auto_detection_echoip_service_url)
matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address_auto_detection_echoip_validate_certs: true
matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address_auto_detection_echoip_service_retries_count: "{{ devture_playbook_help_geturl_retries_count }}"
matrix_coturn_turn_external_ip_address_auto_detection_echoip_service_retries_delay: "{{ devture_playbook_help_geturl_retries_delay }}"
matrix_coturn_allowed_peer_ips: []
# We block loopback interfaces and private networks by default to prevent private resources from being accessible.
# This is especially important when coturn does not run within a container network (e.g. `matrix_coturn_container_network: host`).
# Learn more:
# If you're running coturn for local network peers, you may wish to override these rules.
- ::1
- 64:ff9b::-64:ff9b::ffff:ffff
- ::ffff:
- 100::-100::ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
- 2001::-2001:1ff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
- 2002::-2002:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
- fc00::-fdff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
- fe80::-febf:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
matrix_coturn_user_quota: null
matrix_coturn_total_quota: null
# Controls whether `no-tcp-relay` is added to the configuration
# Learn more here:
matrix_coturn_no_tcp_relay_enabled: true
# Controls whether `no-multicast-peers` is added to the configuration
# Learn more here:
matrix_coturn_no_multicast_peers_enabled: true
# Controls whether `no-rfc5780` is added to the configuration
# Learn more here:
matrix_coturn_no_rfc5780_enabled: true
# Controls whether `no-stun-backward-compatibility` is added to the configuration
# Learn more here:
matrix_coturn_no_stun_backward_compatibility_enabled: true
# Controls whether `response-origin-only-with-rfc5780` is added to the configuration
# Learn more here:
matrix_coturn_response_origin_only_with_rfc5780_enabled: true
# Additional configuration to be passed to turnserver.conf
# Example:
# matrix_coturn_additional_configuration: |
# simple-log
# aux-server=
# relay-ip=
matrix_coturn_additional_configuration: ''
# To enable TLS, you need to provide paths to certificates.
# Paths defined in `matrix_coturn_tls_cert_path` and `matrix_coturn_tls_key_path` are in-container paths.
# Files on the host can be mounted into the container using `matrix_coturn_container_additional_volumes`.
matrix_coturn_tls_enabled: false
matrix_coturn_tls_cert_path: ~
matrix_coturn_tls_key_path: ~
matrix_coturn_tls_v1_enabled: false
matrix_coturn_tls_v1_1_enabled: false
# systemd calendar configuration for the reload job
# the actual job may run with a delay (see matrix_coturn_reload_schedule_randomized_delay_sec)
matrix_coturn_reload_schedule: "*-*-* 06:30:00"
# the delay with which the systemd timer may run in relation to the `matrix_coturn_reload_schedule` schedule
matrix_coturn_reload_schedule_randomized_delay_sec: 1h