--- - name: Ensure {{ key }} is set to {{ '***' if ['pass', 'secret', 'key']|select('in', key) else value }} block: - name: Check value of {{ key }} community.docker.docker_container_exec: container: "{{ nextcloud_container_name }}" command: "{{ nextcloud_occ_command }} config:{{ type }}:get {{ scope }} {{ entry }}" user: "{{ nextcloud_user_info.uid }}" tty: yes register: nextcloud_current_config_entry until: nextcloud_current_config_entry is success retries: 30 delay: 10 check_mode: false changed_when: false - name: Set {{ key }} to {{ '***' if (['pass', 'secret', 'key']|select('in', key)) else value }} community.docker.docker_container_exec: container: "{{ nextcloud_container_name }}" command: "{{ nextcloud_occ_command }} config:{{ type }}:set {{ scope }} {{ entry }} --type={{ value_type }} --value={{ value }} -n" user: "{{ nextcloud_user_info.uid }}" tty: yes when: nextcloud_current_config_entry.stdout != value notify: restart-nextcloud vars: entry_path: "{{ key.split('.') }}" value_type: >- {% if value is boolean %} boolean {% elsif value is integer %} integer {% elsif value is float %} float {% else %} string {% endif %} type: "{{ entry_path | first }}" scope: "{{ entry_path[1] if entry_path | length > 2 else '' }}" entry: >- {{ entry_path[1] if entry_path|length == 2 else (entry_path[2:] | join(" ")) }}