# `finallycoffee.nextcloud.ldap-user-backend` ansible role Ansible role for managing LDAP authentication of nextcloud instances using ansible. ## Prerequisites This role assumes a nextcloud instance is up and running, and has the `user_ldap` nextcloud app installed. For starting a nextcloud instance, see the `finallycoffee.nextcloud.server` role, for managing nextcloud apps see the `finallycoffee.nextcloud.apps` ansible role. ## Configuration - Set `nc_ldap_api_method` to either `occ` or `http` to control wether the configuration is set using `php occ` command line calls or the `http` API of the `user_ldap` nextcloud app. - For `nc_ldap_api_method: occ`, ensure `nc_ldap_container` is set to the name of the docker container where nextcloud is running, and `nc_ldap_occ_user` is the user the container / nextcloud itself runs as. `nc_ldap_occ_command` _can_ also be tweaked if `php` is not in the path, but the default should be fine in most cases. - For `nc_ldap_api_method: http`, ensure `nc_ldapi_api_instance_url` contains the URL to the nextcloud server, including protocol (and port, if non-standard), and `nc_ldap_api_basic_auth_[user|password]` contain the credentials of an admin user with the rights to edit the LDAP settings.