# `finallycoffee.observability.matrix-alertmanager` ansible role ## Overview Runs [matrix-alertmanager](https://github.com/jaywink/matrix-alertmanager) in a docker container, and bridges alerts from alertmanager into a configured matrix room (per configured receiver). ## Configuration ### Required configuration The following variables need to be defined in order for `matrix-alertmanager` to be able to work: - `matrix_alertmanager_secret`: The secret configured in alertmanager for this receiver - `matrix_alertmanager_homeserver_url`: URL to the homeserver to log in to, including scheme and port. - `matrix_alertmanager_mxid`: The matrix ID in the form `@local:server.tld` to use - `matrix_alertmanager_access_token`: The matrix access token for `matrix_alertmanager_mxid` (Note: this is not the password) - `matrix_alertmanager_rooms`: A list of objects `{ name, room_id }` where `name` is the receiver name in alertmanager and `room_id` is a matrix room ID (not an alias)