--- - name: Ensure python3-apt and gpg is available apt: package: "{{ debian_proxmox_role_required_packages }}" state: present - name: Check if target is debian before attempting to convert to proxmox fail: msg: "Target is {{ ansible_distribution }} which is not Debian" when: ansible_distribution != 'Debian' - name: Check if debian version is supported by role fail: msg: "{{ ansible_distribution }} {{ ansible_distribution_version }} is not supported by the role" when: ansible_distribution_version not in debian_proxmox_supported_debian_versions - name: Ensure /etc/hosts entries are safe for use with proxmox lineinfile: dest: /etc/hosts line: "{{ item.ip }}\t{{ item.fqdn | default('') }}\t{{ item.aliases | default([]) | join('\t') }}" regex: "{{ item.ip }}.+" state: "{{ item.state | default('present') }}" loop: "{{ debian_proxmox_hosts_file }}" - name: Ensure Proxmox VE apt repository keys are added apt_key: id: "{{ debian_proxmox_apt_repo_fingerprint }}" url: "{{ debian_proxmox_apt_repo_key_url }}" state: present - name: Ensure Proxmox VE apt repository is added apt_repository: filename: pve-install-repo repo: "{{ debian_proxmox_apt_repo }}" state: present register: proxmox_ve_apt_repo - name: Ensure APT cache is up to date apt: update_cache: yes when: proxmox_ve_apt_repo.changed - name: Ensure system is upgraded apt: upgrade: full - name: Ensure Proxmox VE packages are installed apt: package: "{{ debian_proxmox_apt_packages }}" state: present register: proxmox_ve_installed - name: Ensure system is rebooted after install of PVE packages reboot: reboot_timeout: "{{ debian_proxmox_max_reboot_timeout_seconds | int }}" when: proxmox_ve_installed.changed - name: Ensure packages are removed that will conflict with proxmox operation apt: package: "{{ debian_proxmox_apt_packages_to_remove }}" state: absent register: proxmox_apt_packages_removed - name: Ensure grub was updated after the kernel was removed command: update-grub when: proxmox_apt_packages_removed.changed