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<h1>Looking Up Answers</h1>
<p>The activities you just finished introduced two PBASIC commands: <span class="keyword_in_text">DEBUG</span> and <span class="keyword_in_text">END</span>.&#160; You can find out more about these commands and how they are used by looking them up. You can look up commands here in the <span class="ContactInfoProjectName">BASIC Stamp Help</span> or in the BASIC Stamp Manual.&#160; </p>
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<h2>Bookmark This Page First!</h2>
<p>First, let's add this page to your "Favorites" list so you can find your way back here easily when you're done exploring.</p>
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<li class="Checklist" value="1">Click on the Favorites icon on the <span class="ContactInfoProjectName">BASIC Stamp Help</span> toolbar.</li>
<img src="../Resources/Images/FavIcon.png" />
<p class="PlainText">Later, when you want to return to this page, you can click on the Favorites menu in the lower left of the window:</p>
<img src="../Resources/Images/FaveMenu.png" />
<p class="PlainText">...and then click on "Looking Up Answers" in the Favorite Topics list to return to this page.</p>
<img src="../Resources/Images/FavesLists.png" />
<h2>Exploring the Help Resources</h2>
<p class="PlainText"> There are many ways to find resources in the Help. If you want to know the syntax and usage details of a particular PBASIC command, you can click on "PBASIC Language Reference" in the Table of Contents to see the full list. </p>
<img src="../Resources/Images/AlphaRef.png" />
<p class="PlainText">Next to each command is a set of icons representing which BASIC Stamp models support that command. All commands available to the BASIC Stamp 2 have this icon: <img src="../graphics/bs2only_inline.gif" />. The syntax showing how to use the command is given to the right of the icons. </p>
<img src="../Resources/Images/DEBUGlink.png" />
<p class="PlainText">Clicking on a command will take you to a page full of information, and a link to example programs. Here is the <span class="keyword_in_text">DEBUG</span> command's page:</p>
<img src="../Resources/Images/DebugPage.png" />
<p class="PlainText">You can also learn more about a command using the Search menu. If you enter a term in the field and hit the Search button, you will see a list of topics where the search term appears:</p>
<img src="../Resources/Images/SearchMenu.png" />
<img src="../Resources/Images/RedArrow.png" />&#160;<img src="../Resources/Images/SearchDebug.png" /></p>
<p class="PlainText">Clicking an item in the list will take you that page, and each instance of the search term on that page will be highlighted: </p>
<img src="../Resources/Images/DebugExSearch.png" />
<p class="PlainText">You can save the search string by clicking the magnifying glass icon, and then the search string will show up in your Favorites list:</p>
<img src="../Resources/Images/SaveSearch.png" />
<img src="../Resources/Images/RedArrow.png" />
<img src="../Resources/Images/FaveSearches.png" />
<p class="PlainText">Some helpful books are included with the BASIC Stamp Editor software, as PDF files. You can find the Resources page link under Welcome in the Table of Contents. The Resources page contains links that will open PDF files in your computer's PDF viewer, if you have one. </p>
<img src="../Resources/Images/ResourcesPDF.png" />
<h2>Your Turn</h2>
<li class="Checklist" MadCap:conditions="BSEconditions.BSEWebHelp (Primary)-INCLUDE,BSEconditions.BSHweb-SIC-EXCLUDE" value="1">Use the Help file's features to research the <span class="keyword_in_text">DEBUG </span>and <span class="keyword_in_text">END </span>commands.</li>
<li class="Checklist" MadCap:conditions="BSEconditions.BSEWebHelp (Primary)-INCLUDE,BSEconditions.BSHweb-SIC-EXCLUDE" value="2">If you have a PDF viewer, research <span class="keyword_in_text">DEBUG </span>and <span class="keyword_in_text">END </span>in the BASIC Stamp Manual file.</li>
<li class="Checklist" value="3">Now go on to the next activity!</li>
<p><a href="First Program.htm" title="Go back to &quot;First Program&quot;" alt="Go back to &quot;First Program&quot;"><img src="../Resources/Images/Prev.png" /></a><a href="IntroAscii.htm" title="Go on to &quot;Introducing ASCII Code&quot;" alt="Go on to &quot;Introducing ASCII Code&quot;"><img src="../Resources/Images/Next.png" /></a>
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<p style="text-align: right;"><span class="ContactInfoProjectName">BASIC Stamp Help</span> <![CDATA[ ]]><span class="ContactInfoVersion#">Version 2.5.4</span> <![CDATA[ ]]></p>
<p style="text-align: right;">Copyright ©&#160;<span class="ContactInfoCompanyName">Parallax Inc.</span></p>
<p style="text-align: right;"><span class="SystemShortDate">8/8/2012</span>
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