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<div class="MCBreadcrumbsBox_0"><span class="MCBreadcrumbsPrefix">You are here: </span><a class="MCBreadcrumbsLink" href="Start.htm">Getting Started</a><span class="MCBreadcrumbsDivider"> &gt; </span><span class="MCBreadcrumbs">Testing the Connection</span>
<p><a href="IdBoard.htm" title="Go back to &quot;Identify Your Board&quot;" alt="Go back to &quot;Identify Your Board&quot;"><img src="../Resources/Images/Prev.png" /></a><a href="First Program.htm" title="Go on to &quot;First Program&quot;" alt="Go on to &quot;First Program&quot;"><img src="../Resources/Images/Next.png" /></a>
<h1>Testing the Connection</h1>
<p class="PlainText">At this point, you should have:</p>
<li value="1"> your BASIC Stamp on your development board (either built-in or inserted into its socket), </li>
<li value="2">your development board connected to your computer,</li>
<li value="3">power connected to your development board (and turned on if there is a switch).</li>
<li class="Checklist" value="1">If not, go back to "Identify your Board" with the PREVIOUS arrow, make those connections, then return here.</li>
<h2>The Run/Identify Test</h2>
<li class="Checklist" value="1">To make sure your BASIC Stamp module can communicate with your computer, click the Run menu, then select Identify.</li>
<img src="../Resources/Images/RunID.png" />
<li class="Checklist" value="1">Or, you can use the ID icon on the toolbar:</li>
<img src="../Resources/Images/IDbutton.png" />
<p class="PlainText">An identification window will appear similar to the one shown here. This example shows that a BASIC Stamp 2 has been detected on COM5.</p>
<img src="../Resources/Images/BS2onCOM5.png" />
<li class="Checklist" value="1">Check the Identification window to make sure your BASIC Stamp module has been detected on one of the COM&#160;ports. If it has been detected, then you are ready to program your BASIC Stamp. </li>
<li class="Checklist" value="1">Click the NEXT arrow at the top or bottom of the page.</li>
<h2>What if it didn't work? </h2>
<p>If the Run -&gt; Identify test DID&#160;NOT locate the BASIC Stamp on any COM port, you will need to go to the Troubleshooting section. </p>
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<h2>Bookmark This Page First!</h2>
<p>First, let's add this page to your "Favorites" list so you can find your way back here easily when you're done exploring.</p>
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<li class="Checklist" value="1">Click on the Favorites icon on the <span class="ContactInfoProjectName">BASIC Stamp Help</span> toolbar.</li>
<img src="../Resources/Images/FavIcon.png" />
<p class="PlainText">Later, when you want to return to this page, you can click on the Favorites menu in the lower left of the window:</p>
<img src="../Resources/Images/FaveMenu.png" />
<p class="PlainText">...and then click on "Testing the Connection" in the Favorite Topics list to return to this page.</p>
<img src="../Resources/Images/FaveTest.png" />
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<li class="Checklist" value="1">Now, click on this <a href="../FAQTopics/TFAQ.htm" target="" title="" alt="" class="MCXref_0">Connection Troubleshooting</a> link.</li>
<p><a href="IdBoard.htm" title="Go back to &quot;Identify Your Board&quot;" alt="Go back to &quot;Identify Your Board&quot;"><img src="../Resources/Images/Prev.png" /></a><a href="First Program.htm" title="Go on to &quot;First Program&quot;" alt="Go on to &quot;First Program&quot;"><img src="../Resources/Images/Next.png" /></a>
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<p style="text-align: right;"><span class="ContactInfoProjectName">BASIC Stamp Help</span> <![CDATA[ ]]><span class="ContactInfoVersion#">Version 2.5.4</span> <![CDATA[ ]]></p>
<p style="text-align: right;">Copyright ©&#160;<span class="ContactInfoCompanyName">Parallax Inc.</span></p>
<p style="text-align: right;"><span class="SystemShortDate">8/8/2012</span>
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