## This is the configuration of the interpreter's content assistance. ## You can comment something by starting a line with ## . ## You can freely add/remove/modify by adding/removing/modifying a line. ## A line is build like this: keyword->replacement ## You can start the content-assistance by CTRL+SPACE. ## It is only executed if you're at the beginning of a line and if there is no other match with a keyword. ## You can use /CR to define a new line in a replacement. SOUND -> SOUND port, (freq, time) SD -> SOUND port, (freq, time) HIGH -> HIGH port LOW -> LOW pin OUTPUT -> OUTPUT port OP -> OUTPUT port PAUSE -> PAUSE time PS -> PAUSE time GOTO -> GOTO label JMP -> GOTO label IF -> IF expr THEN label END -> END GOSUB -> GOSUB sub SUB -> GOSUB sub RETURN -> RETURN FOR -> FOR counter = start TO end/CR'some content/CR NEXT LOOP -> FOR counter = start TO end/CR'some content/CR NEXT WHILE -> loop:/CRIF expr THEN end/CR'some content/CRGOTO loop/CRend: DOWHILE -> loop:/CR'some content/CRIF expr THEN loop NEXT -> NEXT DEBUG -> DEBUG args DB -> DEBUG args DG -> DEBUG args SAY -> DEBUG args BREAKPOINT -> BREAKPOINT BP -> BREAKPOINT SYMBOL -> SYMBOL ref = var LOOKUP -> LOOKUP index, (val0, val1) LU -> LOOKUP index, (val0, val1) LD -> LOOKDOWN target, (val0, val1) LOOKDOWN -> LOOKDOWN target, (val0, val1) POT -> POT pin, scale, var PULSIN -> PULSIN pin, state, var PINS -> PINS=%00000000 'ports 76543210 POUT -> PULSOUT pin, duration PULSOUT -> PULSOUT pin, duration LET -> LET var = val = -> LET var = val INPUT -> INPUT port IP -> INPUT port ASSERT -> ASSERT exp CHECK -> ASSERT exp ACTIVATEINFO -> ACTIVATEINFO AI -> ACTIVATEINFO DI -> DEACTIVATEINFO DEACTIVATEINFO -> DEACTIVATEINFO BRANCH -> BRANCH offset, (label0, label1) NAP -> NAP time SLEEP -> SLEEP time EEPROM -> EEPROM location, (val0, val1) RANDOM -> RANDOM seed READ -> READ location,var WRITE -> WRITE location, value TOGGLE -> TOGGLE port REVERSE -> REVERSE port DIRS -> DIRS=%00000000 'ports 76543210