This dialog indicates what serial ports will be scanned, and the order they will be accessed, whenever a BASIC Stamp identification or download process is started. Use this feature to fine-tune the BASIC Stamp search to include or exclude certain serial ports.
To access this dialog, click the "Edit Ports..." button that appears on the Identification Window or the Preferences > Editor Operation tab:
The port list automatically updates whenever ports appear and disappear; such as USB-to-Serial ports. This is an interactive control; use your mouse to view and modify the list as indicated below.
The list of ports is shown in the order in which they will be scanned during BASIC Stamp identification and/or download processes. The ports to be scanned, and the order in which they are scanned, can be set through this interface, described below.
BASIC Stamp Help Version 2.5.4
Copyright © Parallax Inc.