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This BASIC Stamp Help is copyright © 8/8/2012 by Parallax Inc.

No site license or end user license is required to use this software. By downloading or otherwise obtaining a copy of this software, you agree that it is to be used exclusively with Parallax BASIC Stamp products. Any other uses are not permitted and may represent a violation of Parallax copyrights, legally punishable according to Federal copyright or intellectual property laws. Any duplication of this documentation for commercial uses is expressly prohibited Parallax Inc. Duplication for educational use is permitted subject to the following Conditions of Duplication: Parallax Inc. grants the user a conditional right to download, duplicate, and distribute the Help content without Parallax's permission, under the following conditions: the material, or any portion thereof, may not be duplicated for commercial use; it may be duplicated only for educational purposes when used solely in conjunction with Parallax BASIC Stamp products, and the user may recover from the student only the cost of duplication.


Trademark Information

BASIC Stamp, Board of Education, and Boe-Bot are federally registered trademarks of Parallax Inc.

PBASIC, Parallax and the Parallax logo are trademarks of Parallax Inc.

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I2C is a registered trademark of Philips Corporation.

1-Wire is a registered trademark of Maxim/Dallas Semiconductor.

Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.

Disclaimer of Liability

Parallax Inc. is not responsible for special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from any breach of warranty, or under any legal theory, including lost profits, downtime, goodwill, damage to or replacement of equipment or property, and any costs of recovering, reprogramming, or reproducing any data stored in or used with Parallax products. Parallax Inc. is also not responsible for any personal damage, including that to life and health, resulting from use of any Parallax products. You take full responsibility for your BASIC Stamp application, no matter how life-threatening it may be.

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BASIC Stamp Help Version 2.5.4

Copyright © Parallax Inc.
