DATA Example

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Syntax: DATA




NOTE: The example below is written for the BS2 and will run on any of the BS2-family modules. Modify the $STAMP directive (as required) before downloading to the BS2e, BS2sx, BS2p, BS2pe, or BS2px.

' This program stores a number of large text strings into EEPROM with the
' DATA directive and then sends them, one character at a time via the DEBUG
' command.  This is a good demonstration of how to save program space by
' storing large amounts of data in EEPROM directly, rather than embedding
' the data into DEBUG commands.

' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}

idx             VAR     Word            ' current location number
phrase          VAR     Nib             ' current phrase number
char            VAR     Byte            ' character to print

' ----- Define all text phrases (out of order, just for fun!) -----
Text1           DATA    "Here is the first part of a large chunk of textual "
                DATA    "data ", CR, "that needs to be transmitted.  There's "
                DATA    "a 5 second delay", CR, "between text paragraphs. ", CR
                DATA    CR, 0

Text3           DATA    "The alternative (having multiple DEBUGs or SEROUTs, "
                DATA    "each ", CR, "with their own line of text) consumes "
                DATA    "MUCH more EEPROM ", CR, "(program) space. ", CR
                DATA    CR, 0

Text6           DATA    "The 255 is used by this program to indicate we've "
                DATA    "reached the ", CR, "End of Text.  The Main routine "
                DATA    "pauses in between each block of ", CR, "text, and then "
                DATA    "uses a LOOKUP command TO retrieve the location ", CR
                DATA    "of the next desired block of text to print. ", 0

Text4           DATA    CLS, "This program also demonstrates retrieving data "
                DATA    "out of order ", CR, "in relation TO the way it is "
                DATA    "stored in EEPROM.  Additionally, ", CR, "control codes "
                DATA    "(like carriage-returns, clear-screens, etc) can ", CR
                DATA    "be embedded right in the data, as it is here. ", CR
                DATA    CR, 0

Text2           DATA    "This is an example of a good way to save space in "
                DATA    "your ", CR, "BASIC Stamp's program by storing data "
                DATA    "into EEPROM and ", CR, "retrieving it, one byte at a "
                DATA    "time, and transmitting it ", CR, "with just a single "
                DATA    "DEBUG (or SEROUT) command.", CR, CR, 0

Text5           DATA    "The Print_It routine simply takes the Index variable, "
                DATA    "retrieves ", CR, "the character at the EEPROM location "
                DATA    "pointed to by it, and ", CR, "prints it to the screen "
                DATA    "unti it finds a byte with a value of 255.", CR, CR, 0

  DEBUG CLS                             ' Clear DEBUG window
  FOR phrase = 1 TO 6                   ' Print blocks one by one
    LOOKUP (phrase - 1),
           [Text1, Text2, Text3, Text4, Text5, Text6], idx
    GOSUB Print_It
    PAUSE 5000                          ' Pause for 5 seconds

    READ idx, char                      ' Get next character
    idx = idx + 1                       ' Point to next location
    IF (char = 0) THEN EXIT             ' If 0, we're done with block
    DEBUG char                          ' Otherwise, transmit it
  RETURN                                ' Return to the main routine

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BASIC Stamp Help Version 2.5.4

Copyright © Parallax Inc.
