' DEBUG.BAS ' Demonstrates the use of the BS1 DEBUG instruction. The BS1 DEBUG defaults ' to decimal output and provides the name of the variable unless directed ' otherwise. ' {$STAMP BS1} ' {$PBASIC 1.0} SYMBOL addr = B2 ' EEPROM address SYMBOL char = B3 ' character to print Messages: EEPROM ("The Parallax BASIC Stamp 1", 13, 0) Main: char = "A" DEBUG CLS ' clear screen DEBUG char, CR ' standard decimal output DEBUG $char, CR ' hex ($) DEBUG %char, CR ' binary (%) DEBUG #char, CR ' value only (#) DEBUG "Your grade is: " ' string DEBUG #@char, CR, CR ' value only, as ASCII (@) addr = 0 ' point to message GOSUB Print_It DEBUG "The Parallax BASIC Stamp 1" ' same message -- fast END ' This subroutine can be used to transmit a string stored in EEPROM to ' the DEBUG window. Note that this is very SLOW as for each character the ' entire DEBUG packet (97 bytes!) must be transmitted -- which means that ' you can transmit about five characters per second with this method. ' ' A better alternative to this subroutine is to BRANCH to DEBUG statements ' containing the entire string. Print_It: READ addr, char ' get character from EEPROM addr = addr + 1 ' point to next location IF char = 0 THEN Print_Done ' if 0, terminate printing DEBUG #@char ' character to DEBUG window GOTO Print_It ' loop again Print_Done: RETURN
This next demonstration illustrates sending information to and retrieving information from the Debug Terminal window. Also illustrated is the unique ability to accept any valid numeric format using the NUM modifier. To enter binary or hexadecimal values, the number must be preceded by "%" (binary) or "$" (hex).
NOTE: The example below is written for the BS2 and will run on any of the BS2-family modules. Modify the $STAMP directive (as required) before downloading to the BS2e, BS2sx, BS2p, BS2pe, or BS2px.
' DEBUG_DEBUGIN.BS2 ' This program demonstrates the ability to accept user input from the ' Debug Terminal, and to accept numeric entry in any valid format. ' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} myNum VAR Word Main: DO DEBUG CLS, "Enter a any number: " ' prompt user DEBUGIN SNUM myNum ' accept number in any format DEBUG CRSRXY, 0, 2, ' display in all formats SDEC ? myNum, SHEX ? myNum, SBIN ? myNum PAUSE 3000 LOOP ' do it again END
BASIC Stamp Help Version 2.5.4
Copyright © Parallax Inc.