GOSUB Examples

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Syntax: GOSUB




' This program is a guessing game that generates a random number in a
' subroutine called Pick_A_Number. It is written to stop after three
' guesses. To see a common bug associated with GOSUB, delete or comment
' out the line beginning with END after the FOR-NEXT loop. This means
' that after the loop is finished, the program will wander into the
' Pick_A_Number subroutine. When the RETURN at the end executes, the
' program will go back to the beginning of the program. This will cause
' the program to execute endlessly. Make sure that your programs can't
' accidentally execute subroutines!

' {$STAMP BS1}
' {$PBASIC 1.0}

SYMBOL  rounds          = B2            ' number of reps
SYMBOL  numGen          = W0            ' random number holder
SYMBOL  myNum           = B3            ' random number, 1-10

  numGen = 11500                        ' initialize random "seed"

  FOR rounds = 1 TO 10
    DEBUG CLS, "Pick a number from 1 to 10", CR
    GOSUB Pick_A_Number
    PAUSE 2000                          ' dramatic pause
    DEBUG "My number was: ", #myNum     ' show the number
    PAUSE 1000                          ' another pause.
  DEBUG CLS, "Done"
  END                                   ' end program

' Random-number subroutine. A subroutine is just a piece of code with
' the RETURN instruction at the end. Always make sure your program enters
' subroutines with a GOSUB. If you don't, the RETURN won't have the
' correct address, and your program will have a bug!

  RANDOM numGen                         ' stir up the bits of NumGen.
  DEBUG numGen, CR
  myNum = numGen / 6550 MIN 1           ' scale to fit 1-10 range.
  RETURN                                ' go back to 1st instruction

NOTE: The example below is written for the BS2 and will run on any of the BS2-family modules. Modify the $STAMP directive (as required) before downloading to the BS2e, BS2sx, BS2p, BS2pe, or BS2px.

' This program is a guessing game that generates a random number in a
' subroutine called Pick_A_Number. It is written to stop after three
' guesses. To see a common bug associated with GOSUB, delete or comment
' out the line beginning with END after the FOR-NEXT loop. This means
' that after the loop is finished, the program will wander into the
' Pick_A_Number subroutine. When the RETURN at the end executes, the
' program will go back to the beginning of the program. This will cause
' the program to execute endlessly. Make sure that your programs can't
' accidentally execute subroutines!

' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}

rounds          VAR     Byte            ' number of reps
numGen          VAR     Word            ' random number holder
myNum           VAR     Byte            ' random number, 1-10

  numGen = 11500                        ' initialize random "seed"

  FOR rounds = 1 TO 10
    DEBUG CLS, "Pick a number from 1 to 10", CR
    GOSUB Pick_A_Number
    PAUSE 2000                          ' dramatic pause
    DEBUG "My number was: ", DEC myNum  ' show the number
    PAUSE 1000                          ' another pause.
  DEBUG CLS, "Done"
  END                                   ' end program

' Random-number subroutine. A subroutine is just a piece of code with
' the RETURN instruction at the end. Always make sure your program enters
' subroutines with a GOSUB. If you don't, the RETURN won't have the
' correct address, and your program will have a bug!

  RANDOM numGen                         ' stir up the bits of NumGen.
  DEBUG DEC ? numGen
  myNum = numGen / 6550 MIN 1           ' scale to fit 1-10 range.
  RETURN                                ' go back to 1st instruction
                                        '  after GOSUB that got us here

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Copyright © Parallax Inc.
