You are here: PBASIC Language Reference > PBASIC Operators > Unary Operators

Unary Operators


Unary operators work with a single argument. Click on any operator in the list below for details and examples.

(See also: Binary Operators and Operator Precedence.)

Notes about the 16-bit workspace

Many of the operator descriptions will say something like "computes (some function) of a 16-bit number." This does not mean that the operator does not work on smaller byte or nibble values, but rather that the computation is done in a 16-bit workspace. If the value is smaller than 16 bits, the BASIC Stamp pads it with leading 0s to make a 16-bit value. If the 16-bit result of a calculation is to be packed into a smaller variable, the higher-order bits are discarded (truncated).

ABS   (Returns Absolute Value)
-   (Negate)
~   (Invert Bits)
DCD   (2n power Decoder)
NCD   (Priority Encoder of 16-bit Value)
SIN   (Returns signed Sine of Angle)
COS   (Returns signed Cosine of Angle)
SQR   (Returns Square Root of Value)
NOT   (Logical NOT)


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