
3818 lines
88 KiB

// {{MadCap}} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Copyright: MadCap Software, Inc - www.madcapsoftware.com ////////////////////
// <version></version>
// Syntax:
// function FMCOpenHelp( id, skinName, searchQuery, firstPick )
// id - Identifier that was created in Flare. This can be either the identifier name or value. The topic and skin
// that is associated with the id will be used. If no skin is associated with the id, skinName will be used.
// Alternatively, id may contain a topic path. In this case, the specified topic will be loaded with the skin
// that is specified in skinName. Specify null to use the help system's default starting topic.
// skinName - This is a string indicating the name of the skin to use when opening the help system. Specify null to use
// the default skin or to use the skin that is associated with id. If a skin is associated with id AND a skin
// is specified in skinName, skinName will take precedence.
// searchQuery - This is a string indicating the search query used when opening the help system. If a search query is specified,
// the help system will start with the search pane open and the search query executed. Specify null to open
// the help system without a search query.
// firstPick - This is a boolean indicating whether to automatically open the topic from the first search result that is
// returned by the search query (see searchQuery parameter). Use null if no search query was specified.
// Examples:
// In the following example, topic and skin associated with "FILE_NEW" will be used:
// FMCOpenHelp( 'FILE_NEW', null, null, null );
// In the following example, topic associated with "FILE_NEW" will be used. "BlueSkin" will override the skin associated with "FILE_NEW":
// FMCOpenHelp( 'FILE_NEW', 'BlueSkin', null, null );
// In the following example, topic and skin associated with identifier value 1 will be used:
// FMCOpenHelp( 1, null, null, null );
// In the following example, topic associated with identifier value 1 will be used. "BlueSkin" will override the skin associated with identifier value 1:
// FMCOpenHelp( 1, 'BlueSkin', null, null );
// In the following example, "Company/Employees.htm" will be used with the default skin:
// FMCOpenHelp( 'Company/Employees.htm', null, null, null );
// In the following example, both the default topic and skin will be used:
// FMCOpenHelp( null, null, null, null );
// In the following example, the default topic will be used with "BlueSkin":
// FMCOpenHelp( null, 'BlueSkin', null, null );
// In the following example, both the default topic and skin will be used. The help system will be started with the search pane
// displaying the search results for the query 'quarterly report'. The topic from the first result will not be opened:
// FMCOpenHelp( null, null, 'quarterly report', false );
// In the following example, both the default topic and skin will be used. The help system will be started with the search pane
// displaying the search results for the query 'quarterly report'. The topic from the first result will be opened:
// FMCOpenHelp( null, null, 'quarterly report', true );
var gHelpSystemName = "Default.htm";
function FMCOpenHelp( id, skinName, searchQuery, firstPick, pathToHelpSystem )
var cshFileName = gHelpSystemName.substring( 0, gHelpSystemName.lastIndexOf( "." ) ) + ".js";
var webHelpPath = null;
var webHelpFile = null;
var helpSystemName = new CMCUrl( gHelpSystemName );
var cshFileUrl = new CMCUrl( helpSystemName.Name + "_CSH." + helpSystemName.Extension );
if ( pathToHelpSystem == null )
var scriptNodes = document.getElementsByTagName( "script" );
var found = false;
for ( var i = 0; i < scriptNodes.length; i++ )
var src = scriptNodes[i].src;
var srcUrl = new CMCUrl( src.Trim() );
if ( srcUrl.NameWithExtension.toLowerCase() == cshFileName.toLowerCase() )
var locUrl = new CMCUrl( document.location.href ).ToFolder();
webHelpPath = locUrl.AddFile( srcUrl );
webHelpPath = webHelpPath.ToFolder();
found = true;
if ( !found )
throw "CSH failed: could not find MadCap CSH script in page.";
webHelpPath = new CMCUrl( pathToHelpSystem );
webHelpFile = webHelpPath.AddFile( cshFileUrl );
FMCOpenHelp2( webHelpFile, id, skinName, searchQuery, firstPick );
function FMCOpenHelp2( webHelpFileUrl, id, skinName, searchQuery, firstPick )
var webHelpPath = webHelpFileUrl.ToFolder().FullPath;
var helpSystemFile = webHelpPath + "Data/HelpSystem.xml";
var helpSystem = new CMCHelpSystem(null, webHelpPath, helpSystemFile, null, null);
helpSystem.Load(function ()
helpSystem.LookupCSHID(id, function (idInfo)
function OnGetSkinComplete()
var cshString = webHelpFileUrl.FullPath;
if (searchQuery)
cshString += "?" + searchQuery;
if (firstPick)
cshString += "|FirstPick";
if (id)
cshString += "#CSHID=" + id;
if (topic)
if (cshString.indexOf("#") != -1)
cshString += "|";
cshString += "#";
cshString += "Topic=" + topic;
if (skin)
if (cshString.indexOf("#") != -1)
cshString += "|";
cshString += "#";
cshString += "Skin=" + skin;
if (cshString.indexOf("#") != -1)
cshString += "|";
cshString += "#";
cshString += "OpenType=Javascript";
var win = window.open(cshString, "_MCWebHelpCSH", browserOptions + size);
// Bug 32051: Windows 7 64-bit is returning null from the call to window.open().
if (win != null)
var topic = idInfo.Topic;
var skin = skinName || idInfo.Skin;
// Browser setup options
var browserOptions = "";
var size = "";
if (skin)
CMCXmlParser.GetXmlDoc(webHelpPath + "Data/Skin" + skin + "/Skin.xml", true, function (xmlDoc)
if (xmlDoc)
var xmlHead = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("CatapultSkin")[0];
var useDefault = FMCGetAttributeBool(xmlHead, "UseDefaultBrowserSetup", false);
if (!useDefault)
var toolbar = "no";
var menu = "no";
var locationBar = "no";
var statusBar = "no";
var resizable = "no";
var setup = xmlHead.getAttribute("BrowserSetup");
if (setup)
toolbar = (setup.indexOf("Toolbar") > -1) ? "yes" : "no";
menu = (setup.indexOf("Menu") > -1) ? "yes" : "no";
locationBar = (setup.indexOf("LocationBar") > -1) ? "yes" : "no";
statusBar = (setup.indexOf("StatusBar") > -1) ? "yes" : "no";
resizable = (setup.indexOf("Resizable") > -1) ? "yes" : "no";
browserOptions = "toolbar=" + toolbar + ", menubar=" + menu + ", location=" + locationBar + ", status=" + statusBar + ", resizable=" + resizable;
var windowSize = FMCLoadSize(xmlDoc);
if (windowSize)
size = ", top=" + windowSize.topPx + ", left=" + windowSize.leftPx + ", width=" + windowSize.widthPx + ", height=" + windowSize.heightPx;
}, null, null);
function FMCLoadSize( xmlDoc )
var xmlHead = xmlDoc.documentElement;
var useDefaultSize = FMCGetAttributeBool( xmlHead, "UseBrowserDefaultSize", false );
if ( useDefaultSize )
return null;
var topPx = FMCGetAttributeInt(xmlHead, "Top", 0);
var leftPx = FMCGetAttributeInt(xmlHead, "Left", 0);
var bottomPx = FMCGetAttributeInt(xmlHead, "Bottom", 0);
var rightPx = FMCGetAttributeInt(xmlHead, "Right", 0);
var widthPx = FMCGetAttributeInt(xmlHead, "Width", 800);
var heightPx = FMCGetAttributeInt(xmlHead, "Height", 600);
var anchors = xmlHead.getAttribute( "Anchors" );
if ( anchors )
var aTop = (anchors.indexOf( "Top" ) > -1) ? true : false;
var aLeft = (anchors.indexOf( "Left" ) > -1) ? true : false;
var aBottom = (anchors.indexOf( "Bottom" ) > -1) ? true : false;
var aRight = (anchors.indexOf( "Right" ) > -1) ? true : false;
var aWidth = (anchors.indexOf( "Width" ) > -1) ? true : false;
var aHeight = (anchors.indexOf( "Height" ) > -1) ? true : false;
if ( aLeft && aRight )
widthPx = screen.width - (leftPx + rightPx);
else if ( !aLeft && aRight )
leftPx = screen.width - (widthPx + rightPx);
else if ( aWidth )
leftPx = (screen.width / 2) - (widthPx / 2);
if ( aTop && aBottom )
heightPx = screen.height - (topPx + bottomPx);
else if ( !aTop && aBottom )
topPx = screen.height - (heightPx + bottomPx);
else if ( aHeight )
topPx = (screen.height / 2) - (heightPx / 2);
var windowSize = new Object();
windowSize.topPx = topPx;
windowSize.leftPx = leftPx;
windowSize.widthPx = widthPx;
windowSize.heightPx = heightPx;
return windowSize;
// Class CMCAliasFile
function CMCAliasFile( xmlFile, helpSystem, OnLoadFunc )
// Private member variables
var mXmlDoc = null;
var mHelpSystem = helpSystem;
var mNameMap = null;
var mIDMap = null;
// Public properties
// Constructor
// Public member functions
this.Load = function (OnCompleteFunc)
function OnLoad(xmlDoc)
mXmlDoc = xmlDoc;
CMCXmlParser.GetXmlDoc(xmlFile, true, OnLoad, null);
this.GetIDs = function()
var ids = new Array();
mIDMap.ForEach( function( key, value )
ids[ids.length] = key;
return true;
} );
return ids;
this.GetNames = function()
var names = new Array();
mNameMap.ForEach( function( key, value )
names[names.length] = key;
return true;
} );
return names;
this.LookupID = function( id )
var found = false;
var topic = null;
var skin = null;
if ( id )
if ( typeof( id ) == "string" && id.indexOf( "." ) != -1 )
var pipePos = id.indexOf( "|" );
if ( pipePos != -1 )
topic = id.substring( 0, pipePos );
skin = id.substring( pipePos + 1 );
topic = id;
var mapInfo = GetFromMap( id );
if ( mapInfo != null )
found = true;
topic = mapInfo.Topic;
skin = mapInfo.Skin;
found = true;
if ( !skin )
if ( mXmlDoc )
skin = mXmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute( "DefaultSkinName" );
if ( topic )
topic = mHelpSystem.ContentFolder + topic;
return { Found: found, Topic: topic, Skin: skin };
// Private member functions
function GetFromMap( id )
var mapInfo = null;
if ( mNameMap != null )
if ( typeof( id ) == "string" )
mapInfo = mNameMap.GetItem( id );
if ( mapInfo == null )
mapInfo = mIDMap.GetItem( id );
else if ( typeof( id ) == "number" )
mapInfo = mIDMap.GetItem( id.toString() );
return mapInfo;
function AssureInitializedMap()
if ( mNameMap == null )
if ( mXmlDoc )
mNameMap = new CMCDictionary();
mIDMap = new CMCDictionary();
var maps = mXmlDoc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName( "Map" );
for ( var i = 0; i < maps.length; i++ )
var topic = maps[i].getAttribute( "Link" );
var skin = maps[i].getAttribute( "Skin" );
if ( skin )
skin = skin.substring( "Skin".length, skin.indexOf( "/" ) );
var currMapInfo = { Topic: topic, Skin: skin };
var name = maps[i].getAttribute( "Name" );
if ( name != null )
mNameMap.Add( name, currMapInfo );
var resolvedId = maps[i].getAttribute( "ResolvedId" );
if ( resolvedId != null )
mIDMap.Add( resolvedId, currMapInfo );
// End class CMCAliasFile
// Class CMCHelpSystem
function CMCHelpSystem( parentSubsystem, parentPath, xmlFile, tocPath, browseSequencePath )
// Private member variables
var mSelf = this;
var mParentSubsystem = parentSubsystem;
var mPath = parentPath;
var mXmlDoc = null;
var mSubsystems = new Array();
var mTocPath = tocPath;
var mBrowseSequencePath = browseSequencePath;
var mConceptMap = null;
var mViewedConceptMap = new CMCDictionary();
var mExists = false;
var mAliasFile = new CMCAliasFile( parentPath + "Data/Alias.xml", this );
var mTocFile = new CMCTocFile( this, EMCTocType.Toc );
var mBrowseSequenceFile = new CMCTocFile( this, EMCTocType.BrowseSequence );
// Public properties
this.TargetType = null;
this.SkinFolder = null;
this.SkinTemplateFolder = null;
this.DefaultStartTopic = null;
this.InPreviewMode = null;
this.LiveHelpOutputId = null;
this.LiveHelpServer = null;
this.LiveHelpEnabled = false;
this.IsWebHelpPlus = false;
this.ContentFolder = null;
this.UseCustomTopicFileExtension = false;
this.CustomTopicFileExtension = null;
this.GlossaryUrl = null;
this.SearchFilterSetUrl = null;
// Constructor
(function ()
// Public member functions
this.Load = function (OnCompleteFunc)
CMCXmlParser.GetXmlDoc(xmlFile, true, function (xmlDoc)
function OnLoadSubHelpSystemComplete()
if (completed == length)
mXmlDoc = xmlDoc;
mExists = mXmlDoc != null;
if (!mExists)
mSelf.TargetType = mXmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute("TargetType");
mSelf.SkinFolder = new CMCUrl(mXmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute("Skin")).ToFolder().FullPath;
mSelf.SkinTemplateFolder = mXmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute("SkinTemplateFolder");
mSelf.DefaultStartTopic = mXmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute("DefaultUrl");
mSelf.InPreviewMode = FMCGetAttributeBool(mXmlDoc.documentElement, "InPreviewMode", false);
mSelf.LiveHelpOutputId = mXmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute("LiveHelpOutputId");
mSelf.LiveHelpServer = mXmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute("LiveHelpServer");
mSelf.LiveHelpEnabled = mSelf.LiveHelpOutputId != null;
mSelf.IsWebHelpPlus = mSelf.TargetType == "WebHelpPlus" && document.location.protocol.StartsWith("http", false);
var moveOutputContentToRoot = FMCGetAttributeBool(mXmlDoc.documentElement, "MoveOutputContentToRoot", false);
var makeFileLowerCase = FMCGetAttributeBool(mXmlDoc.documentElement, "MakeFileLowerCase", false);
var contentFolder = "";
if (!moveOutputContentToRoot)
contentFolder = "Content/";
if (makeFileLowerCase)
contentFolder = contentFolder.toLowerCase();
mSelf.ContentFolder = contentFolder;
mSelf.UseCustomTopicFileExtension = FMCGetAttributeBool(mXmlDoc.documentElement, "UseCustomTopicFileExtension", false);
mSelf.CustomTopicFileExtension = FMCGetAttribute(mXmlDoc.documentElement, "CustomTopicFileExtension");
mSelf.GlossaryUrl = GetGlossaryUrl(mXmlDoc);
mSelf.SearchFilterSetUrl = GetDataFileUrl(mXmlDoc, "SearchFilterSet");
var subsystemsNodes = mXmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Subsystems");
if (subsystemsNodes.length > 0 && subsystemsNodes[0].getElementsByTagName("Url").length > 0)
var urlNodes = mXmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Subsystems")[0].getElementsByTagName("Url");
var completed = 0;
var length = urlNodes.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
var urlNode = urlNodes[i];
var url = urlNode.getAttribute("Source");
var subPath = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
var tocPath = urlNode.getAttribute("TocPath");
var browseSequencePath = urlNode.getAttribute("BrowseSequencePath");
var subHelpSystem = new CMCHelpSystem(mSelf, mPath + subPath, mPath + subPath + "Data/HelpSystem.xml", tocPath, browseSequencePath);
}, null);
this.GetExists = function()
return mExists;
this.GetParentSubsystem = function()
return mParentSubsystem;
this.GetPath = function()
return mPath;
this.GetTocPath = function( tocType )
return tocType == "toc" ? mTocPath : mBrowseSequencePath;
this.GetFullTocPath = function( tocType, href )
var subsystem = this.GetHelpSystem( href );
var fullTocPath = new Object();
fullTocPath.tocPath = this.GetTocPath( tocType );
subsystem.ComputeTocPath( tocType, fullTocPath );
return fullTocPath.tocPath;
this.ComputeTocPath = function( tocType, tocPath )
if ( mParentSubsystem )
var hsTocPath = this.GetTocPath( tocType );
if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( hsTocPath ) )
tocPath.tocPath = tocPath.tocPath ? hsTocPath + "|" + tocPath.tocPath : hsTocPath;
mParentSubsystem.ComputeTocPath( tocType, tocPath );
this.GetHelpSystem = function( path )
var helpSystem = null;
for ( var i = 0; i < mSubsystems.length; i++ )
helpSystem = mSubsystems[i].GetHelpSystem( path );
if ( helpSystem != null )
return helpSystem;
if ( path.StartsWith( mPath, false ) )
return this;
return null;
this.GetSubsystem = function( id )
return mSubsystems[id];
this.GetMergedAliasIDs = function (OnCompleteFunc)
mAliasFile.Load(function ()
function OnGetIDs(ids)
for (var i = 0, length2 = ids.length; i < length2; i++)
mergedIDs[mergedIDs.length] = ids[i];
if (completed == length + 1)
var mergedIDs = new Array();
var length = mSubsystems.length;
var completed = 0;
var ids = mAliasFile.GetIDs();
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
this.GetMergedAliasNames = function (OnCompleteFunc)
mAliasFile.Load(function ()
function OnGetNames(names)
for (var i = 0, length2 = names.length; i < length2; i++)
mergedNames[mergedNames.length] = names[i];
if (completed == length + 1)
var mergedNames = new Array();
var length = mSubsystems.length;
var completed = 0;
var names = mAliasFile.GetNames();
for (var i = 0, length = mSubsystems.length; i < length; i++)
this.LookupCSHID = function (id, OnCompleteFunc)
var mSelf = this;
mAliasFile.Load(function ()
function OnLookupCSHID(idInfo)
if (idInfo.Found)
if (i > 0)
var myPathUrl = new CMCUrl(mSelf.GetPath());
var subPathUrl = new CMCUrl(subsystem.GetPath());
var relUrl = subPathUrl.ToRelative(myPathUrl);
idInfo.Topic = relUrl.FullPath + idInfo.Topic;
if (i < length)
subsystem = mSubsystems[i];
subsystem.LookupCSHID(id, OnLookupCSHID);
var i = 0;
var length = mSubsystems.length;
var subsystem = null;
var cshIDInfo = mAliasFile.LookupID(id);
this.GetTocFile = function()
return mTocFile;
this.GetBrowseSequenceFile = function()
return mBrowseSequenceFile;
this.GetIndex = function (onCompleteFunc, onCompleteArgs)
if (!this.IsWebHelpPlus)
LoadFirstIndex(function (xmlDoc)
var preMerged = FMCGetAttributeBool(xmlDoc.documentElement, "PreMerged", false);
if (!preMerged && mSubsystems.length != 0)
LoadEntireIndex(function (xmlDoc)
function OnGetMergedIndexComplete(xmlDoc2)
MergeIndexEntries(xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("IndexEntry")[0], xmlDoc2.getElementsByTagName("IndexEntry")[0]);
if (completed == length)
onCompleteFunc(xmlDoc, onCompleteArgs);
var completed = 0;
var length = 0;
// Calculate "length" first
for (var i = 0; i < mSubsystems.length; i++)
var subsystem = mSubsystems[i];
if (!subsystem.GetExists())
if (length == 0)
onCompleteFunc(xmlDoc, onCompleteArgs);
for (var i = 0; i < mSubsystems.length; i++)
var subsystem = mSubsystems[i];
if (!subsystem.GetExists())
onCompleteFunc(xmlDoc, onCompleteArgs);
function OnGetIndexComplete(xmlDoc, args)
onCompleteFunc(xmlDoc, onCompleteArgs);
var xmlDoc = CMCXmlParser.CallWebService(MCGlobals.RootFolder + "Service/Service.asmx/GetIndex", true, OnGetIndexComplete, null);
this.GetMergedIndex = function (OnCompleteFunc)
LoadEntireIndex(function (xmlDoc)
function OnGetMergedIndexComplete(xmlDoc2)
MergeIndexEntries(xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("IndexEntry")[0], xmlDoc2.getElementsByTagName("IndexEntry")[0]);
if (completed == length)
var completed = 0;
var length = 0;
// Calculate "length" first
for (var i = 0; i < mSubsystems.length; i++)
var subsystem = mSubsystems[i];
if (!subsystem.GetExists())
if (length == 0)
for (var i = 0; i < mSubsystems.length; i++)
var subsystem = mSubsystems[i];
if (!subsystem.GetExists())
this.HasBrowseSequences = function()
return mXmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute("BrowseSequence") != null;
this.HasToc = function()
return mXmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute("Toc") != null;
this.IsMerged = function()
return (mSubsystems.length > 0);
this.GetConceptsLinks = function (conceptTerms, callbackFunc, callbackArgs)
if (this.IsWebHelpPlus)
function OnGetTopicsForConceptsComplete(xmlDoc, args)
var links = new Array();
var nodes = xmlDoc.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("Url");
var nodeLength = nodes.length;
for (var i = 0; i < nodeLength; i++)
var node = nodes[i];
var title = node.getAttribute("Title");
var url = node.getAttribute("Source");
url = mPath + ((url.charAt(0) == "/") ? url.substring(1, url.length) : url);
links[links.length] = title + "|" + url;
callbackFunc(links, callbackArgs);
var xmlDoc = CMCXmlParser.CallWebService(MCGlobals.RootFolder + "Service/Service.asmx/GetTopicsForConcepts?Concepts=" + conceptTerms, true, OnGetTopicsForConceptsComplete, null);
var links = null;
conceptTerms = conceptTerms.replace("\\;", "%%%%%");
if (conceptTerms == "")
links = new Array();
callbackFunc(links, callbackArgs);
var concepts = conceptTerms.split(";");
this.GetConceptsLinksLocal(concepts, function (links)
callbackFunc(links, callbackArgs);
this.GetConceptsLinksLocal = function (concepts, OnCompleteFunc)
function OnGetConceptLinksLocalComplete(currLinks)
for (var i = 0; i < currLinks.length; i++)
links[links.length] = currLinks[i];
if (completed == length)
var completed = 0;
var length = concepts.length;
var links = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < concepts.length; i++)
var concept = concepts[i];
concept = concept.replace("%%%%%", ";");
concept = concept.toLowerCase();
this.GetConceptLinksLocal(concept, OnGetConceptLinksLocalComplete);
this.GetConceptLinksLocal = function (concept, OnCompleteFunc)
LoadConcepts(function ()
function OnGetConceptLinksLocalComplete(subConcepts)
MergeConceptLinks(links, subConcepts);
if (completed == length)
mViewedConceptMap.Add(concept, links);
var links = mViewedConceptMap.GetItem(concept);
if (links != null)
links = mConceptMap.GetItem(concept);
if (!links)
links = new Array(0);
var completed = 0;
var length = 0;
// Calculate "length" first
for (var i = 0; i < mSubsystems.length; i++)
var subsystem = mSubsystems[i];
if (!subsystem.GetExists()) { continue; }
if (length == 0)
for (var i = 0; i < mSubsystems.length; i++)
var subsystem = mSubsystems[i];
if (!subsystem.GetExists()) { continue; }
subsystem.GetConceptLinksLocal(concept, OnGetConceptLinksLocalComplete);
this.LoadGlossary = function (onCompleteFunc, onCompleteArgs)
if (!this.IsWebHelpPlus)
if (!this.IsMerged())
onCompleteFunc(xmlDoc, onCompleteArgs);
this.GetGlossary(function (xmlDoc)
onCompleteFunc(xmlDoc, onCompleteArgs);
function OnGetGlossaryComplete(xmlDoc, args)
onCompleteFunc(xmlDoc, onCompleteArgs);
var xmlDoc = CMCXmlParser.CallWebService(MCGlobals.RootFolder + "Service/Service.asmx/GetGlossary", true, OnGetGlossaryComplete, null);
this.GetGlossary = function (OnCompleteFunc)
CMCXmlParser.GetXmlDoc(this.GlossaryUrl, true, function (xmlDoc)
function OnMergeGlossariesComplete()
if (completed == length)
var completed = 0;
var length = 0;
// Calculate "length" first
for (var i = 0; i < mSubsystems.length; i++)
var subsystem = mSubsystems[i];
if (!subsystem.GetExists()) { continue; }
if (length == 0)
for (var i = 0; i < mSubsystems.length; i++)
var subsystem = mSubsystems[i];
if (!subsystem.GetExists())
MergeGlossaries(xmlDoc, subsystem, OnMergeGlossariesComplete);
}, null);
this.GetSearchDBs = function (OnCompleteFunc)
var searchDBs = new Array();
CMCXmlParser.GetXmlDoc(mPath + "Data/Search.xml", true, function (xmlDoc)
function OnGetSearchDBsComplete(searchDBs2)
if (searchDBs2 != null)
for (var i = 0; i < searchDBs2.length; i++)
searchDBs[searchDBs.length] = searchDBs2[i];
if (completed == length)
var completed = 0;
var length = mSubsystems.length;
var searchDB = new CMCSearchDB(this);
searchDBs[searchDBs.length] = searchDB;
searchDB.Load("Data/Search.xml", function ()
var preMerged = FMCGetAttributeBool(xmlDoc.documentElement, "PreMerged", false);
if (preMerged || length == 0)
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
var subsystem = mSubsystems[i];
if (!subsystem.GetExists())
}, null, this);
this.AdvanceTopic = function( tocType, moveType, tocPath, href )
var file = null;
if ( tocType == "toc" )
file = mTocFile;
else if ( tocType == "browsesequences" )
file = mBrowseSequenceFile;
file.AdvanceTopic( moveType, tocPath, href );
// Private member functions
function GetGlossaryUrl( xmlDoc )
var glossaryUrlRel = GetDataFileUrl(xmlDoc, "Glossary");
if (glossaryUrlRel == null)
return null;
var pos = glossaryUrlRel.lastIndexOf( "." );
glossaryUrlRel = glossaryUrlRel.substring( 0, pos + 1 ) + "xml";
return glossaryUrlRel;
function GetDataFileUrl(xmlDoc, att)
var url = xmlDoc.documentElement.getAttribute(att);
if (url == null)
return null;
return mPath + url;
function LoadFirstIndex(OnCompleteFunc)
CMCXmlParser.GetXmlDoc(mPath + "Data/Index.xml", true, OnCompleteFunc, null);
function LoadEntireIndex(OnCompleteFunc)
LoadFirstIndex(function (xmlDoc)
function OnGetChunkDoc(xmlDoc2)
MergeIndexEntries(xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("IndexEntry")[0], xmlDoc2.getElementsByTagName("IndexEntry")[0]);
if (completed == length)
function OnMergeAllChunksComplete()
// Make links absolute
for (var i = 0; i < xmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes.length; i++)
if (xmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes[i].nodeName == "IndexEntry")
var head = xmlDoc.documentElement;
var chunkNodes = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("Chunk");
if (chunkNodes.length > 0)
// Remove all attributes except "Count"
var attributesClone = head.cloneNode(false).attributes;
for (var i = 0; i < attributesClone.length; i++)
if (attributesClone[i].nodeName != "Count" && attributesClone[i].nodeName != "count")
// Merge all chunks
var completed = 0;
var length = chunkNodes.length;
var chunkLinks = new Array(length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
chunkLinks[i] = FMCGetAttribute(chunkNodes[i], "Link");
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
CMCXmlParser.GetXmlDoc(mPath + "Data/" + chunkLinks[i], true, OnGetChunkDoc, null);
function MergeIndexEntries( indexEntry1, indexEntry2 )
var xmlDoc1 = indexEntry1.ownerDocument;
var entries1 = indexEntry1.getElementsByTagName( "Entries" )[0];
var entries2 = indexEntry2.getElementsByTagName( "Entries" )[0];
var entries = xmlDoc1.createElement( "IndexEntry" ).appendChild( xmlDoc1.createElement( "Entries" ) );
if ( entries1.getElementsByTagName( "IndexEntry" ).length == 0 )
if ( typeof( xmlDoc1.importNode ) == "function" )
entries = xmlDoc1.importNode( entries2, true );
entries = entries2.cloneNode( true );
else if ( entries2.getElementsByTagName( "IndexEntry" ).length == 0 )
entries = entries1.cloneNode( true );
for ( var i = 0, j = 0; i < entries1.childNodes.length && j < entries2.childNodes.length; )
var currIndexEntry1 = entries1.childNodes[i];
var currIndexEntry2 = entries2.childNodes[j];
if ( currIndexEntry1.nodeType != 1 )
else if ( currIndexEntry2.nodeType != 1 )
var term1 = FMCGetAttribute( currIndexEntry1, "Term" ).toLowerCase();
var term2 = FMCGetAttribute( currIndexEntry2, "Term" ).toLowerCase();
if ( term1 == term2 )
MergeIndexEntries( currIndexEntry1, currIndexEntry2 );
var links1 = FMCGetChildNodesByTagName( currIndexEntry1, "Links" )[0];
var indexLinks2 = FMCGetChildNodesByTagName( currIndexEntry2, "Links" )[0].getElementsByTagName( "IndexLink" );
for ( var k = 0; k < indexLinks2.length; k++ )
if ( typeof( xmlDoc1.importNode ) == "function" )
links1.appendChild( xmlDoc1.importNode( indexLinks2[k], true ) );
links1.appendChild( indexLinks2[k].cloneNode( true ) );
entries.appendChild( currIndexEntry1.cloneNode( true ) );
else if ( term1 > term2 )
if ( typeof( xmlDoc1.importNode ) == "function" )
entries.appendChild( xmlDoc1.importNode( currIndexEntry2, true ) );
entries.appendChild( currIndexEntry2.cloneNode( true ) );
entries.appendChild( currIndexEntry1.cloneNode( true ) );
// Append remaining nodes. There should never be a case where BOTH entries1 AND entries2 have remaining nodes.
for ( ; i < entries1.childNodes.length; i++ )
entries.appendChild( entries1.childNodes[i].cloneNode( true ) );
for ( ; j < entries2.childNodes.length; j++ )
if ( typeof( xmlDoc1.importNode ) == "function" )
entries.appendChild( xmlDoc1.importNode( entries2.childNodes[j], true ) );
entries.appendChild( entries2.childNodes[j].cloneNode( true ) );
indexEntry1.replaceChild( entries, entries1 );
function ConvertGlossaryPageEntryToAbsolute( glossaryPageEntry, path )
var entryNode = glossaryPageEntry.getElementsByTagName( "a" )[0];
var href = FMCGetAttribute( entryNode, "href" );
entryNode.setAttribute( "href", path + href );
function ConvertIndexLinksToAbsolute( indexEntry )
for ( var i = 0; i < indexEntry.childNodes.length; i++ )
var currNode = indexEntry.childNodes[i];
if ( currNode.nodeName == "Entries" )
for ( var j = 0; j < currNode.childNodes.length; j++ )
ConvertIndexLinksToAbsolute( currNode.childNodes[j] );
else if ( currNode.nodeName == "Links" )
for ( var j = 0; j < currNode.childNodes.length; j++ )
if ( currNode.childNodes[j].nodeType == 1 )
var link = FMCGetAttribute( currNode.childNodes[j], "Link" );
link = mPath + ((link.charAt( 0 ) == "/") ? link.substring( 1, link.length ) : link);
currNode.childNodes[j].setAttribute( "Link", link );
function LoadConcepts(OnCompleteFunc)
if ( mConceptMap )
mConceptMap = new CMCDictionary();
CMCXmlParser.GetXmlDoc(mPath + "Data/Concepts.xml", true, function (xmlDoc)
var xmlHead = xmlDoc.documentElement;
for (var i = 0; i < xmlHead.childNodes.length; i++)
var entry = xmlHead.childNodes[i];
if (entry.nodeType != 1) { continue; }
var term = entry.getAttribute("Term").toLowerCase();
var links = new Array();
for (var j = 0; j < entry.childNodes.length; j++)
var link = entry.childNodes[j];
if (link.nodeType != 1) { continue; }
var title = link.getAttribute("Title");
var url = link.getAttribute("Link");
url = mPath + ((url.charAt(0) == "/") ? url.substring(1, url.length) : url);
links[links.length] = title + "|" + url;
mConceptMap.Add(term, links);
}, null);
function MergeConceptLinks( links1, links2 )
if ( !links2 )
for ( var i = 0; i < links2.length; i++ )
links1[links1.length] = links2[i];
function MergeGlossaries(xmlDoc1, subsystem, OnCompleteFunc)
var xmlDoc2 = subsystem.GetGlossary(function (xmlDoc2)
var divs1 = xmlDoc1.getElementsByTagName( "div" );
var divs2 = xmlDoc2.getElementsByTagName( "div" );
var body1 = null;
var body2 = null;
var body = xmlDoc1.createElement( "div" );
body.setAttribute( "id", "GlossaryBody" );
for ( var i = 0; i < divs1.length; i++ )
if ( divs1[i].getAttribute( "id" ) == "GlossaryBody" )
body1 = divs1[i];
for ( var i = 0; i < divs2.length; i++ )
if ( divs2[i].getAttribute( "id" ) == "GlossaryBody" )
body2 = divs2[i];
var glossUrl = subsystem.GlossaryUrl;
var pos = glossUrl.lastIndexOf( "/" );
var subPath = glossUrl.substring( 0, pos + 1 );
if ( body1.getElementsByTagName( "div" ).length == 0 )
if ( typeof( xmlDoc1.importNode ) == "function" )
body = xmlDoc1.importNode( body2, true );
body = body2.cloneNode( true );
for ( var i = 0; i < body.childNodes.length; i++ )
var currNode = body.childNodes[i];
if ( currNode.nodeType != 1 || currNode.nodeName != "div" )
ConvertGlossaryPageEntryToAbsolute( currNode, subPath );
else if ( body2.getElementsByTagName( "div" ).length == 0 )
body = body1.cloneNode( true );
for ( var i = 0, j = 0; i < body1.childNodes.length && j < body2.childNodes.length; )
var currGlossaryPageEntry1 = body1.childNodes[i];
var currGlossaryPageEntry2 = body2.childNodes[j];
if ( currGlossaryPageEntry1.nodeType != 1 )
else if ( currGlossaryPageEntry2.nodeType != 1 )
var term1 = currGlossaryPageEntry1.getElementsByTagName( "div" )[0].getElementsByTagName( "a" )[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
var term2 = currGlossaryPageEntry2.getElementsByTagName( "div" )[0].getElementsByTagName( "a" )[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
if ( term1.toLowerCase() == term2.toLowerCase() )
body.appendChild( currGlossaryPageEntry1.cloneNode( true ) );
else if ( term1.toLowerCase() > term2.toLowerCase() )
var newGlossaryPageEntry = null;
if ( typeof( xmlDoc1.importNode ) == "function" )
newGlossaryPageEntry = xmlDoc1.importNode( currGlossaryPageEntry2, true );
newGlossaryPageEntry = currGlossaryPageEntry2.cloneNode( true );
ConvertGlossaryPageEntryToAbsolute( newGlossaryPageEntry, subPath );
body.appendChild( newGlossaryPageEntry )
body.appendChild( currGlossaryPageEntry1.cloneNode( true ) );
// Append remaining nodes. There should never be a case where BOTH entries1 AND entries2 have remaining nodes.
for ( ; i < body1.childNodes.length; i++ )
body.appendChild( body1.childNodes[i].cloneNode( true ) );
for ( ; j < body2.childNodes.length; j++ )
var currNode = body2.childNodes[j];
if ( currNode.nodeType != 1 )
var newNode = null;
if ( typeof( xmlDoc1.importNode ) == "function" )
newNode = xmlDoc1.importNode( body2.childNodes[j], true );
newNode = body2.childNodes[j].cloneNode( true );
ConvertGlossaryPageEntryToAbsolute( newNode, subPath );
body.appendChild( newNode );
body1.parentNode.replaceChild(body, body1);
// End class CMCHelpSystem
// Enumeration EMCTocType
var EMCTocType = new function()
EMCTocType.Toc = 0;
EMCTocType.BrowseSequence = 1;
// End enumeration EMCTocType
// Class CMCTocFile
function CMCTocFile( helpSystem, tocType )
// Private member variables
var mSelf = this;
var mHelpSystem = helpSystem;
var mTocType = tocType;
var mInitialized = false;
var mXmlDoc = null;
var mInitOnCompleteFuncs = new Array();
var mTocPath = null;
var mTocHref = null;
var mOwnerHelpSystems = new Array();
// Public properties
// Constructor
// Public member functions
this.Init = function( OnCompleteFunc )
if ( mInitialized )
if ( OnCompleteFunc != null )
if ( OnCompleteFunc != null )
mInitOnCompleteFuncs.push( OnCompleteFunc );
var fileName = null;
if ( tocType == EMCTocType.Toc )
fileName = "Toc.xml";
else if ( tocType == EMCTocType.BrowseSequence )
fileName = "BrowseSequences.xml";
this.LoadToc( mHelpSystem.GetPath() + "Data/" + fileName, OnLoadTocComplete );
function OnLoadTocComplete( xmlDoc )
mInitialized = true;
mXmlDoc = xmlDoc;
this.LoadToc = function( xmlFile, OnCompleteFunc )
var masterHS = FMCGetHelpSystem();
var xmlDoc = null;
if ( mTocType == EMCTocType.Toc && masterHS.IsWebHelpPlus )
xmlDoc = CMCXmlParser.CallWebService( mHelpSystem.GetPath() + "Service/Service.asmx/GetToc", true, OnTocXmlLoaded, null );
else if ( mTocType == EMCTocType.BrowseSequence && masterHS.IsWebHelpPlus )
xmlDoc = CMCXmlParser.CallWebService( mHelpSystem.GetPath() + "Service/Service.asmx/GetBrowseSequences", true, OnTocXmlLoaded, null );
var xmlPath = (xmlFile.indexOf( "/" ) == -1) ? mHelpSystem.GetPath() + "Data/" + xmlFile : xmlFile;
xmlDoc = CMCXmlParser.GetXmlDoc( xmlPath, true, OnTocXmlLoaded, null );
function OnTocXmlLoaded( xmlDoc, args )
if ( !xmlDoc || !xmlDoc.documentElement )
if ( OnCompleteFunc != null )
OnCompleteFunc( xmlDoc );
if ( OnCompleteFunc != null )
OnCompleteFunc( xmlDoc );
this.LoadChunk = function( parentNode, xmlFile, OnCompleteFunc )
var xmlPath = (xmlFile.indexOf( "/" ) == -1) ? mHelpSystem.GetPath() + "Data/" + xmlFile : xmlFile;
var xmlDoc = CMCXmlParser.GetXmlDoc( xmlPath, true, OnTocXmlLoaded, null );
function OnTocXmlLoaded( xmlDoc, args )
if ( !xmlDoc || !xmlDoc.documentElement )
if ( OnCompleteFunc != null )
OnCompleteFunc( parentNode );
parentNode.removeAttribute( "Chunk" );
var rootNode = xmlDoc.documentElement;
for ( var i = 0, length = rootNode.childNodes.length; i < length; i++ )
var childNode = rootNode.childNodes[i];
if ( childNode.nodeType != 1 ) { continue; }
var importedNode = null;
if ( typeof( xmlDoc.importNode ) == "function" )
importedNode = xmlDoc.importNode( childNode, true );
importedNode = childNode.cloneNode( true );
parentNode.appendChild( importedNode );
if ( OnCompleteFunc != null )
OnCompleteFunc( parentNode );
this.LoadMerge = function( parentNode, OnCompleteFunc )
var mergeHint = FMCGetAttributeInt( parentNode, "MergeHint", -1 );
if ( mergeHint == -1 )
OnCompleteFunc( parentNode, false, null, null );
parentNode.removeAttribute( "MergeHint" );
var ownerHelpSystem = GetOwnerHelpSystem( parentNode );
var subsystem = ownerHelpSystem.GetSubsystem( mergeHint );
var replace = FMCGetAttributeBool( parentNode, "ReplaceMergeNode", false );
if ( !replace )
parentNode.setAttribute( "ownerHelpSystemIndex", mOwnerHelpSystems.length );
mOwnerHelpSystems[mOwnerHelpSystems.length] = subsystem;
var xmlPath = subsystem.GetPath() + "Data/" + (mTocType == EMCTocType.Toc ? "Toc.xml" : "BrowseSequences.xml");
var xmlDoc = CMCXmlParser.GetXmlDoc( xmlPath, true, OnTocXmlLoaded, null );
function OnTocXmlLoaded( xmlDoc, args )
if ( !xmlDoc || !xmlDoc.documentElement )
if ( OnCompleteFunc != null )
OnCompleteFunc( parentNode, false, null, null );
var rootNode = xmlDoc.documentElement;
var currNode = null;
var isFirst = true;
var firstNode = null;
var lastNode = null;
for ( var i = 0, length = rootNode.childNodes.length; i < length; i++ )
var childNode = rootNode.childNodes[i];
if ( childNode.nodeType != 1 ) { continue; }
var importedNode = null;
if ( typeof( xmlDoc.importNode ) == "function" )
importedNode = xmlDoc.importNode( childNode, true );
importedNode = childNode.cloneNode( true );
if ( replace )
importedNode.setAttribute( "ownerHelpSystemIndex", mOwnerHelpSystems.length - 1 );
if ( isFirst )
isFirst = false;
parentNode.parentNode.replaceChild( importedNode, parentNode );
firstNode = importedNode;
currNode = importedNode;
currNode.parentNode.insertBefore( importedNode, currNode.nextSibling );
lastNode = importedNode;
parentNode.appendChild( importedNode );
if ( OnCompleteFunc != null )
OnCompleteFunc( parentNode, replace, firstNode, lastNode );
this.AdvanceTopic = function( moveType, tocPath, href )
this.GetTocNode( tocPath, href, OnComplete );
function OnComplete( tocNode )
if ( tocNode == null )
var moveNode = null;
GetMoveTocTopicNode( moveType, tocNode, OnGetMoveTocNodeComplete );
function OnGetMoveTocNodeComplete( moveNode )
if ( moveNode != null )
var href = FMCGetAttribute( moveNode, "Link" );
if ( FMCIsHtmlHelp() )
href = href.substring( "/Content/".length );
href = href.substring( "/".length );
var hrefUrl = new CMCUrl( href );
// CHMs don't support query strings in links
if ( !FMCIsHtmlHelp() )
var prefix = null;
if ( mTocType == EMCTocType.Toc )
prefix = "TocPath";
else if ( mTocType == EMCTocType.BrowseSequence )
prefix = "BrowseSequencePath";
var tocPath = GetTocPath(moveNode);
var newHrefUrl = hrefUrl.ToQuery( prefix + "=" + encodeURIComponent( tocPath ) );
href = newHrefUrl.FullPath;
var subsystem = GetOwnerHelpSystem( moveNode );
href = subsystem.GetPath() + href;
FMCPostMessageRequest(MCGlobals.BodyFrame, "navigate", [href], null, function ()
MCGlobals.BodyFrame.document.location.href = href;
this.GetRootNode = function( onCompleteFunc )
this.Init( OnInit );
function OnInit()
onCompleteFunc( mXmlDoc.documentElement );
this.GetTocNode = function( tocPath, href, onCompleteFunc )
this.Init( OnInit );
function OnInit()
mTocPath = tocPath;
mTocHref = href;
var steps = (tocPath == "") ? new Array( 0 ) : tocPath.split( "|" );
var linkNodeIndex = -1;
if ( steps.length > 0 )
var lastStep = steps[steps.length - 1];
if ( lastStep.StartsWith( "$$$$$" ) )
linkNodeIndex = parseInt( lastStep.substring( "$$$$$".length ) );
steps.splice( steps.length - 1, 1 );
var tocNode = mXmlDoc.documentElement;
for ( var i = 0, length = steps.length; i < length; i++ )
if ( CheckChunk( tocNode ) )
if ( CheckMerge( tocNode ) )
tocNode = FindBook( tocNode, steps[i] );
if ( tocNode == null )
onCompleteFunc( null );
if ( CheckChunk( tocNode ) )
if ( CheckMerge( tocNode ) )
if ( linkNodeIndex >= 0 )
if ( linkNodeIndex == 0 )
foundNode = tocNode;
foundNode = FMCGetChildNodeByTagName( tocNode, "TocEntry", linkNodeIndex - 1 );
var ownerHelpSystem = GetOwnerHelpSystem( tocNode );
var relHref = href.ToRelative( new CMCUrl( ownerHelpSystem.GetPath() ) );
var foundNode = FindLink( tocNode, relHref.FullPath.toLowerCase(), true );
if ( !foundNode )
foundNode = FindLink( tocNode, relHref.PlainPath.toLowerCase(), false );
mTocPath = null;
mTocHref = null;
onCompleteFunc( foundNode );
function CheckChunk( tocNode )
var chunk = FMCGetAttribute( tocNode, "Chunk" );
if ( chunk != null )
mSelf.LoadChunk( tocNode, chunk,
function( tocNode )
mSelf.GetTocNode( mTocPath, mTocHref, onCompleteFunc )
return true;
return false;
function CheckMerge( tocNode )
var mergeHint = FMCGetAttributeInt( tocNode, "MergeHint", -1 );
if ( mergeHint >= 0 )
mSelf.LoadMerge( tocNode,
function( tocNode )
mSelf.GetTocNode( mTocPath, mTocHref, onCompleteFunc )
return true;
return false;
this.GetEntrySequenceIndex = function( tocPath, href, onCompleteFunc )
this.GetTocNode( tocPath, href, OnCompleteGetTocNode );
function OnCompleteGetTocNode( tocNode )
var sequenceIndex = -1;
if ( tocNode != null )
sequenceIndex = ComputeEntrySequenceIndex( tocNode );
onCompleteFunc( sequenceIndex );
this.GetIndexTotalForEntry = function( tocPath, href, onCompleteFunc )
this.GetTocNode( tocPath, href, OnCompleteGetTocNode );
function OnCompleteGetTocNode( tocNode )
var total = -1;
if ( tocNode != null )
var currNode = tocNode;
while ( currNode.parentNode != mXmlDoc.documentElement )
currNode = currNode.parentNode;
total = FMCGetAttributeInt( currNode, "DescendantCount", -1 );
onCompleteFunc( total );
// Private member functions
function InitOnComplete()
for ( var i = 0, length = mInitOnCompleteFuncs.length; i < length; i++ )
function FindBook( tocNode, step )
var foundNode = null;
for ( var i = 0; i < tocNode.childNodes.length; i++ )
if ( tocNode.childNodes[i].nodeName == "TocEntry" && FMCGetAttribute( tocNode.childNodes[i], "Title" ) == step )
foundNode = tocNode.childNodes[i];
return foundNode;
function FindLink( node, bodyHref, exactMatch )
var foundNode = null;
var bookHref = FMCGetAttribute( node, "Link" );
if ( bookHref != null )
if ( FMCIsHtmlHelp() )
bookHref = bookHref.substring( "/Content/".length );
bookHref = bookHref.substring( "/".length );
bookHref = bookHref.replace( /%20/g, " " );
bookHref = bookHref.toLowerCase();
if ( bookHref == bodyHref )
foundNode = node;
for ( var k = 0; k < node.childNodes.length; k++ )
var currNode = node.childNodes[k];
if ( currNode.nodeType != 1 ) { continue; }
var currTopicHref = FMCGetAttribute( currNode, "Link" );
if ( currTopicHref == null )
if ( FMCIsHtmlHelp() )
currTopicHref = currTopicHref.substring( "/Content/".length );
currTopicHref = currTopicHref.substring( "/".length );
currTopicHref = currTopicHref.replace( /%20/g, " " );
currTopicHref = currTopicHref.toLowerCase();
if ( !exactMatch )
var hashPos = currTopicHref.indexOf( "#" );
if ( hashPos != -1 )
currTopicHref = currTopicHref.substring( 0, hashPos );
var searchPos = currTopicHref.indexOf( "?" );
if ( searchPos != -1 )
currTopicHref = currTopicHref.substring( 0, searchPos );
if ( currTopicHref == bodyHref )
foundNode = currNode;
return foundNode;
function GetMoveTocTopicNode( moveType, tocNode, onCompleteFunc )
if ( moveType == "previous" )
GetPreviousNode( tocNode );
else if ( moveType == "next" )
GetNextNode( tocNode );
function OnCompleteGetNode( moveNode )
var moveTopicNode = null;
if ( moveNode != null )
var link = FMCGetAttribute( moveNode, "Link" );
if ( link == null )
GetMoveTocTopicNode( moveType, moveNode, onCompleteFunc );
var linkUrl = new CMCUrl( link );
var ext = linkUrl.Extension.toLowerCase();
var masterHS = FMCGetMasterHelpSystem();
if (masterHS.UseCustomTopicFileExtension)
if (ext != masterHS.CustomTopicFileExtension)
GetMoveTocTopicNode(moveType, moveNode, onCompleteFunc);
else if (ext != "htm" && ext != "html")
GetMoveTocTopicNode(moveType, moveNode, onCompleteFunc);
moveTopicNode = moveNode;
onCompleteFunc( moveTopicNode );
function GetPreviousNode( tocNode )
function OnLoadChunk( tNode )
var childTocNode = GetDeepestChild( tNode, "TocEntry" );
if ( childTocNode == null )
previousNode = tNode;
previousNode = childTocNode;
if ( CheckChunk( childTocNode, OnLoadChunk ) )
if ( CheckMerge( childTocNode, OnLoadMerge ) )
OnCompleteGetNode( previousNode );
function OnLoadMerge( tNode, replaced, firstNode, lastNode )
if ( replaced )
OnLoadChunk( lastNode );
OnLoadChunk( tNode );
var previousNode = null;
for ( var currNode = tocNode.previousSibling; currNode != null; currNode = currNode.previousSibling )
if ( currNode.nodeName == "TocEntry" )
previousNode = currNode;
if ( previousNode != null )
if ( CheckChunk( previousNode, OnLoadChunk ) )
if ( CheckMerge( previousNode, OnLoadMerge ) )
OnLoadChunk( previousNode );
if ( tocNode.parentNode.nodeType == 1 )
previousNode = tocNode.parentNode;
OnCompleteGetNode( previousNode );
function GetNextNode( tocNode )
function OnLoadChunk( tNode )
var nextNode = FMCGetChildNodeByTagName( tNode, "TocEntry", 0 );
for ( var currNode = tNode; currNode != null && nextNode == null; currNode = currNode.parentNode )
nextNode = FMCGetSiblingNodeByTagName( currNode, "TocEntry" );
OnCompleteGetNode( nextNode );
function OnLoadMerge( tNode, replaced, firstNode, lastNode )
if ( replaced )
OnCompleteGetNode( firstNode );
OnLoadChunk( tNode );
var nextNode = null;
if ( CheckChunk( tocNode, OnLoadChunk ) )
if ( CheckMerge( tocNode, OnLoadMerge ) )
OnLoadChunk( tocNode );
function CheckChunk( tocNode, OnCompleteFunc )
var chunk = FMCGetAttribute( tocNode, "Chunk" );
if ( chunk != null )
mSelf.LoadChunk( tocNode, chunk, OnCompleteFunc );
return true;
return false;
function CheckMerge( tocNode, OnCompleteFunc )
var mergeHint = FMCGetAttributeInt( tocNode, "MergeHint", -1 );
if ( mergeHint >= 0 )
mSelf.LoadMerge( tocNode, OnCompleteFunc );
return true;
return false;
function GetDeepestChild( tocNode, nodeName )
var node = FMCGetLastChildNodeByTagName( tocNode, nodeName );
if ( node != null )
var nodeChild = GetDeepestChild( node, nodeName );
if ( nodeChild != null )
return nodeChild;
return node;
return null;
function GetOwnerHelpSystem( tocNode )
var ownerHelpSystem = null;
var currNode = tocNode;
while ( true )
if ( currNode == currNode.ownerDocument.documentElement )
ownerHelpSystem = mHelpSystem;
var ownerHelpSystemIndex = FMCGetAttributeInt( currNode, "ownerHelpSystemIndex", -1 );
if ( ownerHelpSystemIndex >= 0 )
ownerHelpSystem = mOwnerHelpSystems[ownerHelpSystemIndex];
currNode = currNode.parentNode;
return ownerHelpSystem;
function GetTocPath( tocNode )
var tocPath = "";
var linkNodeIndex = -1;
var childNode = FMCGetChildNodeByTagName( tocNode, "TocEntry", 0 );
if ( childNode != null )
tocPath = FMCGetAttribute( tocNode, "Title" );
linkNodeIndex = 0;
linkNodeIndex = FMCGetChildIndex( tocNode ) + 1;
if ( tocPath.length > 0 )
tocPath += "|";
tocPath += ("$$$$$" + linkNodeIndex);
for ( var currNode = tocNode.parentNode; currNode != null && currNode.parentNode.nodeType == 1; currNode = currNode.parentNode )
if ( tocPath == null )
tocPath = "";
if ( tocPath.length > 0 )
tocPath = "|" + tocPath;
tocPath = FMCGetAttribute( currNode, "Title" ) + tocPath;
return tocPath;
function ComputeEntrySequenceIndex( tocNode )
if ( tocNode.parentNode == tocNode.ownerDocument.documentElement )
return 0;
var sequenceIndex = 0;
var link = FMCGetAttribute( tocNode, "Link" );
if ( link != null )
for ( var currNode = tocNode.previousSibling; currNode != null; currNode = currNode.previousSibling )
if ( currNode.nodeType != 1 ) { continue; }
var descendantCount = FMCGetAttributeInt( currNode, "DescendantCount", 0 );
sequenceIndex += descendantCount;
var link = FMCGetAttribute( currNode, "Link" );
if ( link != null )
var linkUrl = new CMCUrl( link );
var ext = linkUrl.Extension.toLowerCase();
if ( ext == "htm" || ext == "html" )
return sequenceIndex + ComputeEntrySequenceIndex( tocNode.parentNode );
// End class CMCTocFile
function FMCIsChrome()
return Boolean(window.chrome);
function FMCIsChromeLocal()
return FMCIsChrome() && document.location.protocol.StartsWith("file");
function FMCStringToBool( stringValue )
if (typeof (stringValue) == "boolean")
return stringValue;
var boolValue = false;
var stringValLower = stringValue.toLowerCase();
boolValue = stringValLower == "true" || stringValLower == "1" || stringValLower == "yes";
return boolValue;
function FMCGetAttributeBool( node, attributeName, defaultValue )
var boolValue = defaultValue;
var value = FMCGetAttribute( node, attributeName );
if ( value )
boolValue = FMCStringToBool( value );
return boolValue;
function FMCGetAttributeInt( node, attributeName, defaultValue )
var intValue = defaultValue;
var value = FMCGetAttribute( node, attributeName );
if ( value != null )
intValue = parseInt( value );
return intValue;
function FMCGetAttribute( node, attribute )
var value = null;
if ( node.getAttribute( attribute ) != null )
value = node.getAttribute( attribute );
else if ( node.getAttribute( attribute.toLowerCase() ) != null )
value = node.getAttribute( attribute.toLowerCase() );
var namespaceIndex = attribute.indexOf( ":" );
if ( namespaceIndex != -1 )
value = node.getAttribute( attribute.substring( namespaceIndex + 1, attribute.length ) );
if ( typeof( value ) == "string" && value == "" )
value = null;
return value;
function FMCGetComputedStyle( node, style )
var value = null;
if ( node.currentStyle )
value = node.currentStyle[style];
else if ( document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle )
var computedStyle = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle( node, null );
if ( computedStyle )
value = computedStyle[style];
return value;
// Class CMCXmlParser
function CMCXmlParser( args, LoadFunc, loadContextObj )
// Private member variables and functions
var mSelf = this;
this.mXmlDoc = null;
this.mXmlHttp = null;
this.mArgs = args;
this.mLoadFunc = LoadFunc;
this.mLoadContextObj = loadContextObj;
this.OnreadystatechangeLocal = function ()
if (mSelf.mXmlDoc.readyState == 4)
var xmlDoc = null;
if (mSelf.mXmlDoc.documentElement != null)
xmlDoc = mSelf.mXmlDoc;
if (mSelf.mLoadContextObj == null)
mSelf.mLoadFunc(xmlDoc, mSelf.mArgs);
mSelf.mLoadFunc.call(mSelf.mLoadContextObj, xmlDoc, mSelf.mArgs);
this.OnreadystatechangeRemote = function ()
if (mSelf.mXmlHttp.readyState == 4)
var xmlDoc = null;
if (mSelf.mXmlHttp.responseXML != null && mSelf.mXmlHttp.responseXML.documentElement != null)
xmlDoc = mSelf.mXmlHttp.responseXML;
if (mSelf.mLoadContextObj == null)
mSelf.mLoadFunc(xmlDoc, mSelf.mArgs);
mSelf.mLoadFunc.call(mSelf.mLoadContextObj, xmlDoc, mSelf.mArgs);
CMCXmlParser.prototype.LoadLocal = function (xmlFile, async)
if (window.ActiveXObject)
this.mXmlDoc = CMCXmlParser.GetMicrosoftXmlDomObject();
this.mXmlDoc.async = async;
if (this.mLoadFunc)
this.mXmlDoc.onreadystatechange = this.OnreadystatechangeLocal;
if (!this.mXmlDoc.load(xmlFile))
this.mXmlDoc = null;
catch (err)
this.mXmlDoc = null;
else if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
this.LoadRemote(xmlFile, async); // window.XMLHttpRequest also works on local files
return this.mXmlDoc;
CMCXmlParser.prototype.LoadRemote = function( xmlFile, async )
if ( window.ActiveXObject )
this.mXmlHttp = CMCXmlParser.GetMicrosoftXmlHttpObject();
else if ( window.XMLHttpRequest )
xmlFile = xmlFile.replace( /;/g, "%3B" ); // For Safari
this.mXmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
if ( this.mLoadFunc )
this.mXmlHttp.onreadystatechange = this.OnreadystatechangeRemote;
this.mXmlHttp.open( "GET", xmlFile, async );
this.mXmlHttp.send( null );
if ( !async && (this.mXmlHttp.status == 0 || this.mXmlHttp.status == 200) )
this.mXmlDoc = this.mXmlHttp.responseXML;
catch ( err )
if (this.mLoadFunc)
if (this.mLoadContextObj == null)
this.mLoadFunc(null, this.mArgs);
this.mLoadFunc.call(this.mLoadContextObj, null, this.mArgs);
return this.mXmlDoc;
// Public member functions
CMCXmlParser.prototype.Load = function( xmlFile, async )
var xmlDoc = null;
var protocolType = document.location.protocol;
if ( protocolType == "file:" || protocolType == "mk:" || protocolType == "app:" )
xmlDoc = this.LoadLocal( xmlFile, async );
else if ( protocolType == "http:" || protocolType == "https:" )
xmlDoc = this.LoadRemote( xmlFile, async );
return xmlDoc;
// Static properties
CMCXmlParser.MicrosoftXmlDomProgIDs = [ "Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0", "Msxml2.DOMDocument", "Microsoft.XMLDOM" ];
CMCXmlParser.MicrosoftXmlHttpProgIDs = [ "Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0", "Msxml2.XMLHTTP", "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" ];
CMCXmlParser.MicrosoftXmlDomProgID = null;
CMCXmlParser.MicrosoftXmlHttpProgID = null;
// Static member functions
CMCXmlParser.GetMicrosoftXmlDomObject = function()
var obj = null;
if ( CMCXmlParser.MicrosoftXmlDomProgID == null )
for ( var i = 0; i < CMCXmlParser.MicrosoftXmlDomProgIDs.length; i++ )
var progID = CMCXmlParser.MicrosoftXmlDomProgIDs[i];
obj = new ActiveXObject( progID );
CMCXmlParser.MicrosoftXmlDomProgID = progID;
catch ( ex )
obj = new ActiveXObject( CMCXmlParser.MicrosoftXmlDomProgID );
return obj;
CMCXmlParser.GetMicrosoftXmlHttpObject = function()
var obj = null;
if ( CMCXmlParser.MicrosoftXmlHttpProgID == null )
for ( var i = 0; i < CMCXmlParser.MicrosoftXmlHttpProgIDs.length; i++ )
var progID = CMCXmlParser.MicrosoftXmlHttpProgIDs[i];
obj = new ActiveXObject( progID );
CMCXmlParser.MicrosoftXmlHttpProgID = progID;
catch ( ex )
obj = new ActiveXObject( CMCXmlParser.MicrosoftXmlHttpProgID );
return obj;
CMCXmlParser._FilePathToXmlStringMap = new CMCDictionary();
CMCXmlParser._LoadingFilesPathMap = new CMCDictionary();
CMCXmlParser._LoadingFromQueue = false;
CMCXmlParser.GetXmlDoc = function (xmlFile, async, LoadFunc, args, loadContextObj)
function OnScriptLoaded()
var xmlString = CMCXmlParser._FilePathToXmlStringMap.GetItem(jsFileUrl.Name);
xmlDoc = CMCXmlParser.LoadXmlString(xmlString);
// Check if there are any more in the queue. Do this before calling the callback function since the callback function might invoke another call to this same function.
CMCXmlParser._LoadingFilesPathMap.ForEach(function (key, value)
var loadingFileUrl = new CMCUrl(key);
var loadInfo = value;
if (loadingFileUrl.Name == fileName && loadingFileUrl.FullPath != jsFileUrl.FullPath)
CMCXmlParser._LoadingFromQueue = true;
CMCXmlParser.GetXmlDoc(loadingFileUrl.FullPath, loadInfo.async, loadInfo.LoadFunc, loadInfo.args, loadInfo.loadContextObj);
return false;
return true;
// Call the callback function
if (loadContextObj == null)
LoadFunc(xmlDoc, args);
LoadFunc.call(loadContextObj, xmlDoc, args);
var xmlDoc = null;
if (FMCIsChromeLocal())
var xmlFileUrl = new CMCUrl(xmlFile);
var jsFileUrl = xmlFileUrl.ToExtension("js");
var fileName = jsFileUrl.Name;
CMCXmlParser._LoadingFilesPathMap.Add(jsFileUrl.FullPath, { async: async, LoadFunc: LoadFunc, args: args, loadContextObj: loadContextObj });
var loadingFileWithSameName = false;
CMCXmlParser._LoadingFilesPathMap.ForEach(function (key, value)
var loadingFileUrl = new CMCUrl(key);
var loadInfo = value;
if (loadingFileUrl.Name == fileName && loadingFileUrl.FullPath != jsFileUrl.FullPath)
loadingFileWithSameName = true;
return false;
return true;
if (CMCXmlParser._LoadingFromQueue || !loadingFileWithSameName)
CMCXmlParser._LoadingFromQueue = false;
var scriptEl = document.createElement("script");
scriptEl.src = jsFileUrl.FullPath;
scriptEl.type = "text/javascript";
scriptEl.onreadystatechange = function ()
if (scriptEl.readyState == "loaded" || scriptEl.readyState == "complete")
scriptEl.onload = function ()
var xmlParser = new CMCXmlParser(args, LoadFunc, loadContextObj);
xmlDoc = xmlParser.Load(xmlFile, async);
return xmlDoc;
CMCXmlParser.LoadXmlString = function( xmlString )
var xmlDoc = null;
if ( window.ActiveXObject )
xmlDoc = CMCXmlParser.GetMicrosoftXmlDomObject();
xmlDoc.async = false;
xmlDoc.loadXML( xmlString );
else if ( DOMParser )
var parser = new DOMParser();
xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString( xmlString, "text/xml" );
return xmlDoc;
CMCXmlParser.CreateXmlDocument = function( rootTagName )
var rootXml = "<" + rootTagName + " />";
var xmlDoc = CMCXmlParser.LoadXmlString( rootXml );
return xmlDoc;
CMCXmlParser.GetOuterXml = function( xmlDoc )
var xml = null;
if ( window.ActiveXObject )
xml = xmlDoc.xml;
else if ( window.XMLSerializer )
var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
xml = serializer.serializeToString( xmlDoc );
return xml;
CMCXmlParser.CallWebService = function( webServiceUrl, async, onCompleteFunc, onCompleteArgs )
var xmlParser = new CMCXmlParser( onCompleteArgs, onCompleteFunc, null );
var xmlDoc = xmlParser.LoadRemote( webServiceUrl, async );
return xmlDoc;
// End class CMCXmlParser
// String helpers
String.IsNullOrEmpty = function( str )
if ( str == null )
return true;
if ( str.length == 0 )
return true;
return false;
String.prototype.StartsWith = function( str, caseSensitive )
if ( str == null )
return false;
if ( this.length < str.length )
return false;
var value1 = this;
var value2 = str;
if ( !caseSensitive )
value1 = value1.toLowerCase();
value2 = value2.toLowerCase();
if ( value1.substring( 0, value2.length ) == value2 )
return true;
return false;
String.prototype.EndsWith = function( str, caseSensitive )
if ( str == null )
return false;
if ( this.length < str.length )
return false;
var value1 = this;
var value2 = str;
if ( !caseSensitive )
value1 = value1.toLowerCase();
value2 = value2.toLowerCase();
if ( value1.substring( value1.length - value2.length ) == value2 )
return true;
return false;
String.prototype.Contains = function( str, caseSensitive )
var value1 = this;
var value2 = str;
if ( !caseSensitive )
value1 = value1.toLowerCase();
value2 = value2.toLowerCase();
return value1.indexOf( value2 ) != -1;
String.prototype.Equals = function( str, caseSensitive )
var value1 = this;
var value2 = str;
if ( !caseSensitive )
value1 = value1.toLowerCase();
value2 = value2.toLowerCase();
return value1 == value2;
String.prototype.CountOf = function( str, caseSensitive )
var count = 0;
var value1 = this;
var value2 = str;
if ( !caseSensitive )
value1 = value1.toLowerCase();
value2 = value2.toLowerCase();
var lastIndex = -1;
while ( true )
lastIndex = this.indexOf( str, lastIndex + 1 );
if ( lastIndex == -1 )
return count;
String.prototype.Insert = function( startIndex, value )
var newStr = null;
if ( startIndex >= 0 )
newStr = this.substring( 0, startIndex );
newStr = this;
newStr += value;
if ( startIndex >= 0 )
newStr += this.substring( startIndex );
return newStr;
String.prototype.Trim = function()
return this.TrimLeft().TrimRight();
String.prototype.TrimLeft = function()
var i = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < this.length && this.charAt( i ) == " "; i++ );
return this.substring( i, this.length );
String.prototype.TrimRight = function()
var i = 0;
for ( i = this.length - 1; i >= 0 && this.charAt( i ) == " "; i-- );
return this.substring( 0, i + 1 );
// End String helpers
// Class CMCDictionary
function CMCDictionary()
// Public properties
this.mMap = new Object();
this.mOverflows = new Array();
this.mLength = 0;
CMCDictionary.prototype.GetLength = function( key )
return this.mLength;
CMCDictionary.prototype.ForEach = function( func )
var map = this.mMap;
for ( var key in map )
var value = map[key];
if ( !func( key, value ) )
var overflows = this.mOverflows;
for ( var i = 0, length = overflows.length; i < length; i++ )
var item = overflows[i];
if ( !func( item.Key, item.Value ) )
CMCDictionary.prototype.GetItem = function( key )
var item = null;
if ( typeof( this.mMap[key] ) == "function" )
var index = this.GetItemOverflowIndex( key );
if ( index >= 0 )
item = this.mOverflows[index].Value;
item = this.mMap[key];
if ( typeof( item ) == "undefined" )
item = null;
return item;
CMCDictionary.prototype.GetItemOverflowIndex = function( key )
var overflows = this.mOverflows;
for ( var i = 0, length = overflows.length; i < length; i++ )
if ( overflows[i].Key == key )
return i;
return -1;
CMCDictionary.prototype.Remove = function( key )
if ( typeof( this.mMap[key] ) == "function" )
var index = this.GetItemOverflowIndex( key );
if ( index >= 0 )
this.mOverflows.splice( index, 1 )
if ( this.mMap[key] != "undefined" )
delete( this.mMap[key] );
CMCDictionary.prototype.Add = function( key, value )
if ( typeof( this.mMap[key] ) == "function" )
var item = this.GetItem( key );
if ( item != null )
this.Remove( key );
this.mOverflows[this.mOverflows.length] = { Key: key, Value: value };
this.mMap[key] = value;
CMCDictionary.prototype.AddUnique = function( key, value )
var savedValue = this.GetItem( key );
if ( typeof( savedValue ) == "undefined" || !savedValue )
this.Add( key, value );
// End class CMCDictionary
// Class CMCUrl
function CMCUrl( src )
// Private member variables
var mSelf = this;
// Public properties
this.FullPath = null;
this.Path = null;
this.PlainPath = null;
this.Name = null;
this.Extension = null;
this.NameWithExtension = null;
this.Fragment = null;
this.Query = null;
this.IsAbsolute = false;
// Constructor
var fragment = "";
var query = "";
var fragmentPos = src.indexOf( "#" );
var queryPos = src.indexOf( "?" );
if ( fragmentPos != -1 )
if ( fragmentPos > queryPos )
fragment = src.substring( fragmentPos );
fragment = src.substring( fragmentPos, queryPos );
if ( queryPos != -1 )
if ( queryPos > fragmentPos )
query = src.substring( queryPos );
query = src.substring( queryPos, fragmentPos );
var pos = Math.max( fragmentPos, queryPos );
var plainPath = src.substring( 0, pos == -1 ? src.length : pos );
pos = plainPath.lastIndexOf( "/" );
var path = plainPath.substring( 0, pos + 1 );
var nameWithExt = plainPath.substring( pos + 1 );
pos = nameWithExt.lastIndexOf( "." );
var name = nameWithExt.substring( 0, pos );
var ext = nameWithExt.substring( pos + 1 );
var scheme = "";
pos = src.indexOf( ":" );
if ( pos >= 0 )
scheme = src.substring( 0, pos );
mSelf.FullPath = src;
mSelf.Path = path;
mSelf.PlainPath = plainPath;
mSelf.Name = name;
mSelf.Extension = ext;
mSelf.NameWithExtension = nameWithExt;
mSelf.Scheme = scheme;
mSelf.IsAbsolute = !String.IsNullOrEmpty( scheme );
mSelf.Fragment = fragment;
mSelf.Query = query;
// Public static properties
CMCUrl.QueryMap = new CMCDictionary();
CMCUrl.HashMap = new CMCDictionary();
var search = document.location.search;
if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( search ) )
search = search.substring( 1 );
Parse( search, "&", CMCUrl.QueryMap );
var hash = document.location.hash;
if ( !String.IsNullOrEmpty( hash ) )
hash = hash.substring( 1 );
Parse( hash, "|", CMCUrl.HashMap );
function Parse( item, delimiter, map )
var split = item.split( delimiter );
for ( var i = 0, length = split.length; i < length; i++ )
var part = split[i];
var index = part.indexOf( "=" );
var key = null;
var value = null;
if ( index >= 0 )
key = decodeURIComponent( part.substring( 0, index ) );
value = decodeURIComponent( part.substring( index + 1 ) );
key = part;
map.Add( key, value );
CMCUrl.prototype.AddFile = function( otherUrl )
if ( typeof( otherUrl ) == "string" )
otherUrl = new CMCUrl( otherUrl );
if ( otherUrl.IsAbsolute )
return otherUrl;
var otherFullPath = otherUrl.FullPath;
if ( otherFullPath.charAt( 0 ) == "/" )
var loc = document.location;
var pos = loc.href.lastIndexOf( loc.pathname );
var rootPath = loc.href.substring( 0, pos );
return new CMCUrl( rootPath + otherFullPath );
var fullPath = this.FullPath;
if ( !fullPath.EndsWith( "/" ) )
fullPath = fullPath + "/";
return new CMCUrl( fullPath + otherFullPath );
CMCUrl.prototype.CombinePath = function( otherUrl )
if ( typeof( otherUrl ) == "string" )
otherUrl = new CMCUrl( otherUrl );
if ( otherUrl.IsAbsolute )
throw new CMCException( -1, "Cannot combine two absolute paths." );
var otherFullPath = otherUrl.FullPath;
var fullPath = this.FullPath;
var segments = otherUrl.FullPath.split( "/" );
var curr = this.FullPath;
var prefix = "";
if ( this.Scheme == "mk" )
var pos = curr.indexOf( "::" );
prefix = curr.substring( 0, pos + "::".length );
curr = curr.substring( pos + "::".length );
for ( var i = 0, length = segments.length; i < length; i++ )
var seg = segments[i];
if ( String.IsNullOrEmpty( seg ) )
if ( curr.length > 1 && curr.EndsWith( "/" ) )
curr = curr.substring( 0, curr.length - 1 );
if ( seg == "." )
curr += "/";
else if ( seg == ".." )
curr = curr.substring( 0, curr.lastIndexOf( "/" ) + 1 );
if ( !curr.EndsWith( "/" ) )
curr += "/";
curr += seg;
curr = prefix + curr;
return new CMCUrl( curr );
CMCUrl.prototype.ToQuery = function(query)
var newPath = this.PlainPath + "?" + query + this.Fragment;
return new CMCUrl(newPath);
CMCUrl.prototype.ToFolder = function()
var fullPath = this.PlainPath;
var pos = fullPath.lastIndexOf( "/" );
var newPath = fullPath.substring( 0, pos + 1 );
return new CMCUrl( newPath );
CMCUrl.prototype.ToRelative = function( otherUrl )
var path = otherUrl.FullPath;
var otherPath = this.FullPath;
var pos = otherPath.indexOf( path );
var relPath = null;
if ( pos == 0 )
relPath = otherPath.substring( path.length );
relPath = otherPath;
return new CMCUrl( relPath );
CMCUrl.prototype.ToExtension = function( newExt )
var path = this.FullPath;
var pos = path.lastIndexOf( "." );
var left = path.substring( 0, pos );
var newPath = left + "." + newExt;
return new CMCUrl( newPath );
// End class CMCUrl