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2 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
feat(nslcd): add role 2022-11-05 12:15:13 +01:00
feat(nscd): add role 2022-11-05 12:01:30 +01:00
46 changed files with 182 additions and 1183 deletions

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@ -5,25 +5,6 @@
This ansible collection provides various roles for installing
and configuring basic system utilities like gnupg, ssh etc
- [`elasticsearch`](roles/elasticsearch/ Deploy [elasticsearch](,
a popular (distributed) search and analytics engine, mostly known by it's
letter "E" in the ELK-stack.
- [`git`](roles/git/ configures git on the target system
- [`gnupg`](roles/gnupg/ configures gnupg on the target system
- [`mariadb`](roles/mariadb/ runs [MariaDB Server](, one of the world's most popular open source relational database
- [`minio`](roles/minio/ Deploy [](, an
s3-compatible object storage server, using docker containers.
- [`nginx`](roles/nginx/ [nginx](,
an advanced load balancer, webserver and reverse proxy.
- [`restic`](roles/restic/ Manage backups using restic
and persist them to a configurable backend.
## License
[CNPLv7+]( Cooperative Nonviolent Public License

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@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
namespace: finallycoffee
name: base
version: 0.0.2
version: 0.0.1
- transcaffeine <>
description: Roles for base services which are common dependencies other services like databases
- Johanna Dorothea Reichmann <>
description: Roles for bootstrapping tools like gpg, ssh and git
- CNPLv7+
- '*.tar.gz'

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@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
requires_ansible: ">=2.12"

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@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
dns_record_state: present

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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- name: Ensure DNS records in '{{ dns_zone }}' are up to date
primary_master: "{{ dns_server }}"
zone: "{{ dns_zone }}"
tsig_name: "{{ dns_tsig_name }}"
tsig_algo: "{{ dns_tsig_algo }}"
tsig_key: "{{ dns_tsig_key }}"
rr_set: "{{ dns_records }}"
state: "{{ dns_record_state }}"

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@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
# `finallycoffee.base.elastiscsearch`
A simple ansible role which deploys a single-node elastic container to provide
an easy way to do some indexing.
## Usage
Per default, `/opt/elasticsearch/data` is used to persist data, it is
customizable by using either `elasticsearch_base_path` or `elasticsearch_data_path`.
As elasticsearch be can be quite memory heavy, the maximum amount of allowed RAM
can be configured using `elasticsearch_allocated_ram_mb`, defaulting to 512 (mb).
The cluster name and discovery type can be overridden using
`elasticsearch_config_cluster_name` (default: elastic) and
`elasticsearch_config_discovery_type` (default: single-node), should one
need a multi-node elasticsearch deployment.
Per default, no ports or networks are mapped, and explizit mapping using
either ports (`elasticsearch_container_ports`) or networks
(`elasticsearch_container_networks`) is required in order for other services
to use elastic.

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@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
elasticsearch_version: 7.17.7
elasticsearch_base_path: /opt/elasticsearch
elasticsearch_data_path: "{{ elasticsearch_base_path }}/data"
elasticsearch_config_cluster_name: elastic
elasticsearch_config_discovery_type: single-node
elasticsearch_config_boostrap_memory_lock: true
elasticsearch_allocated_ram_mb: 512
elasticsearch_container_image_tag: ~
elasticsearch_container_image: >-
{{ elasticsearch_container_image_name }}:{{ elasticsearch_container_image_tag | default(elasticsearch_version, true) }}
elasticsearch_container_name: elasticsearch
"ES_JAVA_OPTS": "-Xms{{ elasticsearch_allocated_ram_mb }}m -Xmx{{ elasticsearch_allocated_ram_mb }}m"
"": "{{ elasticsearch_config_cluster_name }}"
"discovery.type": "{{ elasticsearch_config_discovery_type }}"
"bootstrap.memory_lock": "{{ 'true' if elasticsearch_config_boostrap_memory_lock else 'false' }}"
elasticsearch_container_user: ~
elasticsearch_container_ports: ~
version: "{{ elasticsearch_version }}"
# - "memlock:{{ (1.5 * 1024 * elasticsearch_allocated_ram_mb) | int }}:{{ (1.5 * 1024 * elasticsearch_allocated_ram_mb) | int }}"
- "memlock:-1:-1"
- "{{ elasticsearch_data_path }}:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data:z"
elasticsearch_container_networks: ~
elasticsearch_container_purge_networks: ~
elasticsearch_container_restart_policy: unless-stopped

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@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- name: Ensure host directories are present
path: "{{ item }}"
state: directory
mode: "0777"
- "{{ elasticsearch_base_path }}"
- "{{ elasticsearch_data_path }}"
- name: Ensure elastic container image is present
name: "{{ elasticsearch_container_image }}"
state: present
source: pull
force_source: "{{ elasticsearch_container_image_tag|default(false, true)|bool }}"
- name: Ensure elastic container is running
name: "{{ elasticsearch_container_name }}"
image: "{{ elasticsearch_container_image }}"
env: "{{ elasticsearch_container_env | default(omit, True) }}"
user: "{{ elasticsearch_container_user | default(omit, True) }}"
ports: "{{ elasticsearch_container_ports | default(omit, True) }}"
labels: "{{ elasticsearch_container_labels | default(omit, True) }}"
volumes: "{{ elasticsearch_container_volumes }}"
ulimits: "{{ elasticsearch_container_ulimits }}"
networks: "{{ elasticsearch_container_networks | default(omit, True) }}"
purge_networks: "{{ elasticsearch_container_purge_networks | default(omit, True) }}"
restart_policy: "{{ elasticsearch_container_restart_policy }}"
state: started

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# `finallycoffee.base.git` ansible role
This role configures git for the `ansible_user` and can be used
to (pre)-configure git.
## Examples
git_config_user_name: # user name to use for git
git_config_user_email: # email to use for git
git_config_core_editor: vim # editor to use
- remote_url:
username: my_github_username

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@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
# `finallycoffee.base.gnupg` ansible role
Configures GnuPG on the target system, including a Smart-Card (SC) daemon
and can set up gpg-agent as an SSH-agent.

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@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
# `` ansible role
This role can be used to retrieve ACME certificates on the target host. It uses `lego` for that, and with systemd template units provides an easy way to configure and monitor the status for each certificate.
## Requirements
- `systemd`
- write access to /tmp to unpack the lego release tarball during installation
- write access to /opt/lego (or whatever `lego_base_path` is set to) for configuration and certificate data
- `become` privileges of the `ansible_user` on the target
## Usage
### Required configuration
- `lego_instance` - used for allowing multiple lego jobs to run with systemd template units. recommended to be set to the CN / first SAN of the certificate.
- `lego_cert_domains` - list of FQDNs to request a certificate for
- `lego_acme_account_email` - when using letsencrypt, a contact email is mandatory
### Proxies / Registries
The role ensure `lego` is downloaded from the github release page. If you are behind a proxy or use a registry like Nexus3, set `lego_release_archive_server`.
### ACME server
Per default, the Letsencrypt Staging ACME server is configured. Set `lego_acme_server_url` from `lego_letsencrypt_server_urls.{qa,prod}` or configure your own ACME v2 server directly.
### Certificate
To set for which domains to request a certificate for, set them as a list of SANs in `lego_cert_domains`. The default key type is EC256 and can be overridden using `lego_cert_key_type`.
Set the type of challenge in `lego_acme_challenge_type` (to either `http` or `dns`), and `lego_acme_challenge_provider` to, for example, `rfc2136` for DNS challenges using the DNSUPDATE mechanism. If your challenge needs additional data, set that in `lego_command_config` as a dictionary analog to `lego_base_command_config` (see [defaults](defaults/main.yml)).
## Trivia
### Architecture
By default, the lego distribution for `linux` on `amd64` is downloaded. If your target needs a different architecture or target OS, adjust this in `lego_os` and `lego_architecture`, cross-checking with the [lego GitHub release page]( for upstream availability.
### User management
The role will attempt to create user+group for each seperate lego instance for data isolation (i.e. to avoid leaking a TSIG key from one lego instance to other services). The user and group are of the form `acme-{{ lego_instance }}`. Beware that changing this in `lego_cert_{user,group}` also requires `lego_systemd_{user,group}` to be adjusted!
### Binding to ports < 1024 (HTTP-01 challenge)
Set `lego_binary_allow_net_bind_service: true` to allow the lego binary to bind to ports in the 'privileged' (< 1024) port range.

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@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
lego_user: "lego"
lego_version: "4.17.4"
lego_instance: default
lego_base_path: "/opt/lego"
lego_cert_user: "acme-{{ lego_instance }}"
lego_cert_group: "{{ lego_cert_user }}"
lego_cert_mode: "0640" # rw-r-----
lego_systemd_user: "acme-%i"
lego_systemd_group: "{{ lego_systemd_user }}"
lego_instance_base_path: "{{ lego_base_path }}/instances"
lego_instance_path: "{{ lego_instance_base_path }}/{{ lego_instance }}"
lego_cert_domains: []
lego_cert_key_type: ec256
lego_cert_days_to_renew: 30
lego_acme_account_email: ~
lego_acme_challenge_type: http
lego_acme_challenge_provider: ~
qa: ""
prod: ""
lego_acme_server_url: "{{ }}"
LEGO_CERT_USER: "{{ lego_cert_user }}"
LEGO_CERT_GROUP: "{{ lego_cert_group }}"
LEGO_CERT_MODE: "{{ lego_cert_mode }}"
LEGO_CERT_STORE_PATH: "{{ lego_instance_path }}"
LEGO_CERT_DAYS_TO_RENEW: "{{ lego_cert_days_to_renew }}"
LEGO_KEY_TYPE: "{{ lego_cert_key_type }}"
LEGO_ACME_CHALLENGE_TYPE: "{{ lego_acme_challenge_type }}"
LEGO_ACME_SERVER: "{{ lego_acme_server_url }}"
LEGO_COMMAND_ARGS: "{{ lego_command_args }}"
server: "{{ lego_acme_server_url }}"
accept_tos: true
email: "{{ lego_acme_account_email }}"
path: "{{ lego_instance_path }}"
key_type: "{{ lego_cert_key_type }}"
lego_acme_challenge_config: >-
{{ {lego_acme_challenge_type: lego_acme_challenge_provider} }}
lego_systemd_unit_path: "/etc/systemd/system"
lego_systemd_template_unit_name: "lego@.service"
lego_systemd_template_unit_file: "{{ lego_systemd_template_unit_name }}.j2"
lego_systemd_service_name: "lego@{{ lego_instance }}.service"
lego_systemd_environment: >-
{{ lego_base_environment | combine(lego_environment | default({})) }}
lego_full_command_config: >-
{{ lego_base_command_config
| combine(lego_acme_challenge_config)
| combine(lego_command_config | default({})) }}
lego_systemd_timer_name: "lego-{{ lego_instance }}.timer"
lego_systemd_timer_template: lego.timer.j2
lego_systemd_timer_calendar: "*-*-* *:00/15:00"
lego_architecture: "amd64"
lego_os: "linux"
lego_binary_allow_net_bind_service: false
lego_release_archive_server: ""
lego_release_archive_filename: >-
lego_v{{ lego_version }}_{{ lego_os }}_{{ lego_architecture }}.tar.gz
lego_release_archive_url: >-
{{ lego_release_archive_server }}/go-acme/lego/releases/download/v{{ lego_version }}/{{ lego_release_archive_filename }}
lego_release_archive_file_path: "/tmp/{{ lego_release_archive_filename }}"
lego_release_archive_path: "/tmp/lego_v{{ lego_version }}_{{ lego_os }}_{{ lego_architecture }}"

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@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
LEGO_BINARY=$(/usr/bin/env which lego)
if [[ -n "$LEGO_HTTP_FALLBACK_PORT" ]]; then
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
LEGO_COMMAND_ARGS_EXPANDED=$(bash -c "echo $LEGO_COMMAND_ARGS") # This is a bit icky
FILES_IN_DIR=$(find "$LEGO_CERT_STORE_PATH/certificates" | wc -l)
if [[ $FILES_IN_DIR -gt 2 ]]; then
ls "$LEGO_CERT_STORE_PATH/certificates" | xargs -I{} -n 1 chmod "$LEGO_CERT_MODE" "$LEGO_CERT_STORE_PATH/certificates/{}"
ls "$LEGO_CERT_STORE_PATH/certificates" | xargs -I{} -n 1 chown "$LEGO_CERT_USER":"$LEGO_CERT_GROUP" "$LEGO_CERT_STORE_PATH/certificates/{}"

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@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- name: Ensure systemd daemon is reloaded
daemon_reload: true
listen: systemd_reload

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@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
- name: Ensure lego cert group is created
name: "{{ lego_cert_group }}"
state: present
system: true
- name: Ensure lego cert user is created
name: "{{ lego_cert_user }}"
state: present
system: true
create_home: false
- "{{ lego_cert_group }}"
append: true
- name: Ensure lego user is created
name: "{{ lego_user }}"
state: present
system: true
create_home: false
- "{{ lego_cert_group }}"
append: true
- name: Ensure lego is installed
- name: Check if lego is present
cmd: which lego
changed_when: false
failed_when: false
register: lego_binary_info
- name: Download lego from source
url: "{{ lego_release_archive_url }}"
url_username: "{{ lego_release_archive_url_username | default(omit) }}"
url_password: "{{ lego_release_archive_url_password | default(omit) }}"
dest: "{{ lego_release_archive_file_path }}"
when: lego_binary_info.rc != 0
- name: Create folder to uncompress into
dest: "{{ lego_release_archive_path }}"
state: directory
when: lego_binary_info.rc != 0
- name: Uncompress lego source archive
src: "{{ lego_release_archive_file_path }}"
dest: "{{ lego_release_archive_path }}"
remote_src: true
when: lego_binary_info.rc != 0
- name: Ensure lego binary is present in PATH
src: "{{ lego_release_archive_path }}/lego"
dest: "/usr/local/bin/lego"
mode: "u+rwx,g+rx,o+rx"
remote_src: true
when: lego_binary_info.rc != 0
- name: Ensure lego is allowed to bind to ports < 1024
path: "/usr/local/bin/lego"
capability: "cap_net_bind_service+ep"
state: present
when: lego_binary_allow_net_bind_service
- name: Ensure intermediate data is gone
path: "{{ item }}"
state: absent
- "{{ lego_release_archive_path }}"
- "{{ lego_release_archive_file_path }}"
when: lego_binary_info.rc != 0
- name: Ensure lego base path exists
path: "{{ lego_base_path }}"
state: directory
mode: "0755"
- name: Ensure template unit file is present
src: "{{ lego_systemd_template_unit_file }}"
dest: "{{ lego_systemd_unit_path }}/{{ lego_systemd_template_unit_name }}"
- systemd_reload
- name: Ensure env file is templated
content: |+
{% for entry in lego_systemd_environment | dict2items %}
{{ entry.key }}={{ entry.value }}
{% endfor %}
dest: "{{ lego_base_path }}/{{ lego_instance }}.conf"
- name: Ensure timer unit is templated
src: "{{ lego_systemd_timer_template }}"
dest: "{{ lego_systemd_unit_path }}/{{ lego_systemd_timer_name }}"
- systemd_reload
- name: Ensure handling script is templated
src: ""
dest: "{{ lego_base_path }}/"
mode: "0755"
- name: Ensure per-instance base path is created
path: "{{ lego_instance_path }}"
state: directory
owner: "{{ lego_cert_user }}"
group: "{{ lego_cert_group }}"
mode: "0755"
- name: Ensure per-instance sub folders are created with correct permissions
path: "{{ item.path }}"
state: directory
owner: "{{ item.owner | default(lego_cert_user) }}"
group: "{{ | default(lego_cert_group) }}"
mode: "{{ item.mode }}"
- path: "{{ lego_instance_path }}/secrets"
mode: "0750"
- path: "{{ lego_instance_path }}/accounts"
mode: "0770"
- path: "{{ lego_instance_path }}/certificates"
mode: "0775"
label: "{{ item.path }}"
- name: Ensure systemd daemon is reloaded
meta: flush_handlers
- name: Ensure systemd timer is enabled
name: "{{ lego_systemd_timer_name }}"
enabled: true
- name: Ensure systemd timer is started
name: "{{ lego_systemd_timer_name }}"
state: "started"
- name: Ensure systemd service is started once to obtain the certificate
name: "{{ lego_systemd_service_name }}"
state: "started"

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
Description=Run lego@{{ lego_instance}}.service
OnCalendar={{ lego_systemd_timer_calendar }}
Unit=lego@{{ lego_instance }}.service

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@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
Description=Run lego (letsencrypt client in go)
EnvironmentFile={{ lego_base_path }}/%i.conf
User={{ lego_systemd_user }}
Group={{ lego_systemd_group }}
ExecStart={{ lego_base_path }}/

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@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
lego_domain_command_args: >-
{% for domain in lego_cert_domains %}
--domains={{ domain }}
{%- endfor %}
lego_config_command_args: >-
{% for key in lego_full_command_config %}
--{{ key | replace("_", "-") }}
{%- if lego_full_command_config[key] != None and lego_full_command_config[key] != '' -%}
={{ lego_full_command_config[key] }}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
lego_command_args: "{{ lego_domain_command_args }} {{ lego_config_command_args }}"

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
# `finallycoffee.base.mariadb` ansible role
This role deploys a MariaDB instance in a docker container.
## Usage
The role expects the following variables to be populated with values and/or secrets:
mariadb_root_password: #mariadb root password
mariadb_database: # name of the database to create
mariadb_username: # name of a user to auto-create and assign permission on the mariadb_database
mariadb_password: # password of the user in mariadb_username
## Requirements
- Docker installed
- python-docker present on target system for ansible to be able to talk with the docker API.

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@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
mariadb_version: "10.11.6"
mariadb_base_path: /var/lib/mariadb
mariadb_data_path: "{{ mariadb_base_path }}/{{ mariadb_version }}"
mariadb_root_password: ~
mariadb_database: ~
mariadb_username: ~
mariadb_password: ~
MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD: "{{ mariadb_root_password }}"
mariadb_container_extra_environment: {}
mariadb_container_name: mariadb
mariadb_container_image_tag: ~
mariadb_container_image: "{{ mariadb_container_image_name }}:{{ mariadb_container_image_tag | default(mariadb_version, true) }}"
- "{{ mariadb_data_path }}:{{ mariadb_container_data_path }}:z"
mariadb_container_extra_volumes: []
version: "{{ mariadb_version }}"
mariadb_container_extra_labels: {}
mariadb_container_restart_policy: "unless-stopped"
mariadb_container_environment: >-2
{{ mariadb_container_base_environment
| combine(mariadb_container_database_environment
if (mariadb_database and mariadb_username and mariadb_password)
else {}, recursive=True)
| combine(mariadb_container_extra_environment) }}

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
- name: Ensure mariaDB container image is present on host
name: "{{ mariadb_container_image }}"
state: present
source: pull
- name: Ensure mariaDB {{ mariadb_version }} is running as '{{ mariadb_container_name }}'
name: "{{ mariadb_container_name }}"
image: "{{ mariadb_container_image }}"
env: "{{ mariadb_container_environment }}"
ports: "{{ mariadb_container_ports }}"
labels: "{{ mariadb_container_labels }}"
volumes: "{{ mariadb_container_volumes }}"
networks: "{{ mariadb_container_networks | default(omit, true) }}"
etc_hosts: "{{ mariadb_container_etc_hosts | default(omit, true) }}"
purge_networks: "{{ mariadb_container_purge_networks | default(omit, true) }}"
restart_policy: "{{ mariadb_container_restart_policy }}"
state: started

View File

@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
MARIADB_DATABASE: "{{ mariadb_database }}"
MARIADB_USER: "{{ mariadb_username }}"
MARIADB_PASSWORD: "{{ mariadb_password }}"
mariadb_container_data_path: /var/lib/mysql
mariadb_container_volumes: "{{ mariadb_container_base_volumes + mariadb_container_extra_volumes }}"
mariadb_container_labels: "{{ mariadb_container_base_labels | combine(mariadb_container_extra_labels, recursive=True) }}"

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@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
# `finallycoffee.base.minio` ansible role
## Overview
This role deploys a []( server (s3-compatible object storage server)
using the official docker container image.
## Configuration
The role requires setting the password for the `root` user (name can be changed by
setting `minio_root_username`) in `minio_root_password`. That user has full control
over the minio-server instance.
### Useful config hints
Most configuration is done by setting environment variables in
`minio_container_extra_env`, for example:
# disable the "console" web browser UI
# enable public prometheus metrics on `/minio/v2/metrics/cluster`
When serving minio (or any s3-compatible server) on a "subfolder",

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@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
minio_user: ~
minio_data_path: /opt/minio
minio_create_user: false
minio_manage_host_filesystem: false
minio_root_username: root
minio_root_password: ~
minio_container_name: minio
minio_container_image_tag: latest
minio_container_image: "{{ minio_container_image_name }}:{{ minio_container_image_tag }}"
minio_container_networks: []
minio_container_ports: []
- "{{ minio_data_path }}:{{ minio_container_data_path }}:z"
minio_container_extra_volumes: []
MINIO_ROOT_USER: "{{ minio_root_username }}"
MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD: "{{ minio_root_password }}"
minio_container_extra_env: {}
minio_container_labels: {}
- "server"
- "{{ minio_container_data_path }}"
- "--console-address"
- ":{{ minio_container_listen_port_console }}"
minio_container_restart_policy: "unless-stopped"
minio_container_image_force_source: "{{ (minio_container_image_tag == 'latest')|bool }}"
minio_container_listen_port_api: 9000
minio_container_listen_port_console: 8900
minio_container_data_path: /storage

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- name: Ensure minio run user is present
name: "{{ minio_user }}"
state: present
system: yes
when: minio_create_user
- name: Ensure filesystem mounts ({{ minio_data_path }}) for container volumes are present
path: "{{ minio_data_path }}"
state: directory
user: "{{ minio_user|default(omit, True) }}"
group: "{{ minio_user|default(omit, True) }}"
when: minio_manage_host_filesystem
- name: Ensure container image for minio is present
name: "{{ minio_container_image }}"
state: present
source: pull
force_source: "{{ minio_container_image_force_source }}"
- name: Ensure container {{ minio_container_name }} is running
name: "{{ minio_container_name }}"
image: "{{ minio_container_image }}"
volumes: "{{ minio_container_volumes }}"
env: "{{ minio_container_env }}"
labels: "{{ minio_container_labels }}"
networks: "{{ minio_container_networks }}"
ports: "{{ minio_container_ports }}"
user: "{{ minio_user|default(omit, True) }}"
command: "{{ minio_container_command }}"
restart_policy: "{{ minio_container_restart_policy }}"
state: started

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
minio_container_volumes: "{{ minio_container_base_volumes + minio_container_extra_volumes }}"
minio_container_env: "{{ minio_container_base_env | combine(minio_container_extra_env) }}"

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@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
# `` ansible role
## Description
Runs `nginx`, a HTTP reverse proxy, in a docker container.
## Usage
For the role to do anything, `nginx_config` needs to be populated with the configuration for nginx.
An example would be:
nginx_config: |+
server {
listen 80 default_server;
server_name my.server.fqdn;
location / { return 200; }
The container is named `nginx` by default, this can be overridden in `nginx_container_name`.
When running this role multiple times, `nginx_base_path` should also be changed for each run,
otherwise the configuration files collide in the filesystem.
For exposing this server to the host and/or internet, the `nginx_container_ports` (port forwarding host
from host to container), `nginx_container_networks` (docker networking) or `nginx_container_labels`
(for label-based routing discovery like traefik) can be used. The options correspond to the arguments
of the `community.docker.docker_container` module.

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
nginx_version: "1.25.3"
nginx_flavour: alpine
nginx_base_path: /opt/nginx
nginx_config_file: "{{ nginx_base_path }}/nginx.conf"
nginx_container_name: nginx
nginx_container_image_reference: >-
+ ':' + (nginx_container_image_tag
| default(nginx_version
+ (('-' + nginx_flavour) if nginx_flavour is defined else ''), true))
nginx_container_image_repository: >-
| default(nginx_container_image_registry)
+ '/'
+ nginx_container_image_namespace | default('')
+ nginx_container_image_name
nginx_container_image_registry: ""
nginx_container_image_name: "nginx"
nginx_container_image_tag: ~
nginx_container_restart_policy: "unless-stopped"
- "{{ nginx_config_file }}:/etc/nginx/conf.d/nginx.conf:ro"

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- name: Ensure nginx container '{{ nginx_container_name }}' is restarted
name: "{{ nginx_container_name }}"
state: started
restart: true
listen: restart-nginx

View File

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
- name: Ensure base path '{{ nginx_base_path }}' exists
path: "{{ nginx_base_path }}"
state: directory
mode: 0755
- name: Ensure nginx config file is templated
dest: "{{ nginx_config_file }}"
content: "{{ nginx_config }}"
mode: 0640
- restart-nginx
- name: Ensure docker container image is present
name: "{{ nginx_container_image_reference }}"
state: present
source: pull
force_source: "{{ nginx_container_image_tag is defined and nginx_container_image_tag | string != '' }}"
- name: Ensure docker container '{{ nginx_container_name }}' is running
name: "{{ nginx_container_name }}"
image: "{{ nginx_container_image_reference }}"
env: "{{ nginx_container_env | default(omit, true) }}"
user: "{{ nginx_container_user | default(omit, true) }}"
ports: "{{ nginx_container_ports | default(omit, true) }}"
labels: "{{ nginx_container_labels | default(omit, true) }}"
volumes: "{{ nginx_container_volumes | default(omit, true) }}"
etc_hosts: "{{ nginx_container_etc_hosts | default(omit, true) }}"
networks: "{{ nginx_container_networks | default(omit, true) }}"
purge_networks: "{{ nginx_container_purge_networks | default(omit, true) }}"
restart_policy: "{{ nginx_container_restart_policy }}"
state: started

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
nscd_config_file: /etc/nscd.conf
nscd_config_password_enable_cache: true
nscd_config_password_positive_ttl_seconds: 300
nscd_config_password_negative_ttl_seconds: 10
nscd_config_password_suggested_size: 221
nscd_config_password_check_files: true
nscd_config_password_persistent: true
nscd_config_password_shared: true
nscd_config_password_max_db_size_bytes: 33554432
nscd_config_password_auto_propagate: yes
nscd_config_group_enable_cache: true
nscd_config_group_positive_ttl_seconds: 900
nscd_config_group_negative_ttl_seconds: 30
nscd_config_group_suggested_size: 221
nscd_config_group_check_files: true
nscd_config_group_persistent: true
nscd_config_group_shared: true
nscd_config_group_max_db_size_bytes: 33554432
nscd_config_group_auto_propagate: yes
nscd_config_hosts_enable_cache: true
nscd_config_hosts_positive_ttl_seconds: 1800
nscd_config_hosts_negative_ttl_seconds: 60
nscd_config_hosts_suggested_size: 221
nscd_config_hosts_check_files: true
nscd_config_hosts_persistent: true
nscd_config_hosts_shared: true
nscd_config_hosts_max_db_size_bytes: 33554432
nscd_config_services_enable_cache: true
nscd_config_services_positive_ttl_seconds: 28800
nscd_config_services_negative_ttl_seconds: 20
nscd_config_services_suggested_size: 221
nscd_config_services_check_files: true
nscd_config_services_persistent: true
nscd_config_services_shared: true
nscd_config_services_max_db_size_bytes: 33554432

roles/nscd/tasks/main.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
- name: Make sure nscd is installed
name: "{{ nscd_apt_package_name }}"
state: present
when: ansible_facts['pkg_mgr'] == 'apt'
- name: Ensure nscd is configured
src: nscd.conf.j2
dest: "{{ nscd_config_file }}"
owner: root
group: root
mode: "0640"
- name: Ensure systemd service is enabled
service: "{{ nscd_systemd_service_name }}"
enabled: true
when: ansible_facts['service_mgr'] == 'systemd'
- name: Ensure systemd service is started
service: "{{ nscd_systemd_service_name }}"
state: started
when: ansible_facts['service_mgr'] == 'systemd'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#logfile /var/log/nscd.log
#threads 4
#max-threads 32
enable-cache passwd {{ nscd_config_passwd_auto_propagate | ternary('yes', 'no') }}
positive-time-to-live passwd {{ nscd_config_passwd_positive_ttl_seconds }}
negative-time-to-live passwd {{ nscd_config_passwd_negative_ttl_seconds }}
suggested-size passwd {{ nscd_config_passwd_suggested_size }}
check-files passwd {{ nscd_config_passwd_check_files | ternary('yes', 'no') }}
persistent passwd {{ nscd_config_passwd_persistent | ternary('yes', 'no') }}
shared passwd {{ nscd_config_passwd_shared | ternary('yes', 'no') }}
max-db-size passwd {{ nscd_config_passwd_max_db_size_bytes }}
auto-propagate passwd {{ nscd_config_passwd_auto_propagate | ternary('yes', 'no') }}
enable-cache group {{ nscd_config_group_auto_propagate | ternary('yes', 'no') }}
positive-time-to-live group {{ nscd_config_group_positive_ttl_seconds }}
negative-time-to-live group {{ nscd_config_group_negative_ttl_seconds }}
suggested-size group {{ nscd_config_group_suggested_size }}
check-files group {{ nscd_config_group_check_files | ternary('yes', 'no') }}
persistent group {{ nscd_config_group_persistent | ternary('yes', 'no') }}
shared group {{ nscd_config_group_shared | ternary('yes', 'no') }}
max-db-size group {{ nscd_config_group_max_db_size_bytes }}
auto-propagate group {{ nscd_config_group_auto_propagate | ternary('yes', 'no') }}
enable-cache hosts {{ nscd_config_hosts_auto_propagate | ternary('yes', 'no') }}
positive-time-to-live hosts {{ nscd_config_hosts_positive_ttl_seconds }}
negative-time-to-live hosts {{ nscd_config_hosts_negative_ttl_seconds }}
suggested-size hosts {{ nscd_config_hosts_suggested_size }}
check-files hosts {{ nscd_config_hosts_check_files | ternary('yes', 'no') }}
persistent hosts {{ nscd_config_hosts_persistent | ternary('yes', 'no') }}
shared hosts {{ nscd_config_hosts_shared | ternary('yes', 'no') }}
max-db-size hosts {{ nscd_config_hosts_max_db_size_bytes }}
enable-cache services {{ nscd_config_services_auto_propagate | ternary('yes', 'no') }}
positive-time-to-live services {{ nscd_config_services_positive_ttl_seconds }}
negative-time-to-live services {{ nscd_config_services_negative_ttl_seconds }}
suggested-size services {{ nscd_config_services_suggested_size }}
check-files services {{ nscd_config_services_check_files | ternary('yes', 'no') }}
persistent services {{ nscd_config_services_persistent | ternary('yes', 'no') }}
shared services {{ nscd_config_services_shared | ternary('yes', 'no') }}
max-db-size services {{ nscd_config_services_max_db_size_bytes }}

roles/nscd/vars/main.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
nscd_apt_package_name: nscd
nscd_systemd_service_name: nscd.service

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
nslcd_config_uid: nslcd
nslcd_config_gid: nslcd
nslcd_config_ldap_uri: ldaps://
nslcd_config_ldap_base: ~
nslcd_config_ldap_scope: sub
nslcd_config_ldap_version: 3
nslcd_config_ldap_bind_dn: ~
nslcd_config_ldap_bind_pw: ~
nslcd_config_ldap_root_pw_mod_dn: ~
nslcd_config_ldap_ssl: on
nslcd_config_ldap_tls_reqcert: always
nslcd_config_ldap_tls_cacertfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
nslcd_config_pam_authz_search: >-2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
- name: Ensure nslcd is installed
name: "{{ nslcd_apt_package_name }}"
state: present
when: ansible_facts['pkg_mgr'] == 'apt'
- name: Ensure config is templated
src: nslcd.conf.j2
dest: /etc/nslcd.conf
owner: root
group: root
mode: "0640"
- name: Ensure systemd service is enabled
service: "{{ nslcd_systemd_service_name }}"
enabled: true
when: ansible_facts['service_mgr'] == 'systemd'
- name: Ensure systemd service is running
service: "{{ nslcd_systemd_service_name }}"
state: started
when: ansible_facts['service_mgr'] == 'systemd'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
uid {{ nslcd_config_uid }}
gid {{ nslcd_config_gid }}
uri {{ nslcd_config_ldap_uri }}
base {{ nslcd_config_ldap_base }}
binddn {{ nslcd_config_ldap_bind_dn }}
bindpw {{ nslcd_config_ldap_bind_pw }}
ldap_version {{ nslcd_config_ldap_version }}
rootpwmoddn {{ nslcd_config_ldap_root_pw_mod_dn }}
ssl {{ nslcd_config_ldap_ssl }}
tls_reqcert {{ nslcd_config_ldap_tls_reqcert }}
tls_cacertfile {{ nslcd_config_ldap_tls_cacertfile }}
scope {{ nslcd_config_ldap_scope }}
pam_authz_search {{ nslcd_config_ldap_pam_authz_search }}

View File

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
powerdns_tsig_key_container_name: powerdns

View File

@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
- name: Ensure unix group '{{ powerdns_tsig_key_path_group }}' exists
name: "{{ powerdns_tsig_key_path_group }}"
state: "present"
system: true
register: powerdns_tsig_key_path_group_info
when: powerdns_tsig_key_path_group is defined
- name: Ensure unix user '{{ powerdns_tsig_key_path_owner }}' exists
name: "{{ powerdns_tsig_key_path_owner }}"
state: "present"
system: true
create_home: false
groups: "{{ powerdns_tsig_key_path_group is defined | ternary([powerdns_tsig_key_path_group], omit) }}"
append: "{{ powerdns_tsig_key_path_group is defined | ternary(true, omit) }}"
register: powerdns_tsig_key_path_owner_info
when: powerdns_tsig_key_path_owner is defined
- name: Check if TSIG key is already present
path: "{{ powerdns_tsig_key_path }}"
register: powerdns_tsig_key_info
- name: Ensure TSIG key directory is present
path: "{{ powerdns_tsig_key_path | dirname }}"
state: directory
owner: "{{ powerdns_tsig_key_path_owner | default(omit) }}"
group: "{{ powerdns_tsig_key_path_group | default(omit) }}"
mode: "u+rwX,g+rX"
recurse: true
- name: Ensure a TSIG key is configured and persisted
when: >-
not powerdns_tsig_key_info.stat.exists
or powerdns_tsig_key_info.stat.size == 0
- name: Ensure TSIG key is not already present
container: "{{ powerdns_tsig_key_container_name }}"
command: "pdnsutil list-tsig-keys"
delegate_to: "{{ powerdns_tsig_key_hostname }}"
register: powerdns_tsig_key_powerdns_info
changed_when: false
check_mode: false
become: true
- name: Ensure TSIG key is generated in powerdns
container: "{{ powerdns_tsig_key_container_name }}"
command: "pdnsutil generate-tsig-key '{{ powerdns_tsig_key_name }}' '{{ powerdns_tsig_key_algo }}'"
when: >-
(powerdns_tsig_key_name ~ '. ' ~ powerdns_tsig_key_algo ~ '. ')
not in powerdns_tsig_key_powerdns_info.stdout
delegate_to: "{{ powerdns_tsig_key_hostname }}"
register: powerdns_tsig_key_powerdns_generated_tsig_key
throttle: 1
become: true
- name: Ensure PowerDNS is restarted
name: "{{ powerdns_tsig_key_container_name }}"
state: started
restart: true
when: >-
(powerdns_tsig_key_name ~ '. ' ~ powerdns_tsig_key_algo ~ '. ')
not in powerdns_tsig_key_powerdns_info.stdout
delegate_to: "{{ powerdns_tsig_key_hostname }}"
throttle: 1
become: true
- name: Extract TSIG key into variable
powerdns_tsig_key_key: >-
(powerdns_tsig_key_powerdns_generated_tsig_key.stdout | trim | split(' ') | list | last)
if (powerdns_tsig_key_name ~ '. ' ~ powerdns_tsig_key_algo ~ '. ')
not in powerdns_tsig_key_powerdns_info.stdout
else (powerdns_generated_tsig_key | trim | split(' ') | list | last)
powerdns_generated_tsig_key: >-
{% for line in powerdns_tsig_key_powerdns_info.stdout_lines %}
{% if powerdns_tsig_key_name in line %}
{{ line }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
- name: Ensure TSIG key is persisted into {{ powerdns_tsig_key_path }}
content: "{{ powerdns_tsig_key_key }}"
dest: "{{ powerdns_tsig_key_path }}"
owner: "{{ powerdns_tsig_key_path_owner | default(omit) }}"
group: "{{ powerdns_tsig_key_path_group | default(omit) }}"
mode: "0640"
- name: Ensure TSIG key permissions on {{ powerdns_tsig_key_path }} are correct
path: "{{ powerdns_tsig_key_path }}"
owner: "{{ powerdns_tsig_key_path_owner | default(omit) }}"
group: "{{ powerdns_tsig_key_path_group | default(omit) }}"
mode: "u+rwX,g+rwX"

View File

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
# `finallycoffee.base.restic`
Ansible role for backup up data using `restic`, utilizing `systemd` timers for scheduling.
## Overview
As restic encrypts the data before storing it, the `restic_repo_password` needs
to be populated with a strong key, and saved accordingly as only this key can
be used to decrypt the data for a restore!
### Backends
#### S3 Backend
To use a `s3`-compatible backend like AWS buckets or minio, both `restic_s3_key_id`
and `restic_s3_access_key` need to be populated, and the `restic_repo_url` has the
format `s3:https://my.s3.endpoint:port/bucket-name`.
#### SFTP Backend
Using the `sftp` backend requires the configured `restic_user` to be able to
authenticate to the configured SFTP-Server using password-less methods like
publickey-authentication. The `restic_repo_url` then follows the format
`sftp:{user}@{server}:/my-restic-repository` (or without leading `/` for relative
paths to the `{user}`s home directory.
### Backing up data
A job name like `$service-postgres` or similar needs to be set in `restic_job_name`,
which is used for naming the `systemd` units, their syslog identifiers etc.
If backing up filesystem locations, the paths need to be specified in
`restic_backup_paths` as lists of strings representing absolute filesystem
If backing up f.ex. database or other data which is generating backups using
a command like `pg_dump`, use `restic_backup_stdin_command` (which needs to output
to `stdout`) in conjunction with `restic_backup_stdin_command_filename` to name
the resulting output (required).
### Policy
The backup policy can be adjusted by overriding the `restic_policy_keep_*`
variables, with the defaults being:
restic_policy_keep_all_within: 1d
restic_policy_keep_hourly: 6
restic_policy_keep_daily: 2
restic_policy_keep_weekly: 7
restic_policy_keep_monthly: 4
restic_policy_backup_frequency: hourly
**Note:** `restic_policy_backup_frequency` must conform to `systemd`s
`OnCalendar` syntax, which can be checked using `systemd-analyze calender $x`.
## Role behaviour
Per default, when the systemd unit for a job changes, the job is not immediately
started. This can be overridden using `restic_start_job_on_unit_change: true`,
which will immediately start the backup job if it's configuration changed.
The systemd unit runs with `restic_user`, which is root by default, guaranteeing
that filesystem paths are always readable. The `restic_user` can be overridden,
but care needs to be taken to ensure the user has permission to read all the
provided filesystem paths / the backup command may be executed by the user.
If ansible should create the user, set `restic_create_user` to `true`, which
will attempt to create the `restic_user` as a system user.
### Installing
For Debian and RedHat, the role attempts to install restic using the default
package manager's ansible module (apt/dnf). For other distributions, the generic
`package` module tries to install `restic_package_name` (default: `restic`),
which can be overridden if needed.

View File

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
restic_repo_url: ~
restic_repo_password: ~
restic_s3_key_id: ~
restic_s3_access_key: ~
restic_backup_paths: []
restic_backup_stdin_command: ~
restic_backup_stdin_command_filename: ~
restic_policy_keep_all_within: 1d
restic_policy_keep_hourly: 12
restic_policy_keep_daily: 7
restic_policy_keep_weekly: 6
restic_policy_keep_monthly: 6
restic_policy_keep_yearly: 5
restic_policy_backup_frequency: hourly
RESTIC_JOBNAME: "{{ restic_job_name | default('unknown') }}"
RESTIC_FORGET_KEEP_WITHIN: "{{ restic_policy_keep_all_within }}"
RESTIC_FORGET_KEEP_HOURLY: "{{ restic_policy_keep_hourly }}"
RESTIC_FORGET_KEEP_DAILY: "{{ restic_policy_keep_daily }}"
RESTIC_FORGET_KEEP_WEEKLY: "{{ restic_policy_keep_weekly }}"
RESTIC_FORGET_KEEP_MONTHLY: "{{ restic_policy_keep_monthly }}"
RESTIC_FORGET_KEEP_YEARLY: "{{ restic_policy_keep_yearly }}"
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: "{{ restic_s3_key_id }}"
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: "{{ restic_s3_access_key }}"
restic_complete_environment: >-
| combine((restic_s3_environment
if (restic_s3_key_id and restic_s3_access_key) else {}) | default({}))
| combine(restic_environment | default({}))
keep_within: "{{ restic_policy_keep_all_within }}"
hourly: "{{ restic_policy_keep_hourly }}"
daily: "{{ restic_policy_keep_daily }}"
weekly: "{{ restic_policy_keep_weekly }}"
monthly: "{{ restic_policy_keep_monthly }}"
yearly: "{{ restic_policy_keep_yearly }}"
frequency: "{{ restic_policy_backup_frequency }}"
restic_user: root
restic_create_user: false
restic_start_job_on_unit_change: false
restic_job_name: ~
restic_job_description: "Restic backup job for {{ restic_job_name }}"
restic_systemd_unit_naming_scheme: "restic.{{ restic_job_name }}"
restic_systemd_working_directory: /tmp
restic_systemd_syslog_identifier: "restic-{{ restic_job_name }}"
restic_package_name: restic

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
- name: Ensure system daemon is reloaded
listen: reload-systemd
daemon_reload: true
- name: Ensure systemd service for '{{ restic_job_name }}' is started immediately
listen: trigger-restic
name: "{{ restic_systemd_unit_naming_scheme }}.service"
state: started
when: restic_start_job_on_unit_change

View File

@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
- name: Ensure {{ restic_user }} system user exists
name: "{{ restic_user }}"
state: present
system: true
when: restic_create_user
- name: Ensure either backup_paths or backup_stdin_command is populated
when: restic_backup_paths|length > 0 and restic_backup_stdin_command and false
msg: "Setting both `restic_backup_paths` and `restic_backup_stdin_command` is not supported"
- name: Ensure a filename for stdin_command backup is given
when: restic_backup_stdin_command and not restic_backup_stdin_command_filename
msg: "`restic_backup_stdin_command` was set but no filename for the resulting output was supplied in `restic_backup_stdin_command_filename`"
- name: Ensure backup frequency adheres to systemd's OnCalender syntax
cmd: "systemd-analyze calendar {{ restic_policy.frequency }}"
register: systemd_calender_parse_res
failed_when: systemd_calender_parse_res.rc != 0
changed_when: false
- name: Ensure restic is installed
- name: Ensure restic is installed via apt
package: restic
state: latest
when: ansible_os_family == 'Debian'
- name: Ensure restic is installed via dnf
name: restic
state: latest
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
- name: Ensure restic is installed using the auto-detected package-manager
name: "{{ restic_package_name }}"
state: present
when: ansible_os_family not in ['RedHat', 'Debian']
- name: Ensure systemd service file for '{{ restic_job_name }}' is templated
dest: "/etc/systemd/system/{{ restic_systemd_unit_naming_scheme }}.service"
src: restic.service.j2
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0640
- reload-systemd
- trigger-restic
- name: Ensure systemd service file for '{{ restic_job_name }}' is templated
dest: "/etc/systemd/system/{{ restic_systemd_unit_naming_scheme }}.timer"
src: restic.timer.j2
owner: root
group: root
mode: 0640
- reload-systemd
- name: Flush handlers to ensure systemd knows about '{{ restic_job_name }}'
meta: flush_handlers
- name: Ensure systemd timer for '{{ restic_job_name }}' is activated
name: "{{ restic_systemd_unit_naming_scheme }}.timer"
enabled: true
- name: Ensure systemd timer for '{{ restic_job_name }}' is started
name: "{{ restic_systemd_unit_naming_scheme }}.timer"
state: started

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
Description={{ restic_job_description }}
User={{ restic_user }}
WorkingDirectory={{ restic_systemd_working_directory }}
SyslogIdentifier={{ restic_systemd_syslog_identifier }}
Environment=RESTIC_REPOSITORY={{ restic_repo_url }}
Environment=RESTIC_PASSWORD={{ restic_repo_password }}
{% for kv in restic_complete_environment | dict2items %}
Environment={{ kv.key }}={{ kv.value }}
{% endfor %}
{% if restic_init | default(true) %}
ExecStartPre=-/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/restic snapshots || /usr/bin/restic init'
{% endif %}
{% if restic_unlock_before_backup | default(false) %}
ExecStartPre=-/bin/sh -c 'sleep 3 && /usr/bin/restic unlock'
{% endif %}
{% if restic_backup_pre_hook | default(false) %}
ExecStartPre=-{{ restic_backup_pre_hook }}
{% endif %}
{% if restic_backup_stdin_command %}
ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '{{ restic_backup_stdin_command }} | /usr/bin/restic backup \
--retry-lock {{ restic_retry_lock | default('5m') }} \
--verbose --stdin \
--stdin-filename {{ restic_backup_stdin_command_filename }}'
{% else %}
ExecStart=/opt/ {{ restic_backup_paths | join(' ') }}
{% endif %}
{% if restic_forget_prune | default(true) %}
ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/restic forget --prune \
--retry-lock {{ restic_retry_lock | default('5m') }} \
--keep-within={{ restic_policy.keep_within }} \
--keep-hourly={{ restic_policy.hourly }} \
--keep-daily={{ restic_policy.daily }} \
--keep-weekly={{ restic_policy.weekly }} \
--keep-monthly={{ restic_policy.monthly }} \
--keep-yearly={{ restic_policy.yearly }}
{% endif %}
{% if restic_list_snapshots | default(true) %}
ExecStartPost=-/usr/bin/restic snapshots --retry-lock {{ restic_retry_lock | default('5m') }}
{% endif %}
{% if restic_backup_post_hook | default(false) %}
ExecStartPost=-{{ restic_backup_post_hook }}
{% endif %}
{% if restic_check | default(true) %}
ExecStartPost=/usr/bin/restic check --retry-lock {{ restic_retry_lock | default('5m') }}
{% endif %}

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
Description=Run {{ restic_timer_description | default(restic_job_name) }}
OnCalendar={{ restic_policy.frequency }}
Unit={{ restic_systemd_unit_naming_scheme }}.service